Meg Bignell, Michael Joseph, $32.99
It starts so meekly. A Hobart suburb. Frey, busy mum, three children. She doesn’t quite know what they’re hiding from her. That’s teens for you. Then the tension builds. She tails her husband. He’s making love to a hottie. Clandestinely, Frey snaps them. Is that a clue? A car collides with her. She dusts herself down. Another clue? The main clue, however, to what lies in Frey’s past, is on page 63.
Then she joins the Angry Women’s Choir. What they do at rehearsals is kept under wraps and much of the plot revolves around whether they should share their secret with the public.
Frey gets to know the nine members one by one. They have reasons to be angry – nine different reasons. There’s a