Greater Clements


MAGGIE: Female, 65, white.

JOE: Maggie’s son, 27, white.

BILLY: Male, 65, Japanese-American.

KEL: Billy’s granddaughter, 14, Japanese-American.

OLIVIA: Female, mid-40s.

WAYNE: Male, mid-50s.

MONA: Female, mid-30s.


All scenes take place inside and immediately outside a small mine tour office and mining museum in a very small town in northern Idaho, with living space upstairs. The building itself has seen better days; it was constructed around the turn of the 20th century, indicative of tiny Western towns with single-street downtowns that once had wood plank sidewalks and hitching posts outside. The museum itself seems to be half packed up—there are boxes around the space, many of the exhibits have been taken down, etc.

On the first level, there are store windows with posted hours and an open/close sign with a front door that leads to a small reception area with posted tour prices, touristy knickknacks for sale, etc. Somewhat out of place is a small shelf on which rests a pocket watch on a stand en-cased in a small bell jar. Past the reception area, the majority of the ground floor is a museum dedicated to a single mine called the Dodson Mine. There are several old maps, historic photos, examples of drill bits and axes and hammers from the turn of the 20th century, etc. On the far wall, there is a door marked “private” that leads to an office.

On the second level, stairs lead to a hall-way that heads to an unseen bathroom and second bedroom. On one side of the hallway there is a modest bedroom, on the other side there is a living room with an old, worn pull-out couch and a recliner. There is an unseen kitchen area off of the living room.


Dialogue written in italics is emphatic, deliberate; dialogue in ALL CAPS is impulsive, explosive. Dialogue in [brackets] is implied, not spoken.

A “/” indicates an overlap in dialogue. Whenever a “/” appears, the following line of dialogue should begin.

Ellipses (…) indicate when a character is trailing off, dashes (—) indicate where a character is being cut off, either by another character or themselves.



Complete darkness. Then, a single light comes on. We see that it’s emanating from a miner’s helmet on top of Joe’s head.

A silence as Joe looks over the audience. Finally:

JOE: Here we’re at a depth of about twenty-five-hundred feet, or about half a mile. The elevator here goes down another 4,000 feet, off of which are about 34 different shafts. And you can feel that it’s getting warmer—it gets hotter and hotter as you go down. Once you hit 6,000 feet, the temperature is in excess of a hundred and fifteen degrees. Mine was operational until 12 years ago, shut down the summer of 2005. When it closed, base pay was nine dollars and 15 cents an hour. The minerals that were mined here at Dodson Mine were silver, lead, zinc, copper, little bit of gold, some molybdenum…Oh—I have a joke. (Short pause) Guy falls down into the mine. His boss hears him hit the ground and he shouts, “Did you break anything?” The guy answers back, “Just rocks down here, sir, nothing to break.”

(Pause, smiling) That’s my joke.

(Short pause) Oh, and keep in mind, these miners had very little light to work off of. Only this.

Joe points to his helmet light.

JOE: And before that…

Joe switches off his helmet light. We’re in total darkness. After a moment, Joe strikes a lighter. We can barely make out his face.

JOE: Back in the late 1800s, this is all they had. Weirdly enough though, the big fire happened long after they started using head-lamps. 1972. Eighty-one dead. Fire started all the way down at the bottom, sixty-four-hundred level. My grandfather, Robert Bunker, burned alive that day. On the sixty-four-hundred level, where it started. All the way down. (Pause) These elevators here go down there. Over a mile into the surface of the earth. County said we’re not allowed to take people all the way down, the tunnels aren’t reliable, way too hot.

(Pause) But I guess—…I might not get the chance again.

The flame goes out.

In the darkness, we hear the sound of something shattering. Lights come up on the space revealing:


Maggie is on the ground floor, near the front register, holding a duster. She is looking down at the floor—the pocket watch and the bell jar covering it have fallen off the shelf, the bell jar has shattered. Maggie has a portable phone pressed to her ear.

MAGGIE: Shit. (Pause, on the phone) No, I’m fine, I just—…I just knocked over something, it’s fine.

Maggie picks up the watch, looking at it. The crystal is slightly broken. She listens.

MAGGIE: Well listen, Livvy, I just don’t know if I care anymore, the whole town’s been talking about it for months now, I’m just sort of sick of it, I—…Livvy, can you hear me?

(Pause) Dammit.

Maggie takes the phone away from her ear, hitting the back of it a few times. She puts the phone back to her ear.

MAGGIE: Livvy?!

She doesn’t hear anything. She does the same thing again, puts the phone back to her ear.

MAGGIE: You there?! (Pause) Okay, I can hear you now. (Short pause) Well if it’s that annoying then buy me a new phone why don’t you. (Silence, she listens) I guess it just doesn’t matter to me, with the mine shut down it was only a matter of time before I closed up shop, so it’s not a big deal to me, it’s—…Well, sure.

Silence. Maggie listens.

Then, from outside, we begin to hear a voice approaching the front door, it’s inaudible at first, becoming more and more discernible as Olivia reaches the door and opens it.

OLIVIA: …has been around since the mid-1800s, and I just think there’s something to be said for town history, or town pride, or whatever you want to call it—

Olivia comes in through the front door, on her cell phone.

OLIVIA (Without skipping a beat) :—and I think that maybe people have forgotten about that!

Olivia and Maggie hang up their phones.

MAGGIE: Well, I just don’t care that much about it all at this point.

OLIVIA: Oh c’mon, you’re just being callous now.

MAGGIE: “Callous”?! Where’d you get that word? You hear that from Cynthia, /is that where you got that?

OLIVIA: You know this means they’re not going to do any more curbside garbage pick-ups.

MAGGIE: Oh I go to the dump once a week anyway. And they never took recycling so I’ve always had / to do that myself—

OLIVIA: They won’t have people snow-blowing your sidewalk out there in the winter.

MAGGIE: I do that myself too!

OLIVIA: I don’t understand why you’re not more upset about this! You know a lot of people were pretty miffed that you didn’t have a “No on 42” sign up in your window.

MAGGIE: Someone said something? Who said something?

OLIVIA: I don’t know, people talk! The Floyds stopped going to the Lodge Café when they realized Henry was voting yes.

MAGGIE: Oh, the Lloyds are a bunch / of loud mouths.

OLIVIA: Floyds I said.

MAGGIE: They’re even worse!

OLIVIA: Others feel the same way. Henry says he probably lost a lot of business.

MAGGIE: Well I’m closing this place anyway, so it doesn’t matter if I lose business. Did you want these maps, by the way?


MAGGIE: I thought you said something about wanting these old mine maps, here.

Maggie points to some old, turn-of-the-century mining maps.

OLIVIA: I just said I liked them. You don’t want to save those? I thought they were your dad’s.

MAGGIE: Granddad’s, actually. I don’t care, they’re just old maps.

Maggie grabs a dust buster from behind the counter, approaches the area where the watch fell. Joe appears in the upstairs hallway, having just woken up. He makes his way into the living room, heading toward the kitchen area.

OLIVIA: I’m just surprised you’re okay with this.

MAGGIE: I’m not even sure what it all means! And I don’t know, if this is a way to stick it to those California people, then I’m fine with that.

Maggie turns on the dust buster. They have to shout over the noise.

Upstairs, Joe disappears into the kitchen area.

OLIVIA: But this is where our families grew up! Generations/of—!

MAGGIE: You know what? I’m done talking about this. Go over to Cynthia’s if you wanna talk to somebody about it, it’s all she ever talks about.

Maggie turns off the dust buster.

MAGGIE (Referring to the dust buster) : Well this isn’t helping at all.

She reaches down, picking up the glass left behind by the dust buster.

Olivia goes to her.

OLIVIA: What was it?

MAGGIE: Oh, the—. My dad’s old pocket watch. I knocked it over, the bell jar it was in shattered. Cracked the crystal on the watch a little bit. Maybe Joe won’t notice.

There’s a silence as Maggie picks up the glass shards off the floor.

Upstairs, Joe returns from the kitchen area, eating a banana. He sits down on the couch.

OLIVIA: Joe’s still doing—okay?

MAGGIE: Yes, Livvy, he’s—. He’s just upstairs, he’s fine.

OLIVIA: That’s good, I just—.

Maggie looks away. Joe stops eating the banana, staring forward.


OLIVIA: So—has he decided if he’s back here for good?


MAGGIE: He’s home, that’s where we are right now. I brought him home. It’s good.

OLIVIA: Well that’s for certain! That’s definitely—for certain.

Maggie looks at her. Tense pause. Olivia heads for a coffee maker.

OLIVIA: You have coffee?

MAGGIE: You can make some if you want.

OLIVIA: I can just do the instant.

MAGGIE: You can make a pot if you want, it’ll get drunk.

Olivia plugs an electric kettle into the wall.

OLIVIA: Anyway, I just think it’s sad is all I’m saying. Clements was such a great town to grow up in. My dad used to leave the keys to his pickup in the ignition, couldn’t even walk down the street without seeing a relative. I crocheted that blanket for the centennial, you remember that?

MAGGIE: Sure, ugly thing.

OLIVIA: I did it to raise money for/the mobile library!

MAGGIE: I didn’t say it wasn’t nice of you, I just said it was ugly.

OLIVIA: Now I don’t even know what to call myself. Where the heck am I supposed to say that I live?

MAGGIE: Fred Eskelin was saying we should just say we live in Silver County.

OLIVIA: Well sure, but how we do call ourselves? “Silverites”? That doesn’t sound right at all.

MAGGIE: Since when did you call yourself a “Clementine”? Dammit.

Maggie has cut her finger on a shard of glass.

MAGGIE: Livvy, look what you made me do.

OLIVIA: How was that my fault?!

MAGGIE: That smarts. Gimme a minute.

Maggie makes her way offstage to the office.

OLIVIA: I’m sorry! Wasn’t my fault, but sorry!

Maggie exits.

Olivia turns to the coffee, waiting for the water to boil. She checks it, then opens up a cupboard, looking for instant coffee.

Joe leaves the living room and descends the stairs. Olivia doesn’t notice him. Joe looks around the room, he immediately notices that the pocket watch is broken. He goes to the shelf, looking up.

Olivia finds the instant coffee, pours a little bit into a mug. She pulls out a spoon.

JOE: What/happened to the—?

Olivia lets out a little shriek, whipping around.

OLIVIA: Oh my God, Joe—

JOE: Sorry! Sorry.

OLIVIA: It’s fine, I just didn’t hear you!

JOE: Sorry, Mrs. Brown.

OLIVIA: I told you, call me Livvy. You’re an adult now.

JOE: Okay.

Awkward silence. Olivia forces a smile.

JOE: Do you know what happened to the watch?

OLIVIA: Oh, I—. I think your mom was cleaning, I think she knocked it over or something.

Joe picks up the watch, looking at it.

OLIVIA: It’s still okay, just a little broken on the face there.

Joe continues to look at the watch.

Silence. Finally, Olivia struggles to make conversation.

OLIVIA: It’s just such a shame that this place has to shut down like this!

Pause. Joe looks at her.

JOE: Yeah,/it’s—

OLIVIA: You were so good at doing those mine tours. I still remember how animated you were, I remember thinking to myself—that boy is going to be an actor someday.

JOE: Really? You thought I’d be an actor?

OLIVIA: Or maybe a game show host! Something like that. You were just so animated! And even when you were little. When I’d babysit you, you’d take me all around the museum here.

Joe looks around the museum for a moment, lost in thought. Olivia watches him.

OLIVIA: So, now that this place is shutting down…Have you given any more thought to—what you’re gonna do here?

Short pause.

JOE: I…No, not really.


OLIVIA:’Cause you know, your mom isn’t a young woman anymore.

Joe looks at her. Maggie reenters from the office with a band-aid on the tip of her finger. She sees Olivia with Joe.


OLIVIA: We’re okay!/We’re fine.

JOE: What happened to the watch?

Pause. Maggie looks at him.

MAGGIE: I was cleaning, it was an accident. There’s no use in getting upset—

JOE: I’m not upset,/Mom—

MAGGIE: Okay, I’m just saying.

Pause. Joe puts the watch back on the shelf.

MAGGIE: You want something to eat? I didn’t finish my Lean Cuisine, it’s on the counter there.

JOE: What is it?

MAGGIE: Lasagna.

JOE: You sure you don’t want it?

MAGGIE: No, it tastes like cardboard. Have it. Joe goes to the counter, starts eating the left-over lasagna.

Joe why

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American Theatre
Kelundra Smith, Director of Publishing Rob Weinert-Kendt, Editor-in-Chief Jerald Raymond Pierce, Managing Editor Gabriela Furtado Coutinho, Digital Editor Nsenga Burton, Guest Editor, Theatre Futures Amelia Merrill, Contributing Editor Tara McCarthy,
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