Where we work

We currently work with 28 partner countries, mostly in the context of the EU's enlargement and neighbourhood policies.


28 items found
  • Investing in education and training to enhance job opportunities
  • Boosting employability by engaging business partners
  • Looking towards a well-skilled future
  • Embarking on a lifelong learning journey towards a modern knowledge-based economy
  • In view of the involvement of the Belarusian regime in the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian armed...

  • Reforming skills and education policy for a brighter future
  • Reforming Vocational Education and Training for the future of work for young people
  • Developing education and training to improve youth employment
  • Supporting access to European policies and programmes
  • Refining skills for employment and social inclusion
  • Developing productive employment and mass entrepreneurship
  • Growing the skills base for a brighter future
  • Developing initiatives in vocational education and training for the future of work for young people
  • Focusing on skills needs and career guidance
  • Enhancing the capacity of national stakeholders in policy analysis
  • Fostering a lifelong learning perspective through education reform
  • Enhancing skills training to boost growth and competitiveness
  • Moving towards lifelong learning
  • Reforming skills and education policy for a brighter future
  • The European Training Foundation (ETF) cooperates with and complements the work of the European...

  • Enhancing professional training through international cooperation
  • The European Union (EU) suspended its bilateral cooperation with the Government of Syria in May 2011...

  • Enhancing professional training through international cooperation
  • Regionalisation and entrepreneurial learning for better vocational training
  • Skills matter for inclusive economic growth
  • Modernising vocational training through international cooperation
  • We stand with Ukraine

    Together with the European Union and its Member States, we express our full...

  • Supporting training and skills development through national reform and international cooperation