
Join ETF networks!

In recent years the ETF has launched various networks to foster engagement with its stakeholders at national, regional and international levels. You are invited to join – share your expertise and knowledge, benefit from policy learning, contribute to identifying new trends in human capital development…

  • Skills Lab gathers researchers and experts from various countries to work on skills demands, skills anticipation and matching, skills in the context of economic sectors and the twin transition. Through events, calls for research ideas and other knowledge exchange activities, the network contributes to the internationalisation of research. Learn more about the Skills Lab Network
  • ETF Network for Excellence (ENE) gathers more than 300 centres of vocational excellence from EU Member States, EU neighbouring countries, as well as Africa and Asia. Through ENE, vocational schools can improve their performance and advance together on the road to excellence, working on issues such as social inclusion, entrepreneurship, digitalisation, and greening. To join ENE, contact us at [email protected] 
  • Community of Innovative Educators groups about 1,400 teachers and trainers interested in innovating pedagogical approaches for both young people and adults, as well as using new technologies in teaching and learning. In 2024, the network is supporting 'new learning clubs' in STEAM, artificial intelligence and adult reskilling. Learn more about the Community of Innovative Educators!  
  • Governance Learning Action Dialogue (GLAD) focuses on the governance of lifelong learning, involving stakeholders from the public and private sectors, social partners and civil society organisations.  
  • Skills for Enterprise Development targets private sector organisations as well as intermediary bodies, focusing on skills development in the context of SME competitiveness, innovation and smart specialisation.  
  • Quality Assurance Forum brings together appointed government officials who share practices through peer learning and knowledge exchange to strengthen quality assurance in vocational education and training. 

Follow us for updates on networks to be launched in the coming years to bring together qualifications and recognition authorities; public employment services; and Torino Process coordinators.