cover wow

WOW- Unveiling the colours of economy - World of work dialogues

The  ETF - European Training Foundation’s Skills Lab Network of Experts  and the ITCILO International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization join forces to organise the three-day event “WOW - Unveiling the Colours of the Economy”. The event takes place within the wider ETF activities on skills anticipation and matching, as a key action under the Skills Lab network of experts, that brings together more than 350 researchers from around the world, focusing on employment and skills-related matters. 

At corporate level, the event will also be an opportunity to engage with policy makers, thought leaders and forward-looking experts on ways in which we can navigate the changing face of the global economy, and its implications for education and skills. It serves as an excellent forum for discussion and the exchange of innovative ideas and initiatives, which will be used together with the insights captured by the other ETF ‘navigating the future’ events on global education and in the crossroads of geopolitics and education, as input for shaping ETF’s vision for the future.

During the event, participants will:

  • explore the nuances in each colour of the economy through a multi-sectorial approach, understanding its current state, trends, challenges, and opportunities;
  • engage with prominent personalities and experts facilitating in-depth discussions on colour-specific dynamics and innovation;
  • conduct a foresight exercise, envisaging developments and identifying emerging trends within the colours and synergies across sectors;
  • consolidate learning by identifying potential collaborations and convergences that can drive sustainable and inclusive growth through innovative policy-making and programme ideation.

The colours which will be at the heart of the event are the following:

  • Blue Economy: sustainable marine and freshwater management;
  • Gold Economy: technology and digitalization;
  • Green Economy: with a focus on the Circular Economy: sustainability, renewable energy, green manufacturing, and eco-friendly practices;
  • Orange Economy: cultural and creative industries;
  • Silver Economy: targets the aging population’s needs and aspirations;
  • White Economy: health and social care sectors;
  • Yellow Economy: new development models and opportunities in the desert.

The call for expression of interest for members of the Skills Lab Network is now closed.

For further information you can visit: WOW - UNVEILING THE COLOURS OF THE ECONOMY | ITCILO


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