Emojicode Documentation 1.0 beta 2


Protocols define methods for special functionality. Protocols only describe the methods a type must offer to support this functionality. Types can conform to protocols by implementing all methods and declaring the conformation.

Defining a protocol defines a type. All types that agree to that protocol are compatible to this type.


The syntax to define a protocol is simliar to the way of defining a class:

protocol ⟶ 🐊 type-identifier [generic-parameters] 🍇 protocol-body 🍉
protocol-bodyprotocol-method | protocol-method protocol-body
protocol-method ⟶ [documentation-comment] [⚠️] mood emoji-id arguments return-type

For example:

🐊 💿 🍇

Here we declared a protocol named 💿. All classes that conform to this protocol will have to implement the method 🎶. This protocol doesn’t tell us anything about the actual type but we do know that all types that conform to 💿 are capable of playing music and therefore must provide the 🎶 method.

You can use the ❗️ to require instance methods inside the 🐊 body. At present it is not possible to require initializers or type methods.


To make a class conform to a protocol you must declare that it conforms to the protocol using the conformance syntax:

protocol-conformance ⟶ 🐊 type

Let us declare a class that conforms to 💿.

🐇 📱 🍇
  🐊 💿

  🆕 🍇🍉

  ❗️ 🎶 🍇
    😀 🔤Lalalala🔤❗️

The actual statement to achieve this is 🐊 protocolName, where protocolName must be the type name of the protocol, and can occur everywhere in the class body.

Promises also apply when implementing protocol methods. An extension can also make a class conform to a protocol.

Calling Methods on Values of Protocol Type

Methods on protocol values are called like any other methods:

🖍🆕 cd_like 💿
🆕📱❗️ ➡️ 🖍 cd_like
🎶 cd_like❗️


It might happen that you’ll need to deal with values of types that implement several protocols. For instance, you might want to provide a method which requires an argument that can be accessed with 🐽️ and can be compared as defined by the 💿 protocol. This is where multiprotocols are of service.

You can use a multiprotocol type like so:

🍱 🐽️🐚🔡🍆 💿 🍱

For instance, when declaring the arguments to a method:

❗️ 🌈 a 🍱 🐽️🐚🔡🍆 💿 🍱 🍇
  💭 ...

As expected, a can now be used both as an instance of a type conforming to 🐽️🐚🔡🍆 and as an insatnce of a type conforming to 💿.

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