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'); $et_contact_form_errors = $et_contact_form.find('div#error_messages'); } if ( $et_user_name.val() == '' ) $et_contact_form_errors.append( '

You need to fill in the Name field

' ); if ( ! et_is_email_valid( $et_user_email.val() ) ) $et_contact_form_errors.append( '

You need to fill in the Email field correctly

' ); if ( $et_user_subject.val() == '' ) $et_contact_form_errors.append( '

Please select your reason for contacting us

' ); if ( $et_user_message.val() == '' ) $et_contact_form_errors.append( '

You need to fill in the Message field

' ); if ( $et_user_sum.val() == '' ) $et_contact_form_errors.append( '

You need to fill in the Verification code field

' ); return false; } ); function et_is_email_valid( email ) { var reg_expr = /^([\w-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([\w-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,8}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$/; if ( reg_expr.test( $.trim( email ) ) ) return true; else return false; } }); })(jQuery)