Proper mounting equipment is a necessity for any event that uses multimedia gear. Stage truss can make your staging design more attractive and make of your design implementation much easier. Many options can be found in this large eBay collection.\u003C/p>How can you use stage truss for live performances?\u003C/strong>
Truss is an integral part of any serious stage design. It can be used for both form and function. Several designers use stage truss as part of the overall visual design on stage integrating media options within view of the spectator. It can also be hung from secure rigging points to give you the optimal placement for lighting and audio equipment. By using proper hardware and redundant safety cabling, you can feel assured that your equipment is secured safely.\u003C/p>What types of stage truss are available?\u003C/strong>
There are three main types of stage truss available:\u003C/p> Truss can be used to hold a wide variety of equipment. Stage lighting can be hung on the stage truss and individual dimmer packs can be attached as well. Audio speaker cabinets, video projectors, monitors, and much more can be safely secured. The only limitations are the hardware available and the weight limit of each piece of truss.\u003C/p>What is stage truss?\u003C/strong> Stage truss is a support system commonly used for staging equipment such as professional lighting, video projectors, and audio equipment. Properly used, it enhances the safety of production equipment as well as allowing you to execute complex stage designs. By using high-quality clasps and harnesses, you can attach a lot of different types of equipment. Truss is generally hung from rigging points in the ceiling, but it can also be mounted vertically or placed on a heavy floor stand as well.\u003C/p>","contentType":"SEO_TEXT_BLURB"}]}]},"isSmall":false},{"f":1}]],"t":["b32sI9g"]})