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The final day of operation was Tuesday.
The new store will be a second location for Duluth Antique Marketplace.
Recently sold properties from St. Louis County.
Bankruptcy information gathered from cases filed in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Duluth.


Latest Headlines
Mayors from Hermantown, Proctor and Rice Lake provided updates on how local projects are having a region-wide impact.
U.S. Sens. Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith hosted a roundtable with turkey industry representatives south of Willmar and heard a wide range of concerns from growers and processors.
A report found the city's aviation sector supports about 4,000 jobs, with room for greater growth.
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KindredHeart offers tarot readings, astrology and work by Duluth and Superior artists.
Bankruptcy information gathered from cases filed in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Duluth.
The vintage clothing store is anticipated to reopen within the Chester Creek Bookstore on May 1.


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Minnesota bars and restaurants shut down on March 17, 2020. Five years later, things have returned to normal.
The Davidson Opera House, at 113 Fifth Ave. S in St. Cloud, is welcoming new tenants such as the Greater St. Cloud Development Corp., along with pop-up shops and startups.
The Minnesota Attorney General's Office investigation into Mayo Clinic found that it deterred some patients from applying for and using financial assistance. Mayo's practices have since changed.


To get its license, the Thomson Town Board forbade the restaurant from referring to alcohol on its sign.
Students and residents learned about apprenticeship opportunities through hands-on activities at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center.
Bankruptcy information gathered from cases filed in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Duluth.



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