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Building & Construction Services
County Administrator
The County Administrator manages the day-to-day general operations and provides administrative services to all Douglas County departments reporting directly to the Board of County Commissioners including Human Resources, Maintenance, Records / Risk Management, MIS (IT Technology), NCW Fair, Transportation and non-elected (facilities) Land Services, and Veteran Services.
GIS (Maps)
A Geographic Information System (GIS) allows users to create, manipulate, analyze, and display digital geographic or geospatial data, and related data tables. It is used to track and evaluate locations of real world features and events, as well as, how they change over time by analyzing proximity, density, quantity, patterns, and more. The ability to rapidly query and analyze the GIS data speeds customer service and supports decision-making.
Hearing Examiner
The Douglas County Hearing Examiner is appointed by the Board of County Commissioners to conduct public hearings and render decisions on a wide range of land use permits. The hearing examiner process ensures and expands the principles of fairness and due process in public hearings.
Human Resources
The primary responsibilities in this division are to oversee the selection, orientation, and personnel maintenance of employees within Douglas County. This division is the primary source for administering federal, state, and county laws, regulations, and policies having to do with personnel. Employee training, benefits administration, union contract negotiations, and labor relations are just some of the responsibilities assigned.
Juvenile Court
Land Services
The primary responsibilities of the Land Services Division of the Department of Transportation and Land Services are construction permitting and inspection, land use permitting and advanced planning.
Management Information Systems primary duty is to provide and support the necessary tools for the users in Douglas County to do their everyday jobs so that they can serve the general public in a more efficient way. We are here to support and manage the day to day operation of the county's computer hardware, software, network infrastructure, and telecommunications to ensure services to the public do not get interrupted.
NCW Fair
Learn more about the North Central Washington Fair.
Office of Public Defense
Solid Waste
Explore information about the Douglas County Solid Waste Department.
Stormwater Utility
Gather information about the Stormwater Utility services of Douglas County.
Douglas County Transportation Department is responsible for more than 1640 miles of county roadway and adjacent right-of-way, through maintenance, preservation, design and construction.
Veterans Service
The Douglas County Veterans Assistance Program is provided to ensure that men and women of Douglas County, who have honorably served our country, are provided assistance.