WizTree Guides

How to use some of WizTree's advanced features

Advanced File Search

WizTree has many advanced file searching capabilities. You can search for files by name, size and date. To search for files, first complete a scan of a drive or folder, then select the "File View" tab. Enter your search details into the "File Search Filter". By default WizTree only shows the first 1000 matching results but you can change this by setting the "Max files to display" setting. Note that displaying "ALL" files can be slow if there are a very large number of files.


Use a * (asterisk) to match and one or more characters. Use a ? (question mark) to match any single character. For example, to search for all files that start with the letters "da", type in:

To find all files starting with the letter a with "d" as the 3rd letter, type in:

To file all files with a particular extension, e.g. all mp3 files:

Multiple Search Items (AND/OR)

Separate multiple search terms with a space. The space acts like an "AND" operator. For example to seach for files of type ".mp3" that also contain the word "dance", type in:
*.mp3 dance

If your search term has a space in it use double quotes around it, e.g.:
*.mp3 "dance hits"

Use the vertical pipe (|) symbol as an "OR" operator for multiple search items. E.g. to find all .mp3 and .wav files:

To find all .mp3 and .wav files that contain the word "dance":
*.mp3|*.wav dance

Do not put spaces between the vertical pipe character and the search terms.

Searching by File Size and Date

Use operators "=", ">", ">=", "<", "<=" to filter files based on size or modified date. NB: Don't put any spaces between operators and values!
e.g. to find files less than 100 bytes in size:
Append a 'k', 'm', 'g', or 't' to the number to search in Kb, Mb, Gb, Tb
e.g. to find files between 500MB and 1Gb:
>=500m <=1g
'kb', 'mb', 'gb', 'tb' can also be used, e.g.:
>=500mb <=1gb

To filter by "allocated" size, use "a=", "a>", etc.
e.g. To find files with allocated size between 100MB and 200MB:
a>=100m a<=200m
e.g. to find files with 0 allocated size and greater than zero file size:
a=0 >0

To filter by date, specify a date in the format: yyyy/mm/dd
e.g. Filter files modified before 2020/01/01:

Use the constant "today" to reference today's date. Optionally add or subtract a number of days from this constant.
e.g. to find files modified in the last 7 days:

e.g. to find all files larger than 1gb that were modified in the last month (last 30 days):
>=1gb >=today-30

Place the search item in quotes to force a file name search.
e.g. to find file names that contain "=0" instead of displaying files with zero size:

Searching by File Name Length and File Path Length

Use search terms "namelen" and "pathlen" along with operators "=", ">", ">=", "<", "<=" to search for files based on name or path length.

e.g. to find files with path length (includes filename) larger than 200:

e.g. to find files with path length (includes filename) between 100 and 180:
pathlen>=100 pathlen<=180

e.g. to find files with file name of 1 character:

NOT (!) Operator

Start the search expression with an exclamation mark (!) to find files that don't match the expression.
e.g. to find files that don't contain "windows":

e.g. to find all files that contain "music" but are not of type mp3:
music !*.mp3

e.g. to find files that are between 1 and 100 bytes in size, but not 50:
>=1 <=100 !=50

If using quotes, put the exclamation mark before the quotes:
!"dance music"

Searching for Files or Folders only

To display only folders in search results, type in:

To display only files in search results, type in:

Regular Expression Search (regex)

WizTree 4.13 and later supports regular expression search.

Type in a forward slash (/) followed directly by the regular expression you wish to use, e.g.:

If the regular expression contains spaces, enclose it in double quotes, like this:
/"[0-9]{4} [0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}\.csv$"

Match File Name Only

If this option is selected the search will only be applied to the file name (the path is not searched)

Match Entire Path

If this option is selected the search will be applied to the entire path. If the search term contains a "\" (backslash) then the search will be performed on the entire path regardless of the current "match" setting.

Exporting WizTree File Data to CSV File

Press Ctrl+Alt+E or right click on a file/folder and select "Export to CSV file...". The selected files and/or folders will be exported to a comma separated value file (.CSV format). The information exported will depend on which view is currently active (Tree View or File View). If no files or folders are selected then ALL files and folders will be exported.

e.g. If the main "C:\" folder is selected, then the entire contents of C:\ will be exported

If "C:\Windows" and "C:\Users" are both selected then the contents of both of these folders will be exported

Format is as follows:
File Name, Size, Allocated, Modified, Attributes, Files, Folders

For folders, the file name will always end with a "\", e.g. "C:\Windows\"
For folders, the Size and Allocated fields will be the total size of all files and folders contained within that folder.
For files, the Size and Allocated fields will be for that individual file only.
The "Allocated" value will be prefixed by a leading 0 if the file is a "hard link", indicating that it does not take up any additional space on the hard drive and should not be counted as part of the total space used.
Modified date is in format "yyyy/mm/dd HH:mm:ss"
Attributes is stored as a value and is a combination of the following values added together:
1 = Read Only (R), 2 = Hidden (H), 4 = System (S), 32 = Archive (A), 2048 = Compressed (C)
e.g. If a file is Read Only and Hidden it will have attribute value = 3 (1 + 2)
The Files and Folders values only apply to folders and show the total number of files and folders within that folder.

Copying file/folder data to Clipboard

Press Ctrl+Alt+C or right click on a file/folder and select "Copy file and size info to clipboard". File size and name information will be copied to the clipboard in a human friendly format, suitable for pasting into emails, support forum posts, or text documents. The files will be indented to match the current tree structure, and only currently visible files within the selection will be included.

For example, if you expand the "C:\Users" folder within the tree by clicking on the "+" next to it, and then right click on it and select "Copy file and size info to clipboard", you will get something like this copied to the clipboard:

            64.82 GB    C:\Users
            59.15 GB      C:\Users\Bob
             5.62 GB      C:\Users\Public
            19.99 MB      C:\Users\UpdatusUser
            15.75 MB      C:\Users\Mcx1
            11.07 MB      C:\Users\DefaultAppPool
             2.70 MB      C:\Users\Default
           174 Bytes      desktop.ini
                   0      C:\Users\Default.migrated
                   0      C:\Users\Default User
                   0      C:\Users\All Users

If this function is used on the "File View" then file and size information for the currently selected files will be copied to the clipboard, in a format similar to the following:

             6.75 GB  C:\pagefile.sys
             3.81 GB  C:\System Volume Information\{579260ea-c771-11e7-9c10-b4749f719216}
             3.21 GB  C:\Users\Bob\VirtualBox VMs\XP\Snapshots\{086cc618-9a46-438b-acf1-d90f001990b7}.vdi
             2.93 GB  C:\hiberfil.sys
             2.23 GB  C:\$RECYCLE.BIN\S-1-5-21-4195858667-1952806270-3254110446-1001\$RYF1ZAO.vdi

Command Line CSV Export

As of WizTree 3.18 it's now possible to automatically export file data to CSV file via the command line.

For 32 bit Windows:
wiztree.exe "drive/folder" /export="filename" [/filter="filespec"] [/filterexclude="filespec"] [/filterfullpath=0|1] [/admin=0|1] [/exportfolders=0|1] [/exportfiles=0|1] [/sortby=sortoption] [/exportmftrecno=0|1]

for 64 bit Windows:
wiztree64.exe "drive/folder" /export="filename" [/filter="filespec"] [/filterexclude="filespec"] [/filterfullpath=0|1] [/admin=0|1] [/exportfolders=0|1] [/exportfiles=0|1] [/sortby=sortoption] [/exportmftrecno=0|1]

(Note that 32 bit wiztree.exe will auto launch wiztree64.exe with the same parameters if it detects it's running on 64 bit Windows)

"Drive/folder" can be a drive letter like "C:" or a folder name like "C:\Windows"

Use %d and/or %t in export filename to include current date and time. %d will be replaced with date in YYYYMMDD format, %t will be replaced with time in HHMMSS format. Note that %d and %t will only work when running WizTree directly from the command prompt - if you're using them in a batch or command file (.bat/.cmd) you need to double the percent sign, like this: %%d and %%t.

Filter option can be used to export only files matching the file specification, e.g. "*.mp3". The entire path and file name is used when matching. Separate multiple file extensions with | (pipe) e.g. "*.mp3|*.wav|*.ogg"

FilerExclude is similar to filter but will exclude any files that match the file specification.

Use the /filterfullpath to control whether filtering is performed on the full path including file name (default), or file name only. This option is only available in WizTree 4.13 or later

Use the /admin flag to set desired admin mode (fast MFT file scanning is only available when running as administrator - use the /admin=1 parameter). To set WizTree up to run with Administrator rights via Windows Scheduler you will have to configure it to "run with highest privileges" and select an administrator user account to run it. Running it this way will prevent the Windows UAC popup from appearing.

By default both files and folders will be exported. Use the exportfolders / exportfiles parameters to disable file and/or folders from export. e.g. to prevent folders from being exported:

sortoption can be
0 = sort by file name (default)
1 = sort by file size (desc), file name
2 = sort by allocated size (desc), file name
3 = sort by modified date (desc) [requires WizTree 4.13 or later]

The MFT record number can be included in the export data file by using the exportmftrecno parameter. This record number can be used as a unique file ID number. Note that the MFT record number is only valid when exporting an entire NTFS formatted drive and when WizTree is launched with administrator rights.

Use Quotes when setting filters containing spaces via command line

As of WizTree version 4.11, command line parameters for /filter and /filterexclude now support literal double quotes. This is useful when filtering paths containing spaces, to prevent the filter from treating the space as an "AND" operator.

Use a single quote character to represent the double quote, like this:
WizTree64.exe /filter="'C:\Program Files\'|'C:\Program Files (x86)\'"
The example above would set the "include filter" to
"C:\Program Files\"|"C:\Program Files (x86)\"
The filter above will match files names containing "C:\Program Files\" OR "C:\Program Files (x86)\"

Two single quotes in a row will be treated as one literal single quote:
WizTree64.exe /filter="'C:\Program Files\'|'C:\Program Files (x86)\'|'C:\Bob''s Folder'\"
This would set the "include filter" to
"C:\Program Files\"|"C:\Program Files (x86)"|"C:\Bob's Folder\"

Without the quotes the filtering will not work as expected:
C:\Program Files\|C:\Program Files (x86)\
This would match any file names containing "C:\Program" AND ( "Files\" OR "C:\Program" ) AND "Files" AND "(x86)\"

Previously the way to work around this problem was to replace the spaces with wildcard question marks, like this:
WizTree64.exe /filter="C:\Program?Files\|C:\Program?Files?(x86)\"

Advanced export options:

      /exportalldates=1 - Will export Last Accessed and Created Dates for each file
      /exportallsizes=1 - Will export total size and allocated size of folder (excluding sub folders)
      /exportsplitfilename=1 - Will export the root,folder,filename,extension separately
      /exportdrivecapacity=1 - Will export the total drive capacity (on first record only)
      /exportpercentofparent=1 - Will export the "percentage of parent" value
      /exportmaxdepth=n - Will set the maximum folder depth to be exported, where n is a number. Default is 0 (no limit).

To export file types:
wiztree.exe "drive/folder" /exportfiletypes="filename" [/admin=0|1] [/filter="filespec"] [/filterexclude="filespec"] [/sortbyfiletypes=sortoptionfiletypes]


wiztree64.exe "drive/folder" /exportfiletypes="filename" [/admin=0|1] [/filter="filespec"] [/filterexclude="filespec"] [/sortbyfiletypes=sortoptionfiletypes]

/exportfiletypes can be used together with /export parameter to export 2 csv files based on the same scanned data.

sortoptionfiletypes can be
0 = sort by file name
1 = sort by file size (desc), file name (default)
2 = sort by allocated size (desc), file name


Export all files and folders in C: drive to "C:\temp\exportYYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.csv", running with admin rights (to enable MFT scan):

From command prompt:
wiztree64.exe "C:" /export="c:\temp\export%d_%t.csv" /admin=1
In batch/cmd (.bat/.cmd) file:
wiztree64.exe "C:" /export="c:\temp\export%%d_%%t.csv" /admin=1

Export all *.mp3 and *.wav files (excluding folders) in C:\Users to "c:\temp\audiofilesYYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.csv", using non administrator mode:

From command prompt:
wiztree64.exe "C:\Users" /export="c:\temp\audiofiles%d_%t.csv" /filter="*.mp3|*.wav" /admin=0 /exportfolders=0
In batch/cmd (.bat/.cmd) file:
wiztree64.exe "C:\Users" /export="c:\temp\audiofiles%%d_%%t.csv" /filter="*.mp3|*.wav" /admin=0 /exportfolders=0

Export all files and folders containing the word "test" excluding the D:\Temp folder on the D: drive to "f:\export\testfiles.csv":
wiztree64.exe "D:" /export="f:\export\testfiles.csv" /filter="test" /filterexclude="d:\temp\"

Export all file types in C: drive to "C:\temp\exportfiletypesYYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.csv", excluding "C:\temp" folder, running with admin rights (to enable MFT scan):
wiztree64.exe "C:" /exportfiletypes="c:\temp\exportfiletypes%d_%t.csv" /admin=1 /filterexclude="c:\temp\"

To call wiztree.exe from a batch file script, use start /wait wiztree.exe to wait for the export to complete before moving on to the next line. If you're using 64 bit Windows then use start /wait wiztree64.exe as wiztree.exe will launch wiztree64.exe automatically and return immediately.

e.g. for Windows 32:
start /wait wiztree.exe "D:" /export="f:\export\testfiles.csv" /filter="test"

and for Windows 64:
start /wait wiztree64.exe "D:" /export="f:\export\testfiles.csv" /filter="test"

Command Line Treemap Image Export

Set image file name (use %d and %t for current date and time in file name, %%d / %%t if used in batch/command file):
/treemapimagefile=<png image file name>

Set image width (default is 1920 if omitted):
/treemapimagewidth=<image width (numeric)>

Set image height (default is 1080 is omitted):
/treemapimageheight=<image height (numeric)>

Export image in gray scale. Defaults to 0 if omitted

Show free space on tree map. Defaults to 1 if omitted

Show allocated space on tree map. Defaults to 0 (shows file size) if omitted

e.g. To export the entire C: drive to an image file of size 1024x768 using allocated space, without free space included:

From command prompt:
WizTree64.exe C: /treemapimagefile="C:\temp\cdriveimage_%d.png" /treemapimagewidth=1024 /treemapimageheight=768 /treemapimagefreespace=0 /treemapimageshowallocated=1
In batch/cmd (.bat/.cmd) file:
WizTree64.exe C: /treemapimagefile="C:\temp\cdriveimage_%%d.png" /treemapimagewidth=1024 /treemapimageheight=768 /treemapimagefreespace=0 /treemapimageshowallocated=1

Exporting of the image file can be combined with exporting CSV data as well, e.g.:

From command prompt:
WizTree64.exe C: /export="C:\temp\cdrive_%d_%t.csv" /treemapimagefile="C:\temp\cdrive_%d_%t.png" /treemapimagewidth=1024 /treemapimageheight=768 /treemapimagefreespace=0 /treemapimageshowallocated=1
In batch/cmd (.bat/.cmd) file:
WizTree64.exe C: /export="C:\temp\cdrive_%%d_%%t.csv" /treemapimagefile="C:\temp\cdrive_%%d_%%t.png" /treemapimagewidth=1024 /treemapimageheight=768 /treemapimagefreespace=0 /treemapimageshowallocated=1

Command Line MFT Dump

As of WizTree version 3.22 it's possible to dump the MFT file via command line.

For 32 bit Windows:
wiztree.exe "drive" /dumpmftfile="filename"

For 64 bit Windows:
wiztree64.exe "drive" /dumpmftfile="filename"

(Note that 32 bit wiztree.exe will auto launch wiztree64.exe with the same parameters if it detects it's running on 64 bit Windows)

Use %d and %t in filename to have them replaced by the current system date and time (YYYYMMDD and HHMMSS format).

For example, to dump the MFT file for drive D:

From command prompt:
wiztree.exe "D:" /dumpmftfile="c:\mftdumps\ddrive%d%t.MFT"
In batch/cmd (.bat/.cmd) file:
wiztree.exe "D:" /dumpmftfile="c:\mftdumps\ddrive%%d%%t.MFT"

Command Line Installer Options

As of WizTree version 4.05 the following command line parameters are supported by the installer

Set the supporter code license on install:

Set the "always run as admin" setting:

Set the "check for updates" setting:
e.g. wiztree_x_xx_setup.exe /supportercode=1234-5678-abcd-1234 /runasadmin=false /checkforupdates=false

The WizTree installer is built using InnoSetup. A full list of command line parameters supported by InnoSetup is available here.