Flagship British firms set to profit amid Israel’s war on Gaza
by JOHN McEVOY | 20 November 2023
TAGGED: BAE Systems, BP, Israel, Palestine
James Cleverly spent £420,000 in public money on luxury jet travel
by JOHN McEVOY | 24 October 2023
The secretive legal system hampering global action on climate change
by CLAIRE PROVOST | 3 October 2023
Why the media aren’t telling the whole story of Libya’s floods
by JONATHAN COOK | 15 September 2023
Contamination fears after Ukraine loses British tank
by PHIL MILLER | 5 September 2023
TAGGED: Depleted Uranium, Ukraine
Alternatives: How to end our addiction to oil and gas
by HELENA FARSTAD | 21 July 2023
TAGGED: Alternatives, Shell
How BP’s interests drive UK support for wars, coups and dictators
by MARK CURTIS | 19 July 2023
TAGGED: Azerbaijan, BP, Brazil, Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Oman, Russia, Venezuela
BP’s financing of Colombia’s murderous military
by JOHN McEVOY | 18 July 2023
TAGGED: BP, Colombia, Declassified Files
UK arms exports are fueling global climate breakdown
by MOLLY ANTIGONE HALL | 17 July 2023
TAGGED: Bangladesh, Pakistan, Somalia