who we are
Dear Asian Youth is a youth-led, global organization that promotes intersectional activism, solidarity with other marginalized communities, and equality and equity. Through our digital platform, grassroots organizing, and community-based advocacy, we strive to showcase diversity in the Asian community as well as accurate and holistic representation.
our story
Dear Asian Youth,
Let’s rewind to the summer of 2018.
Hopping off the plane was a wide-eyed Chinese girl thrilled to call Southern California her new home. Having lived in Taiwan and China for the past eight years, I was excited to return to the U.S. — a curious country I vaguely knew as my birthplace.
I soon learned that the suburbs of California would not be as kind to me as I had hoped. My middle school and high school experience was riddled with incidents of racism and discrimination — not only from peers my age but also from trusted adult figures and teachers. My experiences in my predominantly white community told me that my immigrant Chinese American identity was not welcomed in this country.
Fast forward to April of 2020.
Cries against anti-Asian hate crimes erupted across the nation. I saw activists in my own community join hands, organizing protests and rallies to empower Asians nationwide. No longer was my goal to live in passive assimilation; I instead sought to step boldly into my own identity.
And so I turned to poetry. I began publishing words of healing, grief, and anger on a blog called “Dear Asian Youth” in the hopes that my poems might resonate with someone — anyone.
To my surprise, people began noticing Dear Asian Youth and asked to join the cause. I was ecstatic. We soon blossomed into something greater than I could have ever imagined: we expanded beyond literature, creating a global network of chapters, a podcast, countless viral digital campaigns, and two conferences, among other impactful initiates.
Today, we stand as a global organization with over 300 core team members, 200 chapters across 18 countries, and 110k social media followers — but more importantly, a safe space all Asians can call home.
This community has changed my life. It has made me feel more confident and empowered in my identity than I’ve ever been. I can only hope that Dear Asian Youth can touch you the same way it did me. I’m honored to share this space with you.
With love,
Stephanie Hu, Founder and Executive Director