Transfer Students Page

Disclaimer: Note that the content provided on this page is not final and is subject to change at any time without prior notice. All information, including policies, procedures, and guidelines, may be updated or modified as needed. The final determination and authority lie with the Rutgers New Brunswick Computer Science Department, which reserves the right to make changes at its discretion. For the most current and accurate information, please contact the department directly.


SchoolCourse #Course NameTransfer Course at Rutgers
Atlantic Cape Community College--Refer to for all evaluations
Bergen Community College--Refer to for all evaluations
Brookdale Community College--Refer to for all evaluations
Camden County College--Refer to for all evaluations
County College of Morris--Refer to for all evaluations
Drexel UniversityCS 201Security 1No Transfer within CS Dept
Drexel UniversityCS 164Introduction to ComputingNo Transfer within CS Dept
Drexel UniversityINFO 101Intro to Computing and Security TechNo Transfer within CS Dept
Drexel UniversityINFO 102Intro to Info SystemsNo Transfer within CS Dept
Drexel UniversityINFO 200Systems AnalysisNo Transfer within CS Dept
Drexel UniversityENGR 131Introductory Programming for EngineeringNo Transfer within CS Dept
Essex County College--Refer to for all evaluations
Fairleigh Dickinson UniversityCSCI 1105Computers & Computer SoftwareCS 170
Fairleigh Dickinson UniversityCSCI 1201Computer Programming INo Transfer within CS Dept
Fairleigh Dickinson UniversityCSCI 1202
CSCI 2234
Computer Programming II
Data Structures and Algorithms
CS 111 and CS 112
Fairleigh Dickinson UniversityCSCI 2215Intro to Computer ScienceNo Transfer within CS Dept
Fairleigh Dickinson UniversityCSCI 2235Survey of Computing SecurityNo Transfer within CS Dept
Fairleigh Dickinson UniversityCSCI 2247Assemby Language ProgrammingNo Transfer within CS Dept
Fairleigh Dickinson UniversityCSCI 6638Operating SystemsCS 416
Fairleigh Dickinson UniversityENG 2286Digital Systems DesignNo Transfer within CS Dept
Fairleigh Dickinson UniversityMIS 1045Information Technology for BusinessNo Transfer within CS Dept
Harrisburg UniversityCISC 103Introduction to Computers & Information SciencesNo Transfer within CS Dept
Harrisburg UniversityCISC 120Fundamentals of ComputingNo Transfer within CS Dept
Harrisburg UniversityCISC 160Data StructuresCS 112
Harrisburg UniversityCISC 211Computer Organization & ArchitectureNo Transfer within CS Dept
Harrisburg UniversityCISC 225Information System Design and Analysis No Transfer within CS Dept
Harrisburg UniversityCISC 233Essential AlgorithmsNo Transfer within CS Dept
Harrisburg UniversityCISC 298Project INo Transfer within CS Dept
Harrisburg UniversityISIT 140Information System Design and Analysis No Transfer within CS Dept
Harrisburg UniversityMath 150Applied Mathematical Reasoning
No Transfer within CS Dept
Harrisburg UniversityMath 210Discrete Mathematics CS 205
Harrisburg UniversityMath 310Discrete Mathematics IICS 205
Hudson County Community College--Refer to for all evaluations
Kean UniversityCPS 2231Computer ProgrammingNo Transfer within CS Dept
Kean UniversityCPS 2231
CPS 2232
Computer ProgrammingCS 111 and CS 112
Kean UniversityCPS 2390Computer Organization and Arch CS 211
Kean UniversityMATH 3940Numerical AnalysisNo Transfer within CS Dept
Kean UniversityTECH 1010Information Technology FoundationsNo Transfer within CS Dept
Kean UniversityTECH 2920Computer SystemsNo Transfer within CS Dept
Manipal UniversityCC 2101Digital Design and Computer ArchitectureNo Transfer within CS Dept
Manipal UniversityCC 2102Data CommuicationsNo Transfer within CS Dept
Manipal UniversityCC 2103Data Structures and AlgorithmsCS 112
Manipal UniversityCC 2104Object Oriented ProgrammingNo Transfer within CS Dept
Manipal UniversityCS 1001
CS 2103
Problem Solving Using Computers
Data Structures and Algorithms
CS 111 and CS 112
Manipal UniversityCS 245Operating SystemsCS 416
Manipal UniversityICASEmbeddedNo Transfer within CS Dept
Manipal UniversityICASNeural NetworksNo Transfer within CS Dept
Manipal UniversityICASAlgorithmsNo Transfer within CS Dept
Manipal UniversityICS 122Computer Organication and ArchitectureNo Transfer within CS Dept
Manipal UniversityICS 235Introduction To Data Analytics With PythonNo Transfer within CS Dept
Manipal UniversityICS 236 Artificial IntelligenceNo Transfer within CS Dept
Manipal UniversityICS 237Machine LearningNo Transfer within CS Dept
Manipal UniversityICS 241MicroprocessorsNo Transfer within CS Dept
Manipal UniversityICS 244Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsNo Transfer within CS Dept
Manipal UniversityMA 2101Engineering Mathematics IIINo Transfer within CS Dept
Mercer County Community College--Refer to for all evaluations
Middlesex College--Refer to for all evaluations
Montclair State UniversityCSIT 104Computational ConceptsNo Transfer within CS Dept
Montclair State UniversityCSIT 111
CSIT 112
Fundamentals of Programming
Fundamentals of Programming II
CS 111
Montclair State UniversityCSIT 230Computer SystemsNo Transfer within CS Dept
Montclair State UniversityCSIT 231Intro to Systems ProgrammingNo Transfer within CS Dept
Montclair State UniversityCSIT 270 or CSIT 170Discrete Math CS 205
Montclair State UniversityCSIT 340Computer NetworksCS 352
Montclair State UniversityCSIT 345Intro to Operating SystemsNo Transfer within CS Dept
Montclair State UniversityCSIT 355Database SystemsNo Transfer within CS Dept
Montclair State UniversityCSIT 503Computer Science Foundations IIICS 112
Montclair State UniversitySTAT 230Data Science and StatisticsNo Transfer within CS Dept
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)BNFO 135Programming for BioinformaticsNo Transfer within CS Dept
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)CS 100Roadmap to ComputingNo Transfer within CS Dept
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)CS 103Computer Science with Business ProblemsCS 110 or 170
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)CS 113Intro to Computer Science INo Transfer within CS Dept
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)CS 113 + 114Intro to Computer Science I
Intro to Computer Science II
CS 111 and CS 112
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)CS 114Intro to Computer Science IICS 112
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)CS 241Foundations of Computer Science ICS 205
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)CS 241 Foundations of Computer Science 1No Transfer within CS Dept
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)CS 280Programming Language Concepts CS 314
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)CS 301Introduction to Data ScienceCS 439
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)CS 331Database Systems and ManagmentNo Transfer within CS Dept
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)CS 332Operating SystemsCS 416
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)CS 370Introduction to Artificial IntelligenceCS 440
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)CS 438Interactive Computer DesignCS 428
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)CS 482Data MiningNo Transfer within CS Dept
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)CS 631Data Management System DesignNo Transfer within CS Dept
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)CS 634Data MiningNo Transfer within CS Dept
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)ENG 352Technical WritingNo Transfer within CS Dept
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)IT 120Intro to Network TechnologyNo Transfer within CS Dept
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)IT 201Information Design TechniquesNo Transfer within CS Dept
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)IT 201Information Design TechniquesNo Transfer within CS Dept
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)IT 202Internet ApplicationsNo Transfer within CS Dept
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)IT 240Shell Scripting for AdministratorsNo Transfer within CS Dept
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)IT 310-101E-Commerce TechnologyNo Transfer within CS Dept
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)IT 340Introduction to System AdministrationNo Transfer within CS Dept
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)IT 420Computer Systems and NetworksNo Transfer within CS Dept
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)STS 201Introduction to Science, Technology and SocietyNo Transfer within CS Dept
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)STS 359Foundation of CyberpyschologyNo Transfer within CS Dept
New York Institute of TechnologyCSCI 125Computer Programming INo Transfer within CS Dept
New York Institute of TechnologyCSCI 130Computer OrganizationNo Transfer within CS Dept
New York Institute of TechnologyCSCI 135Digital Logic DesignNo Transfer within CS Dept
New York Institute of TechnologyCSCI 155Computer Organization and Architecture No Transfer within CS Dept
New York Institute of TechnologyCSCI 185Computer Programming IINo Transfer within CS Dept
New York Institute of TechnologyCSCI 185
CSCI 260
Computer Programming II
Data Structures
CS 111 and CS 112
New York Institute of TechnologyCSCI 235Elements of Discrete StructuresCS 205
New York Institute of TechnologyCSCI 260Data Structures CS 112
New York Institute of TechnologyEENG 125Fundamentals of Digital LogicNo Transfer within CS Dept
Northeastern UniversityCS 1800Discrete StructuresCS 205
Northeastern UniversityCS 2500Fund of Comp Sci I No Transfer within CS Dept
Northeastern UniversityCS 2500Fundamentals of Computer Science INo Transfer within CS Dept
Northeastern UniversityCS 2510Fundamentals II Intro to Class-based Program DesignCS 111
Northeastern UniversityCS 2510aFoundamentals II - Intro to Class-Based Program DesignNo Transfer within CS Dept
Northeastern UniversityCS 2810Mathematics of Data ModelsNo Transfer within CS Dept
Northeastern UniversityCS 3000Algorithms and DataCS 344
Northeastern UniversityCS 3520Programming in c++ No Transfer within CS Dept
Northeastern UniversityCS 4410Compiler DesignCS 415
Northeastern UniversityCS 3500Object-Oriented DesignNo Transfer within CS Dept
Northeastern UniversityCY 2550 Foundations of Cybersecurity
No Transfer within CS Dept
Northeastern UniversityGAME 2500Foundations of Game DesignNo Transfer within CS Dept
Northeastern UniversityGAME1850EXPERIMENTAL GAME DESIGNNo Transfer within CS Dept
Ocean County College--Refer to for all evaluations
Pace UniversityCIS 101Introduction to computingEither CS110 or CS170 (credit for only one, not both)
Pace UniversityCS 122Computer Programming IINo Transfer within CS Dept
Pace UniversityCS 121Introduction to Computer ScienceNo Transfer within CS Dept
Pace UniversityCS 121
CS 122
Computer Programming I
Computer Programming II
CS 111
Passaic County Community College--Refer to for all evaluations
Penn State UniversityCMPEN 270Digital Design: Theory and PracticeNo Transfer within CS Dept
Penn State UniversityCMPEN 331Computer Organization and DesignNo Transfer within CS Dept
Penn State UniversityCMPSC 111Logic for Computer ScienceNo Transfer within CS Dept
Penn State UniversityCMPSC 131Programming and Computers INo Transfer within CS Dept
Penn State UniversityCMPSC 132
Programming and Computation II
Data Structures and Algorithms
CS 111 and CS 112
Penn State UniversityCMPSC 221Object Oriented Programming with Web-Based ApplicationsNo Transfer within CS Dept
Penn State UniversityCMPSC 360Discrete Math for CSCS 205
Penn State UniversityIST 140Intro to Application Programming No Transfer within CS Dept
Raritan Valley Community College--Refer to for all evaluations
Rider UniversityCSC 105Fundamentals of Computer ScienceNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rider UniversityCSC 105Fundamentals of Computer ScienceNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rider UniversityCSC 110Computer Science INo Transfer within CS Dept
Rider UniversityCSC 110
CSC 120
Computer Science I
Computer Science II
CS 111
Rider UniversityCSC 120Computer Science IINo Transfer within CS Dept
Rider UniversityCSC 130 Data Structures and AlgorithmsCS 112
Rider UniversityCSC 140Discrete StructuresCS 205
Rider UniversityCSC 150Cyber Ethics and Societal Impacts No Transfer within CS Dept
Rider UniversityCSC 150Cyber Ethics and Societal ImpactNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rider UniversityCSC 150Cyber Ethics and Societal ImpactsNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rider UniversityCSC 310 Theory of ComputationCS 452
Rider UniversityCSC 350Analysis of AlgorithmsNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rochester Institute of Technology4003-231
Computer Science I
Computer Science II
Computer Science III
CS 111 and CS 112
Rochester Institute of Technology4003-334Computer Science IVNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rochester Institute of Technology4003-380Computer Science TheoryCS 452
Rochester Institute of Technology4003-440Operating Systems ConceptsNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rochester Institute of Technology4003-450Programming Language ConceptsCS 314
Rochester Institute of Technology4003-485Database ConceptsCS 336
Rochester Institute of TechnologyCSEC-102Information Assurance & SecurityNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rochester Institute of TechnologyGCIS-120Computatonal Thinking & Problem SolvingNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rochester Institute of TechnologyIGME-105Game Development & Algorithmic Problem Solving INo Transfer within CS Dept
Rochester Institute of TechnologyISTE-240Web & Mobile Application Development IINo Transfer within CS Dept
Rochester Institute of TechnologyMATH-131Discrete MathematicsCS 205
Rochester Institute of TechnologyMGIS-130Information Sysytems & TechnologyNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rochester Institute of TechnologyNSSA 102Computer System ConceptsNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rowan College at Burlington County--Refer to for all evaluations
Rowan College of South Jersey--Refer to for all evaluations
Rowan UniversityCG 218Game and Interactive AuthoringNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rowan UniversityCG 219Web DesignNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rowan UniversityCS 01101Computer Science PrinciplesCS 110
Rowan UniversityCS 01110Computing EnvironmentsNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rowan UniversityCS 04113Intro to Object Oriented ProgrammingNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rowan UniversityCS 04113
CS 04114
Intro to Object-Oriented Programming
Object Oriented Programming and Data Abstraction
CS 111 (with Big O caution)
Rowan UniversityCS 113Introduction to ComputersNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rowan UniversityCS 114Fundamentals of ProgrammingNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rowan UniversityCS 156Web Development - HTML/CSSNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rowan UniversityCS 157Advanced Web DevelopmentNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rowan UniversityCS 207Management Information SystemsNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rowan UniversityCS 211Relational DatabasesCS 336
Rowan UniversityCS 22247Intro SCI Programming - JavaNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rowan UniversityCS 232Data Structures And AlgorithmCS 112
Rowan UniversityCS 236Cloud+No Transfer within CS Dept
Rowan UniversityCS 256Web ProgrammingNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rowan UniversityCS 264Database Application DevelopmentNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rowan UniversityCS 337Applied Database TechnologiesCS 336
Rowan UniversityMATH 03.150Discrete MathematicsCS 205
Rowan UniversityMATH 03.160Discrete StucturesCS 205
Rutgers Camden50:198:111Programming FundamentalsNo transfer
Rutgers Camden50:198:113Object-Oriented ProgrammingNo transfer
Rutgers Camden50:198:171Mathematical Foundations of Computer ScienceCS 205
Rutgers Camden50:198:211C and Systems ProgrammingNo transfer
Rutgers Camden50:198:213Data StructuresCS 112
Rutgers Camden50:198:331Introduction to Computer OrganizationCS 211
Rutgers Camden50:198:341Operating SystemsCS 416
Rutgers Camden50:198:371Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsCS 344
Rutgers Camden50:198:476Theory of ComputationCS 452
Rutgers Newark21:198:228Intensive Programming in Linux
No Transfer within CS Dept
Rutgers Newark21:198:280Programming Language ConceptsNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rutgers Newark21:198:288Intensive Programming in LinuxNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rutgers Newark21:198:332Operating SystemsNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rutgers Newark21:198:335Data Structures & Algorithm DesignCS 112
Rutgers Newark21:198:342Cloud ComputingNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rutgers Newark21:198:435Advanced Data Structures & Algorithm DesignNo Transfer within CS Dept
Rutgers Newark21:198:101 + 21:198:102Computers and Programming I + Computers and Programming IINo transfer (if C or lower in 21:198:101 OR C or lower in 21:198:102)
Rutgers Newark21:198:101 + 21:198:102Computers and Programming I + Computers and Programming IICS 111 (if B or better in 21:198:101 AND B or better in 21:198:102)
Rutgers Newark21:198:102 + 21:198:335Computers and Programming II + Data Structures and Algorithm DesignCS 111 and CS 112 (if A in 21:198:102 and a C or higher in 21:198:335)
Rutgers Newark21:198:251Computer OrganizationCS 211
Rutgers Newark21:640:237Discrete StructuresCS 205
Rutgers Newark21:198:335Data Structures and Algorithm DesignCS 112
Rutgers Newark21:198:356Introduction to Computer NetworkingCS 352
Salem Community College--Refer to for all evaluations
Stockton UniversityBUSA 2110Technology in BusinessNo Transfer within CS Dept
Stockton UniversityCIST 2010CS 110
Stockton UniversityCIST 2210-01Systems Analysis and DesignNo Transfer within CS Dept
Stockton UniversityCSCI 2101Programming and Problem Solving INo Transfer within CS Dept
Stockton UniversityCSCI 2101
CSCI 2102
Programming and Problem Solving I
Programming and Problem Solving II
CS 111
Stockton UniversityCSCI 2226Foundations of Computer Science CS 205
Stockton UniversityCSCI 3103Data StructuresCS 112
Stockton UniversityCSCI 3250Computer Organization No Transfer within CS Dept
Stony Brook UniversityAMS 301
AMS 310
Finite Mathematical Structures
Survey of Probability and Statistics
CS 206
Stony Brook UniversityATM 320Spatial Data Analysis Using MATLABNo Transfer within CS Dept
Stony Brook UniversityCSE 101Computer science PrinciplesCS 110
Stony Brook UniversityCSE 101
CSE 114
CSE 214
Computer Science Principles
Intro to Object-Oriented Programming
Data Structures
CS 111 and CS 112
Stony Brook UniversityCSE 114Intro to Object-Oriented ProgrammingNo Transfer within CS Dept
Stony Brook UniversityCSE 215Foundations of Computer ScienceCS 205
Stony Brook UniversityCSE 216Programming AbstractionsNo Transfer within CS Dept
Stony Brook UniversityCSE 300Technical CommunicationsNo Transfer within CS Dept
Stony Brook UniversityCSE114Introduction to Object- Oriented ProgrammingNo Transfer within CS Dept
Sussex County Community College--Refer to for all evaluations
Syracuse UniveristyCIS 252Introduction to Computer ScienceNo Transfer within CS Dept
Syracuse UniveristyCIS 341Computer Organiztion & Programming SystemsCS 211
Syracuse UniveristyCIS 351Data StructuresCS 112
Syracuse UniveristyCIS 352Programming Languages: Theory & Practice Programming LanguagesNo Transfer within CS Dept
Syracuse UniveristyCIS 375Introduction to Discrete MathematicsCS 205
Syracuse UniveristyCSE 384Sysytems & Network ProgrammingNo Transfer within CS Dept
The College of New Jersey (TCNJ)CSC 215Computer Science I for Science and EngineeringNo Transfer within CS Dept
The College of New Jersey (TCNJ)CSC 220Computer Science ICS 111
The College of New Jersey (TCNJ)CSC 230Computer Science II: Data Structures
CS 112
The College of New Jersey (TCNJ)CSC 270Discrete StructuresCS 205
The College of New Jersey (TCNJ)CSC 415Software EngineeringCS 431
The College of New Jersey (TCNJ)CSC335Analysis Of AlgorithmsNo Transfer within CS Dept
The College of New Jersey (TCNJ)ELC 272Advanced Engineering Math INo Transfer within CS Dept
Union College--Refer to for all evaluations
University of MarylandCMPE 212Principles of Digital DesignNo Transfer within CS Dept
University of MarylandCMPE 310Systems Design and ProgrammingNo Transfer within CS Dept
University of MarylandCMPE 311C Programming And Embedded SystemNo Transfer within CS Dept
University of MarylandCMSC 132Object Oriented ProgrammingCS 112
University of MarylandCMSC 201Introduction to Computer Science INo Transfer within CS Dept
University of MarylandCMSC 202 Computer Science II No Transfer within CS Dept
University of MarylandCMSC 203Discrete StructuresCS 205
University of PhoenixBSA 385Intro to Software EngineeringNo Transfer within CS Dept
University of PhoenixBSA/250Foundations of Data AnalyticsNo Transfer within CS Dept
University of PhoenixCIS 207 Information Systems FundamentalsNo Transfer within CS Dept
University of PhoenixCIS 291PC and Device FundamentalsNo Transfer within CS Dept
University of PhoenixCIS 295Intro to PC and Mobile Operating SystemsNo Transfer within CS Dept
University of PhoenixCIS 297Computer Security and Operational Support FundamentalsNo Transfer within CS Dept
University of PhoenixCYB 100Cyber DomainNo Transfer within CS Dept
University of PhoenixCYB 110Foundations of SecurityNo Transfer within CS Dept
University of PhoenixDAT 210Data Programming LanguagesNo Transfer within CS Dept
University of PhoenixDAT 305Data Structures for Problem SolvingNo Transfer within CS Dept
University of PhoenixNTC 248Foundations of NetworkingNo Transfer within CS Dept
University of PhoenixPRG 420Java Programming INo Transfer within CS Dept
University of PhoenixWEB 240Web Design FundamentalsNo Transfer within CS Dept
University of RochesterCSC 171Intro to Computer ScienceNo Transfer within CS Dept
University of RochesterCSC 172Data Structures and AlgorithmsNo Transfer within CS Dept
University of RochesterCSC 173Computation and Formal SystemsCS 452
University of RochesterCSC 210Web ProgrammingNo Transfer within CS Dept
University of RochesterCSC 214Mobile Application DevelopmentNo Transfer within CS Dept
University of RochesterCSC 242 Intro to Artificial IntelligenceCS 440
University of RochesterCSC 252Computer OrganizationNo Transfer within CS Dept
University of RochesterCSC 261Intro to DatabasesCS 336
University of RochesterCSC 262Computational Intro to StatisticsNo Transfer within CS Dept
University of RochesterCSC 282Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsCS 344
Warren County Community College--Refer to for all evaluations