Limited space or poor soil? Resourceful homeowners solve this common problem with a raised planter filled with a good, well-drained soil mix formulated for containers. Even where soil is nonexistent (as on a terrace, rooftop or patio) or shallow due to underlying rock, gardeners need not be deterred from enjoying a surprising array of interesting and colorful plants. A raised planter is usually viewed at relatively close quarters, so it is wise to select most of the plants for year-round interest rather than for just one season.

raised planter gardenpinterest
Illustration by Ippy Patterson

We have selected an assortment with variegated or evergreen foliage, interesting shape or growth habit or fall color as well as attractive flowers. All are suitable for a sunny location in Zones 6 to 9. For additional enjoyment in spring, underplant with colorful bulbs such as squills, crocus, snowdrops, early tulips and daffodils; for summer pizzazz, interplant with long-blooming annuals including feverfew, wax begonias, wishbone flower and sweet alyssum.

raised planter gardenpinterest
Illustration by Ippy Patterson

Key to Plan

1. Sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum) 1 plant; to 15 feet tall and 12 feet across; small, white lily-of-the-valley flowers in summer; brilliant red, yellow and purple fall color; pyramidal shape; prune lower branches to create standard; slow-growing.

2. Variegated abelia (Abelia x grandiflora 'Confetti') 1 plant; 3 feet tall and 3 feet across; white funnel-shaped 3⁄4-inch flowers in summer through fall; variegated pink, white and green foliage, evergreen in mild climates.

3. Shore juniper (Juniperus conferta 'Blue Pacific') 3 plants; 12inches tall and trailing habit; blue-green evergreen foliage. Allowing the plant to trail over the edge of the planter softens the look.

4. Common sage (Salvia officinalis 'Tricolor') 3 plants; 12 to 24 inches tall and as wide; spikes of pale blue flowers in early summer; aromatic evergreen foliage variegated with pink, gray and green.

5. Blue oat grass (Helictotrichon sempervirens) 3 plants; 15 to 24 inches tall and as wide; tufts of spiky blue 1⁄2-inch-wide leaves. Cut back in late winter.

6. Annual larkspur (Consolida QIS Hybrids) 7 plants spaced 8 inches apart; about 24 inches tall; elegant spires of double pink, lilac, blue or white flowers; deadhead to base of spike for second crop of bloom; flowers dry well.

7. Hardy geranium (Geranium endressii 'Wargrave Pink') 3 plants spaced 20 inches apart; 18 to 24 inches tall and as wide; pale salmon pink flowers throughout the summer over mounds of foliage.

8. Purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea 'Kim's Knee High') 3 plants spaced 15 inches apart; 18 to 24 inches tall and 20 inches across; rosy-pink daisy flowers with a raised brown disk; very long-blooming and attractive to butterflies. Seedheads attract seed-eating birds.

9. Hosta (Hosta 'Frances Williams') 2 plants; 24 inches tall and to 36 inches across; spikes of pale lavender flowers; bold blue-green leaves are crinkled and cupped, with an uneven yellowish border. Protect from slugs and deer.

Garden plans courtesy of Country Living Gardener.

Illustration by Ippy Patterson