The CFTC is committed to transparency in the rulemaking process. Records Disposition Schedules All records are searchable by number. Lobbying Disclosure Act The Lobbying Disclosure Act, Public Law 104-65 imposes disclosure and registration requirements on lobbyists who contact covered legislative and executive branch officials. External Meetings Information on all meetings the Chairman and Commission staff have with outside organizations regarding the implementation of the Dodd-Frank Act will be made public. The topics of the meetings, attendees, summaries of the meetings and any materials presented to the CFTC are posted here. FOIA The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) provides that any person has the right to request access to federal agency records or information. Information on how to file a FOIA request with the CFTC is located here. FAQs Regarding Relief Letters Frequently asked questions about publication of no-action, exemptive, or interpretative relief letters and other communications.