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    16 Blood-Boiling Pictures That Made Me Frown So Aggressively, I Now Require Botox

    Nobody talk to me for the rest of the day. This has been a warning.

    1. This pile of lumber that's being sold as a coffee table........:

    stack of 2 by 4's being sold for almost 2 thousand

    .........FOR $1,793!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. This food delivery driver who left an iced coffee on a step that the person can't reach without spilling........:

    coffee placed where the door would open

    3. This couch 😒:

    couch filled with pillows with no room to sit

    4. Whoever left their seats like me outside:

    floor of the plane seats littered with food and plastic

    5. This person who let their pergola go into their neighbor's yard and was just like, "Yeah, this is fine to do!":

    the top of the pergola reaching over into the neighbor's yard

    6. This girlfriend who posted this?!???!! Like, what are you trying to achieve, mama......?

    woman found a single rose on her car and complained that it should be a dozen

    7. This roommate who ever-so-kindly DECIDED(!!!) that their roommate needed to move out 😌💖:

    roommate 1 telling roommate 2 that they need space and will help them move out

    8. ..........?

    elevator with double buttons for levels 1 through 4

    9. This driver who had "wireless seatbelts"(.....?!) to prevent seatbelt alarms from dinging......?!?!?!?!?!!

    something inserted into the seatbelt clasp

    10. This measuring tape that accounted for many extremely varying measurements:

    measuring tape next to ruler with the measurements all off

    11. This water coming from a faucet in a $550 a night hotel room:

    brown water

    12. This wanted criminal who "taste-tested" these donuts:

    a single bit in almost all the donuts in the box

    13. This driver who's grateful they at least have three rims 😩🙏:

    4 rims bought with 1 running late for delivery

    14. This person whose family left them with this mess when they left for vacation.....?!?!?!!

    kitchen sink overflowing with dishes

    15. Whoever had the nerve to open this bag like so:

    biscuit package ripped in the middle

    And finally:

    16. This. Just this:

    only pink starburts in the package