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    Young People Are Sharing “OK, Millennial” Phrases, And Now I Officially Feel Ancient

    "OK, Boomer" will eventually be replaced with "OK, Millennial."

    Reddit user u/[deleted] asked, "It’s the year 2050 and the term 'OK, millennial' is trending. What are the reasons the young generation is using it?" and I feel personally attacked because I've said or thought at least 90% of these things.

    Here are the top-voted answers:

    1. "Some big catastrophic event happens. Millennials: 'Meh, The Simpsons predicted it 40 years ago.' Younger gen: 'OK, millennial.'"

    Screenshot from "The Simpsons"

    2. "When whatever smart phones become are implanted in our eyes, our generation will be like, 'I just like the feel of a real phone, you know?'"


    3. "We'll be saying, 'Back in my day, us kids had a childhood without Google, we’d use something called an encyclopedia.'"

    Closeup of Moira Rose with her eyes scrunched up

    4. "I just think that brain chips have ruined what it means to be a kid. No one's texted each other in years, no one even looks at what their friends are posting. They just spend all their time in the 'digi-space,' pretending to be in the same room with each other! Ridiculous."

    "When I was your age, we sat around in the same room physically and THEN ignored one another."


    5. "We won't stop quoting Vines. We'll be in a retirement home just screaming, 'WELCOME TO CHILI'S' and 'LOOK AT ALL THOSE CHICKENS.'"

    A shirtless young man taking a selfie in front of entrance doors

    6. "I feel like in the best timeline our kids are gonna say 'OK, millennial' is when we're old and can't shake being hyper-suspicious, and going off the handle about having to rise up and fight for every damn thing, even though it's not necessary anymore. Like, 'Don't trust your boss! They're always trying to screw you. Keep meticulous paper trails, and if they ask you to do something, make sure you're keeping track of any overtime, and for the love of god, DON'T EVER SIGN ANYTHING.' 'OK, millennial.'"


    "Record every conversation, check every bill for phony charges..."


    7. "Always get it in writing."

    Maya Rudolph on "SNL" looking confused

    8. "'Back in my day, humans used to actually drive cars. There were so many accidents.' It's wild and crazy to think of a 2010 Ford Focus being seen as a classic car..."


    9. "I remember the good old days when we used a keyboard and mouse or a controller. Kids these days can't live a day without using brainwave controls."

    Screenshot from "Family Guy" of Peter typing with very long fingernails

    10. "I imagine a grandpa giving young kids the old, 'You call that dancing? This is dancing!' followed by breaking his hip while trying to floss."


    11. "Today: 'Fucking boomers, with their houses they afforded with a janitor's job.' 2050: 'Fucking millennials, all inheriting their houses from their grandparents.'"

    Closeup of a woman's face half-smiling

    12. "We can't stop posting ''90s kids memes' on Instagram, which at that point is the Facebook of our generation."


    13. "All this generation wants do is marry their sex robots, and it's disgusting!"

    A young woman holding a robot's arm

    14. "'Marijuana is great. But to legalize bath salts and Anti-Freeze? Now that's just plain wrong!' 'OK, millennial.'"


    And finally...

    15. "Imagine this: post-apocalyptic earth 2050. There's a group huddling in an abandoned Walmart Housing Complex in San Fernando Valley. JayZeeth, group leader, Generation Xx5, Male, 20: 'We must smash as many cockroaches as possible, gather them, put them into this straining mechanism, and we can all have a tablespoon of protein to get through the day...'"

    "Paul, Millennial, Male, 75: 'When I was your age, I would press a button on my iPhone and get condoms, weed, whiskey, and a pizza delivered to me in 20 minutes! Those days were lit AF fam.' JayZeeth, group leader, Generation Xx5, Man, 20: 'OK, millennial.'"

    Closeup of Adam DeVine in "Workaholics"

    Now, it's your turn! What's a reason why a young person would say "OK, millennial"? Comment below!

    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.