Food Quiz·Updated on Nov 15, 2024Subscribe to Quizzes NewsletterCaret DownI've Rounded Up A Few Thanksgiving Dishes People Straight-Up Do NOT Like, And I Need You To Choose Which One Is Actually The WorstI feel sick every time time I see cranberry sauce coming out of the can. 🤮by holy_ground_swiftie_09Community ContributorApproved and edited by BuzzFeed Community TeamFacebookPinterestLinkHot Topic🔥 Want to play more games like this? Play more on Showdown Alright, most people love Thanksgiving because of the delicious food...but not all of the food is as good as people say it is. Today, you get to decide which dish is the absolute WORST. Sign up for a BuzzFeed Community account to make your own Showdown now! BuzzFeed TrendingHot TopicPlay all of our ShowdownsSee all of our Showdown Games