La increíble vida de la Reina Isabel II en fotografías
A lo largo de 96 años vio pasar 7 papas y presenció 140 guerras
A lo largo de 96 años vio pasar 7 papas y presenció 140 guerras
Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-serving British monarch, died at the age of 96 on Sept. 8, 2022, leaving behind a legacy of images from her global public life that lasted some three-quarters of a century.
"Quando saí daquela sessão e fui para a rua, o mundo de repente estava muito vivo e com possibilidades que antes pareciam invisíveis para mim."
Here are some of the most interesting and powerful photo stories from across the internet.
From the emotional farewell to Rep. John Lewis to the cautious return to sports amid the coronavirus pandemic, these are the most striking and memorable pictures from the past week.
"For me, the genesis was an instantaneous recognition that photography might be able to stop moments that were once invisible."
"Assim como a COVID-19, a crise climática pode quase parecer invisível às vezes, e é difícil de entender, a menos que você seja diretamente afetado — e, mesmo assim, há pessoas que parecem não entender a realidade dela."
"Just like COVID, the climate crisis can almost feel invisible at times and is hard to understand unless you are directly affected — and even then there are people who don’t seem to grasp the reality of it."
Here are some of the most interesting and powerful photo stories from across the internet.
Gotta catch 'em all!
A look back at NYC's wildest clubs of the 1990s, presented by Getty Images.
A look back at the pure insanity of spring break, presented by Getty Images.
Take a journey through seven decades of Mardi Gras parties, presented by Getty Images.
A look back at the epicenter of NYC nightlife, presented by Getty Images.
Since its invention, photography has provided a window into the events that have changed the course of our nation. Here are the images that have shocked, inspired, and moved us as a country.
A look back at summer at the beach during the 1970s, presented by Getty Images.
Warning: Excessive nudity. Because, well...it's Burning Man.
In August 1945, the United States detonated atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing a combined 129,000 people and bringing WWII to an end. Warning: graphic images.
"Without memory, there is no culture. Without memory, there would be no civilization, no society, no future." — Auschwitz survivor and author Elie Wiesel