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Cincinnati Premises Liability Attorneys

Premises Liability Lawyers Serving Cincinnati & All of Ohio

Property owners are required to maintain their land, buildings, structures, and surrounding areas to certain standards. Property management companies, maintenance companies, snow removal companies or others also might be responsible if they fail to safely maintain property, structures, or equipment. Negligence in maintaining property can lead to dangerous conditions and cause serious events, such as falls, fires, explosions, and drowning. Often, the property owner has a heightened duty to protect anyone invited on their property from such risks. Call our premises liability attorneys in Cincinnati today at 513-852-5600 or fill out a Free case evaluation form to get started.

If you’ve been hurt while on someone else’s property, you can hold them responsible. Call the Cincinnati premises liability and slip & fall attorneys at Burg Simpson at 513-852-5600 or complete our Free Case Evaluation Form before it’s too late.

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