Customer information

This menu item contains the most important information for registering with and using MACCs. All the files mentioned in the text can be downloaded at the bottom of the respective page.

Please note: On 31.01.2021, the MACCs predecessor system KEV was taken out of service and the complete KEV data history was transferred to MACCs. Evaluation functions for KEV data are now available in MACCs.

Information for new customers

It is necessary to have a collateral account at the Deutsche Bundesbank to be able to use MACCs. If such an account has already been set up, there are only a few steps that need to be taken to be able to submit credit claims using the MACCs application.

User management

The ExtraNet is the Deutsche Bundesbank’s e-business-platform. Each counterparty wishing to use MACCs must first register users with the relevant roles in ExtraNet.

Submission channels

All counterparties have two options for submitting credit claims: the online procedure and the file-transfer procedure. There is also a backup procedure for both types of submission.

Additional credit claims (ACC)

At the end of June 2022, the temporary acceptance of additional credit claims as monetary policy collateral at Deutsche Bundesbank was terminated.

Use of ECONS collateral in MACCs

In case of a longer-term TARGET incident, the Deutsche Bundesbank may grant interest-free loans as part of the emergency settlement (Enhanced Contingency Solution, ECONS) which have to be covered by sufficient collateral.


The MACCs documentation contains important information on the submission of debtor and rating data as well as on the submission and administration of credit claims.

Current issues and circulars

In this section you find a selection of previous customer information letters, guidance notices and other information on the MACCs procedure.


Here you find forms for participation in the MACCs procedure, available for download.