The Aitkin Gobblers hosted the McGregor Mercs Tuesday, Dec. 31.
The Aitkin Gobblers hosted the Foley Falcons Monday, Dec. 30.
Aitkin hosted Ashby in its holiday tournament Monday, Dec. 30.
4 area girls basketball teams were in action Saturday, Dec. 28.


Latest Headlines
Three area boys basketball teams were in action Saturday, Dec. 28.
Boys basketball teams were in action
5 area girls basketball teams were in action Friday, Dec. 27.
Brainerd and four area teams competed in the Bemidji Blue Ox Girls Wrestling Invite Saturday, Dec. 21.
5 area wrestling teams competed in the Jackhammer Invite Saturday, Dec. 21, at Pequot Lakes High School.
Pierz junior earns area athlete of the week.


Eight boys basketball teams were in action Friday, Dec. 20.
The Pierz girls team competed in the Monicello Invite Friday, Dec. 20.
The Brainerd Warriors competed Friday, Dec. 20, at the Pierz Duals.



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