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BPRS official position statements:

Position statement on active and Passive exposure of children and adolescents below 18 years of age to e-cigarettes (Updated September 2024)  (download)

BPRS endorsed guidance:

Psychological care and service provision for children and young people within Paediatric Respiratory Services in the United Kingdom: good practice guidance (2023) (download)

Statement from the British Paediatric Respiratory Society Supporting the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health’s Call for an Outright Ban on Disposable E-cigarettes. (31st May 2023) (Download)

BPRS official position statement on active and passive exposure of children and adolescents below 18 years of age to tobacco smoke, vaping and e-cigarettes October 2021 (download)

BPRS Guidance for management of children with tracheostomies and those on LTV Nov 2020BPRS Guidance for management of children with tracheostomies and those on LTV

Other publications

Children and vaping (press release)

Covid-19BPRS COVID-19

BPRS Covid advice_12thJan2021