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Parimad hostelid piirkonnas Magdalena

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Suurepärane: 9+ Väga hea: 8+ Hea: 7+ Meeldiv: 6+
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Ecolodge Playa Brava Teyumakke


Ecolodge Playa Brava Teyumakke pakub majutust Santa Martas. Külalised saavad einestada kohapealses restoranis. Hostelis saab mängida lauatennist. We love everything! It is a magical place, the staff is wonderful, the bungalow was absolutely amazing, the sunrise was spectacular, the waterfalls that are 20 minutes away are so nice and beautiful. This is the most amazing and beautiful place I’ve been to. I would have stayed for months or years. The mountains around make you feel all the time you are alive!

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1 090 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 73
öö kohta

Masaya Casas Viejas 4 tärniga


Terrassi ja aiavaatega Masaya Casas Viejas asub Magdalena piirkonnas Mincast 30-minutilise 4x4 või mootorrattasõidu ja Santa Martast 12 meetri kaugusel. Wow! what a location; it’s an adventure gettimg there…but absolutely worth it. Solo traveler; the Masaya team does a great job w activities, chill music, places to be solo and place to be w others, communal later dinners, and just very cheerful folks who take care of the lodge, the food, and the folks to a recognizable degree. GRACIAS, Masaya Casas Viejas. When I return to the coast ..I will be back.

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
1 654 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 16
öö kohta

Playa del Ritmo Beach Hostel & Bar - Adults Only 3 tärniga

Pozo Colorado, Santa Marta

Playa del Ritmo Beach Hostel &Bar asub Santa Marta Pozos Coloradose rannal ranna ääres. Kohapeal on tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja ööpäev läbi avatud vastuvõtt. El Rodadero rand on 2 km kaugusel. Best location around Santa Marta. Amazing place by the beach. Good variety of food for fair price. The staff are just amazing and make you feel as a family. Very helpful with the host but also with people around town. We did a charity event for feed the poor around Santa Marta organised by the hostel is was just amazing. I just recommend this place for anyone.

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
1 152 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 17
öö kohta

Hostal Vista Verde Minca


Aia, ühise puhkeruumi, terrassi ja restoraniga Hostal Vista Verde Minca asub Mincas. Baariga majutusasutus asub Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrinost 19 km kaugusel. Vista Verde was an amazing, peaceful and enjoyable place to spend five days! It's nestled in the mountains, surrounded by forest, yet feels comfortable and inviting. There are birds everywhere; you can see hummingbirds in the trees and hear toucans in the distance. The food was great, and their prices for beverages were very reasonable when considering how difficult it is to get them to the hotel.

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311 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 14
öö kohta

Mano Verde Minca


Aia, tasuta privaatse parkla, terrassi ja restoraniga Mano Verde Minca asub Mincas, 33 km kaugusel Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrinost. Very nice authentic staff, excellent food, crazy beautiful location, great for hikes

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154 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 14
öö kohta

Imagine hostel

Centro Historico, Santa Marta

Imagine hostel asub Santa Martas, vähem kui 1 km kaugusel Bahía de Santa Marta rannast. Hostelis on konditsioneeriga toad ja baar. Külalised saavad kasutada mullivanni ja rentida jalgrattaid. The staff is extremely friendly and the hostel super clean. We stayed one night and left in the morning for Tayrona. The location is perfect if you want to take a bus somewhere as it is only a five-minute-walk to the bus station. The breakfast is good! We could leave our luggage at the hostel for two days while being in the nationalpark - for free! When we came back we were allowed to shower. Great hostel, can only recommend!

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
444 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 8
öö kohta

Baboon Hostel

Centro Historico, Santa Marta

Baboon Hostel asub Santa Marta kesklinnas. Kohapeal on konditsioneeriga toad, välibassein, tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja ühine puhkeruum. Kohapeal on terrass, baar ja grillimisvõimalus. Everything is good. I loved my stay there

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279 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 9
öö kohta

Cacao Hostel Santa Marta

Santa Marta

Cacao Hostel Santa Marta asub Santa Martas. Kohapeal on välibassein, aed, terrass ja baar. Playaca rand on umbes 2,9 km, Simon Bolivari park 1,2 km ja Santa Marta jahisadam 1,7 km kaugusel. The hostel is well equipped, the beds are comfortable and the staff is friendly. They even let us keep our luggage for free while we were spending the night in Tayrona Parc.

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831 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 8
öö kohta

Finca Carpe Diem Ecolodge


Finca Carpe Diem Ecolodge asub kristallselge jõe ääres ning on ümbritsetud džungli- ja mäevaatega. Santa Marta on 18 km ja Tayrona park 14 km kaugusel. Everything is so magical there, specifically the nature. We really enjoyed being into the woods in the middle of nowhere.

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
598 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 12
öö kohta

La Guaca Hostel Santa Marta

Santa Marta

Välibasseini ja võrkkiikedega terrassiga La Guaca Hostel asub Santa Marta rannast 1 km kaugusel. WiFi-ühendus on tasuta. Tubades on ventilaator, isiklik elektripistik ja voodipesu. This hostel is so nice, it’s really cosy and all the employees are great, especially Maria at the reception ! I definitely recommend it

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
701 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 7
öö kohta

Sel kuul enim broneeritud hostelid regioonis Magdalena

KKK hostelite kohta piirkonnas Magdalena