General Lab Information

RIKEN BNL Research Center

How was matter formed after the Big Bang? Scientists at the RBRC are pursuing this ultimate question of modern physics to understand the origin of matter and the universe. Their goal is to establish a new field of physics by coordinating theoretical and experimental research.

Physics Fellowship Program

The RIKEN BNL Research Center offers a Fellow system at Brookhaven's Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) allowing joint appointments with universities and research laboratories throughout the world, enabling talented researchers to hold tenure track positions at their home institution as well as a Fellow position with the Center.

This system was established to increase the research potential of the Center and to disseminate its research activities and results. To date, nine RHIC Physics Fellows have received the U.S. Department of Energy Outstanding Junior Investigator Award and over 50 Fellows have received tenure at their home institutions since the inception of the program.

Institutions interested in initiating a new RHIC Physics Fellow position may obtain details on how to proceed by contacting Maureen McNeill-Shea, 1(631) 344-2758.

RBRC Research Groups


Y. Hatta, Group Leader

This group conducts QCD related research that includes heavy ion physics, the quark gluon plasma, color glass condensate and hard QCD/spin physics.


T. Izubuchi, Group Leader

This group's mission is to solve the dynamics of QCD from first principle lattice simulations using in-house computer resources.


Y. Akiba, Group Leader

This group studies the spin structure of the proton via polarized p+p collisions at RHIC as well as the properties of quark gluon plasma.

More about RBRC Research Groups

The RIKEN BNL Research Center is part of Brookhaven's Nuclear & Particle Physics Directorate.

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