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Site notice - DB Fernverkehr AG

This is a website of

DB Fernverkehr AG
DB Tower
Europa-Allee 78-84
60486 Frankfurt

Frankfurt am Main Registry Court B Com. Reg. No. 83 173
VAT ID No. DE 260656754

DB Fernverkehr AG is represented by the Management Board:
Dr Michael Peterson (Chairman), Stefanie Berk (Marketing and Sales), Wilken Bormann (Finance), Martin Jende (Human Resources), Anja Schöllmann (Production)

EU Commission Online Dispute Resolution website:
Overview of the conciliation boards (in German) Schlichtungsstellen

Supervisory authority:
German Federal Railway Authority
Heinemannstrasse 6
53175 Bonn

DB Fernverkehr AG is not liable for incorrect information, transmission errors, technical availability or consequential damage of any kind. No liability accepted for the accuracy of the information given.



+49 30 2970 (costs depend on provider)


[email protected]

EU Commission Online Dispute Resolution website:

The contact details for all questions, requests, suggestions, complaints, etc. relating to passenger transport can be found here: Contact.

Legal notice

DB Fernverkehr AG constantly checks and updates the information on its website. Despite every care taken, the information may have changed in the meantime. Therefore no liability or guarantee can be assumed for the currentness, accuracy or completeness of the information provided.

Without the prior written consent of DB Fernverkehr AG the content of the website may not be processed, copied, distributed or used in any other way.