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Longtail Longtimer
12 Years
Jan 31, 2007
NE Washington
Hey Washingtonians!!!!

It's great to see peeps in Washington State who love raising backyard chickens come together, but over 80,000 replies in one thread is bogging down the server when we do updates. For this reason we're starting a new Washingtonians thread.

Please continue all of your great discussions here.

I'm in the far NE side close to Spokane. I know there's a bunch of us chicken fanciers up here.
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Hello, fellow Washingtonians!

I live in Maple Falls -- approximately 45 minutes east of Bellingham.

I raise Araucana chickens (the rumpless/tufted kind).

Is anyone going to the Lynden fair this summer?
Hello, I'm in Redmond. Where I live with 2 kids, a dog, 2 cats, 17 chickens and an undeterminable number of fish ($&^$&%@# Guppies!). My birds are various breeds and all have names. I didn't get any chicks this year, but I hope to get a batch next year (I have Marek's in my flock and 2 visually impared hens, so I need to get my chicks vaccinated).

So, when do I stop being a "new member" and get to be a REAL member?

edit: well thanks to Freecycle, I now have only 10 fish. A nice couple with 7 kids came and took 20 baby guppies and one 7" chinese algae eater. They had a 25 gallon tank that he would fit in much better than my little 5 gallon tank. They recently moved and left the fish but brought the tank. The mom mentioned that, with 7 kids, the only pets that they allowed were ones that stayed put on the counter.
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Hi everyone !! New to this forum! Have been looking for neighbors that have chicken fever as bad as I do.
I'm living on the Key Peninsula, which is South of Tacoma/ and a hour south of Seattle. Love to hook up with others in my area to trade ideas and information. So glad I found this site. Smiles at ya all
Hi Everyone,

I'm not sure how to do this but I'm going to try. I'm new to posting, but I came across your site here and loved all the information everyone is sharing with each other. I have so much to learn. My family moved from the city in CA to the country in Ephrata, WA last August. We love it! I want to raise some chickens. Egg laying kind that will be named and die of old age. I told my 6 year old granddaughter that my job will be to go around the front of the chicken and make faces to get the chickens attention and her job is to sneek around the back and grab the egg! (lol) Well we are not really that green but almost. I have really enjoyed reading everyone's questions and answers today. I have already learned so much. Thank you for the info. I look forward to learning so much more.
Hello To TheBigWRanch,

We are neighbors. We are about 47 miles (just outside of Ephrata) from Wenatchee. Please excuse me if I ask dumb questions but I really want to learn and we are really new at this. Thanks again.
I am in Battle Ground, just about 20 minutes North of Portland, Oregon. I have lots of standard White Rocks, a very handsome standard RIR, a pair of mille fleur D'Uccle (probably butchered the spelling), a rescued white Silkie rooster, and a few left over feed store chickens - EE hens, Black Australorp hens, production red hens, and a just plain funky looking polish mix hen who is the worlds best broody. I also have a fabulous pair of fawn and white Indian Runners, a trio of Welsh Harlequins, a singleton Blue Swedish mix (rescued duck) and my favorites: Muscovies! ...oh, and 5 nubian goats, 4 cats, and 2 dogs. Hmm, I'm pretty sure that's all?
Hi. I live in Long Beach Wa. The very south west corner. Its about 2 hours away from portland. I have one dog and 2 cats at my house and at the Farm where I wor. Green Angel Gardens. I have 9 chickens (4 Sex-Links and 5 Leghorns) and two cats. I am kind new to this site..I use the forum aLOT to ask anyknd of questions I have about my lil-chicks...and I must say I LOVE IT!! Thank u very much.
How did I miss this thread!? Chickens and the PNW just seem to go together--don't you think? I am on the south end of Whidbey Island, just a stone's throw to Silkiechicken. Got my first chickens 2 years ago, Eenie, Meenie, Minie and Mo, all dominiques. Sadly, Meenie and Minie met their demise thanks to dogs (not mine). Adopted Henny, a buff orp, when her roo mate met up with a predator and lost. I've added 6 new chicks this spring, 2 black australops (Lily and Babs), 2 americanas (Daisy and Tulip) and 2 golden comets (Blondie and Goldie). They are now 6 weeks old and "getting to know" the other girls. I also have 2 dogs, English setters named Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes. There are so many other chickens around us, there is always a roo crowing or hens squawking. Gotta love it!!
I'm new here, posted maybe 10 time on the other board. Totally new to chickendom - I have four wee chicks in my laundry room (Cleo, Buelah, Hazel and Cannonball. The latter named by my five year old).
Oh, and the reason I'm posting on this thread is because I live in Seattle!
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