Building SQL QueriesDocumentation

Postgres Connection Options

  • connectionString (string | false, default: process.env.DATABASE_URL) - Set this to false to disable ignore the connection string even if there is one in the environment

  • user (string, default: from connection string or process.env.PGUSER)

  • password (string, default: from connection string or process.env.PGPASSWORD)

  • host (string | string[], default: from connection string or process.env.PGHOST) - if multiple hosts are specified, we will attempt to connect to each one in turn until a successful connection is made.

  • port (number | number[], default: from connection string or process.env.PGPORT) - if multiple ports are specified, there must be exactly the same number of ports as hosts, as each will be treated as a pair.

  • database (string, default: from connection string or process.env.PGDATABASE)

  • ssl (boolean | 'disable' | 'prefer' | 'require' | 'no-verify' | ConnectionOptions, default: from connection string or process.env.PGSSL*) - If this is not specified at all, this will default to 'prefer', which attempts to make a connection over SSL (without verifying certificates) and then retries without SSL if that fails.

  • schema (string | string[]) - Forces change of the default database schema(s) for every fresh connection, i.e. the library will execute SET search_path TO schema_1, schema_2, ... in the background whenever a fresh physical connection is allocated.

  • bigIntMode ('string' | 'number' | 'bigint', default: false) - This option specifies how BigInts should be returned from postgres. All types are supported when writing to BigInt fields. 'string' and 'bigint' both support any value that can be contained in a postgres BigInt field. 'number' is simpler to use, but will result in inaccurate values for very large numbers (greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER). 'bigint's cannot be passed to JSON.stringify.

  • applicationName/fallbackApplicationName (string) - useful for debugging/analytics on the database usage

  • poolSize (number, default: 10) - the maximum number of connections in the connection pool

  • maxUses (number, default: Infinity) - the maximum number of times a connection can be returned from the connection pool before being closed and replaced with a fresh connection

  • statementTimeoutMilliseconds (default: no timeout) - number of milliseconds before a statement in query will time out

  • queryTimeoutMilliseconds (default: no timeout) - number of milliseconds before a query call will timeout

  • idleInTransactionSessionTimeoutMilliseconds (number, default: no timeout) - number of milliseconds before terminating any session with an open idle transaction

  • idleTimeoutMilliseconds (number, default: 30_000ms) - max milliseconds a client can go unused before it is removed from the pool and destroyed

  • queueTimeoutMilliseconds (number, default: 60_000ms) - number of milliseconds to wait for a connection from the connection pool before throwing a timeout error

  • acquireLockTimeoutMilliseconds (number, default: 60_000ms) - Number of milliseconds to wait for a lock on a connection/transaction. This is helpful for catching cases where you have accidentally attempted to query a connection within a transaction that is on that connection, or attempted to query an outer transaction within a nested transaction

Event Handlers

For more detail on how to use event handlers, see Logging & Debugging - install @databases/pg and run your first query

  • onError(err: Error) - called for global connection errors. e.g. when Postgres terminates a connection that is not currently in use

  • onQueryStart(query: SQLQuery, formatted: {text: string, values: unknown[]}) - called before executing a query

  • onQueryResults(query: SQLQuery, formatted: {text: string, values: unknown[]}, results: unknown[]) - called after a query succeeds

  • onQueryError(query: SQLQuery, formatted: {text: string, values: unknown[]}, err: Error) - called when a query results in an Error

  • onConnectionOpened() - called after a new connection is openned in the pool

  • onConnectionClosed() - called after a connection is closed in the pool
