Series Index Reducing Image Size
Details Specific To Different Languages
Going Farther To Reduce Image Size
Introduction In the first two parts of this series, we covered the most common methods to optimize Docker image size. We saw how multi-stage builds, combined with Alpine-based images, and sometimes static builds, would generally give us the most dramatic savings. In this last part, we will see how to go even farther. We will talk about standardizing base images, stripping binaries, assets optimization, and other build systems or add-ons like DockerSlim or Bazel, as well as the NixOS distribution.
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Details Specific To Different Languages
Going Farther To Reduce Image Size
Introduction In the first part, we introduced multi-stage builds, static and dynamic linking, and briefly mentioned Alpine. In this second part, we are going to dive into some details specific to Go. Then we will talk more about Alpine, because it’s worth it; and finally we will see how things play out with other languages like Java, Node, Python, Ruby, and Rust.
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Details Specific To Different Languages
Going Farther To Reduce Image Size
Introduction When getting started with containers, it’s pretty easy to be shocked by the size of the images that we build. We’re going to review a number of techniques to reduce image size, without sacrificing developers’ and ops’ convenience. In this first part, we will talk about multi-stage builds, because that’s where anyone should start if they want to reduce the size of their images.
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