

Welding and Cutting

The welding and cutting category covers the various types of welding (arc, mig, tig) and the carious electrodes used for welding various metals. There are also questions regarding tips on various problems experienced by welders. Cutting is also a part of a welder's job and it too has many aspects.

1,773 Questions

Butt-weld and grrove weld?

Butt weld and groove weld are two common types of weld joints used in welding processes. A butt weld is a type of weld where two pieces of metal are joined toge

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Does double penetration hurt?

The risk is not so much to the woman. If the woman is willing to be penatrated by more than one man/object in all or some of her orifices she would most likely

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a fitter and turner?

Well, becoming a fitter and turner can be quite rewarding. You get to work with your hands, create tangible things, and solve practical problems. However, it ca

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How can rocks be welded together?

Oh, dude, rocks can be welded together using a process called exothermic welding, where a chemical reaction produces intense heat to melt a special welding comp

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Why is co2 added to argon when making gma spray transfer welds?

Oh, dude, like, CO2 is added to argon in GMA spray transfer welds because it helps increase the heat input and penetration of the weld. It also stabilizes the a

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