

Property Taxes

Property tax is the fee imposed upon individuals or legal entities for real properties owned within the jurisdiction of the taxing state or municipality. The taxable amount is based on the appraised and assessed value of the property.

878 Questions

Does the owner of the rent to own home have to pay taxes on the rent they received?

In Dubai, the owner of a rent-to-own property does not pay income tax on the rent they receive. The UAE does not impose income tax on individuals, making it an

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What percentage of property tax do you have to give?

The percentage of property tax you have to pay is based on the assessed value of your property and the tax rate set by your local government. The tax rate is ty

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Do you have to pay property tax if you rent in a mobile home park?

In most cases, renters in a mobile home park do not directly pay property taxes. The park owner is typically responsible for paying property taxes on the land w

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Property tax may be levied on what type of property?

Property tax is defined by the Tax Foundation as the tax that is imposed on immovable property like land and buildings, as well as on movable property, like veh

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What properties should a wick have?

A wick should be porous to absorb and draw up liquid fuel, have a steady burn rate to control the flame, and be made of non-toxic materials to ensure safe use.

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I want to know what the property taxes are in and around my area, dalton road cato N.Y.?

To find out specific property tax rates in Dalton Road, Cato, N.Y., you can contact the town assessor's office or visit their website for accurate information.

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I need to know the tax rate for the city of Anderson in Madison County in Indiana...and also, the tax rate in Union Township in Madison County in Indiana. Thank you.?

The sales tax rate in Anderson, Madison County, Indiana is 7%. The property tax rate in Union Township, Madison County, Indiana varies based on the assessed val

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What is the property tax rate for zip code 60119?

The property tax rate for zip code 60119 in Illinois can vary depending on the specific location within the zip code. It is recommended to contact the county as

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How much are property taxes in Philadelphia PA?

Property taxes in Philadelphia vary depending on the assessed value of the property. The tax rate for residential properties is 1.3998% of the assessed value. F

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Is there a different tax rate for property in 100 year flood plane?

The tax rate for property in a 100-year floodplain is typically the same as for other properties within the same taxing jurisdiction. However, properties in flo

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How might an assessor conduct an assessment?

An assessor may conduct an assessment by defining the assessment criteria, collecting relevant data or evidence, analyzing the information gathered, and providi

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What are the duties of the county assessor?

The county assessor is responsible for determining the value of properties within the county for tax purposes. They also maintain property records, process exem

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Why did some state supreme courts rule against using the property tax to pay for local schooling?

State supreme courts ruled against using property taxes for local schooling to ensure that all students have equal access to quality education, regardless of th

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Do security bars lower property value?

Security bars can potentially lower property value by giving the impression of high crime rates in the area. Additionally, they may limit visibility and detract

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Do the Amish have to pay property taxes and wage taxes?

In some cases, the Amish may be exempt from paying property taxes if their properties are considered places of worship. However, they are still required to pay

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Should slaves be counted as a property tax?

Slaves should not be counted as property for tax purposes. Slavery is a violation of human rights and treating slaves as property perpetuates their dehumanizati

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Do you pay school taxes if you don't own property?

In some areas, property taxes may be collected from renters in the form of increased rent, as landlords may pass on the cost to tenants. However, the responsibi

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Can I be charged sales tax on personal property tax passed down from a lessor in the state of South Carolina?

In South Carolina, personal property tax is typically not subject to sales tax when it is passed down from a lessor. However, it's important to consult with a t

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Does paying property taxes on a home in a district qualify you for residency?

Paying property taxes on a home in a district does not automatically qualify you for residency. Residency requirements typically involve factors such as the amo

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What are your legal rights to property owned in common with others if you have been paying the property taxes for forty years without any assistance from any others on the deed?

If you have been solely paying property taxes on a property owned jointly with others for forty years, it does not automatically confer exclusive ownership righ

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Do Swedish homeowners have to pay property taxes?

Yes, Swedish homeowners are required to pay a municipal property tax on their properties. The tax rate can vary depending on the municipality where the property

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