animate Online Shop

About Us

Animate is Japan's leading company in anime goods retail. We specialize in authentic licenced CDs, DVDs, Blu-rays, character goods and other merchandise relating to anime, manga and games, and are famous among fans of Japanese media for offering exclusive bonuses and original limited editions.

Follow our English social media for daily updates on new products and sales:

Feel free to come talk to us there at any time!

Shopping Guide

1. If you have not already, make an account with our website and log in.

2. Navigate to the product page of the item you wish to purchase.
Here, you can find information about the product such as:

価格 // PRICE (JPY)




If the item has limited payment options, you will see the following warning:

The possible payment options will be listed here. They will include a limited number of the following:

クレジット // CREDIT CARD






Yahoo!ウォレット // Yahoo! Wallet


アニメイトコイン // animate Coin

Please make sure you understand any potential limitations before proceeding to check out.

It is also important to check stock status so that you understand when your package is likely to be shipped. These are the potential kinds of stock status:

在庫:在庫有】 // IN STOCK - We have more than a certain number of units in our store stockpile. It will be ready to ship quickly.

在庫:残りわずか】 // LIMITED STOCK - There are only a few units left in our store stockpile. We recommend you purchase soon. Please note that there is a chance the product may go out of stock before you finish creating your order.

在庫:通常X~X日以内に入荷】 // GENERALLY ARRIVES IN STORE WITHIN X-X DAYS - We have units in one of our joint warehouses. We will send away for one upon receiving an order. Units are expected to arrive in the time frame specified.

お取り寄せ 】 // BACK-ORDER - We do not currently have units of this item in our store stockpile or our joint warehouses, but can request units from the manufacturers. We cannot confirm how long it will take to arrive in our store, as we do not send away until we receive an order, however, it usually takes at least 10 days. Please note that in extreme cases it can take up to two months. If the manufacturers reject our request, we must cancel the item from your order. If your order contains other items, we will send them. Please note that even in this situation the only notification we can send you will be regarding when your order is ready to ship.

在庫:予約受付中】 // AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER - We are accepting general pre-orders. As a general rule, we prepare to ship the items 1-2 days before the displayed release date.

在庫:発売日以降出荷】// WILL SHIP POST-RELEASE - We are accepting an additional round of pre-orders. As the shipment will not come from the manufacturers until after the release date, we will also not be able to ship orders until then. Please note that there is a chance that any packaged bonuses for first production run limited editions may not be included.

3. Choose how many copies of this item you would like to purchase using the dropdown menu, then click the colored button underneath.

The button changes depending on stock status:

カートに入れる 】 // ADD TO CART - This product has been released, and units are available in our store stockpile or our joint warehouses. It is available for purchase.

お取り寄せ する】// PLACE BACK-ORDER - Once we receive your order, we will send away to the manufacturers for a unit. We cannot confirm how long it will take to arrive in our store, however it usually takes at least 10 days.

予約して宅配受取】// PLACE PRE-ORDER - This item has not been released yet. You can place a pre-order now, and it will ship after the release date.

一括購入する】// ADD ALL TO CART - This button will appear when it is possible for you to add a set of items to your cart with one click. All the items listed under ""一括購入商品内容 // SET PURCHASE CONTENT"" on the product page will be added. Please be aware that if release dates and stock status differ among the items, they will be shipped separately accordingly.

If you see the following buttons, you cannot currently purchase the item:

予約開始待ち】// PRE-ORDERS OPENING SOON - Pre-orders have not yet opened, and this item is not yet available for purchase. Please wait until pre-orders open, or until the product is released to make your order.

販売終了】// DISCONTINUED - This is displayed when all units of a limited edition item etc. have been purchased. These items are usually not re-released.

品切れ中】// OUT OF STOCK - There are no units available in our store stockpile or joint warehouses, and we also currently cannot request more from the manufacturers.

販売停止】// SALES SUSPENDED - There are circumstances requiring sales of this item be suspended.

4. You will automatically be taken to the page for your shopping cart.
The top of the page displays warnings. Underneath, you can see a list of the items in your cart. To delete an item, click the button marked "削除 // DELETE" and agree if your browser prompts you.

5. To add more items, navigate away from the page and repeat steps 2-4.

6. To finish shopping, click the button marked
次に進む // NEXT."

7. On this page, under "お届け先住所の選択 // SELECT DELIVERY ADDRESS" select your preferred shipping name/address from the list, or another pick-up method.

8. Under "配送方法の選択 // SELECT DELIVERY METHOD,"choose one of the following:


o メール便を利用できる場合は利用する // IF POSSIBLE, USE MAILBOX (NO SIGNATURE REQUIRED) ※If you select this option, animate will not be responsible for compensation of loss or damage. If we find your items are not eligible for this option, we will require you to change it to courier service.

9. Under "時間指定 // SPECIFY TIME," select what time you would like the package to be delivered.

10. If you are purchasing an item that qualifies you for an event lottery automatic entry, or a web signing session, enter any necessary comments under "キャンペーン入力欄 // CAMPAIGN INPUT FIELD."" If not, you may leave this blank, and click ”次に進む // NEXT."

11. Under "お支払い方法の確認 // SELECT PAYMENT METHOD" choose your preferred method.
※If you cannot see the option you wish to use, please check the product page for any product-specific limitations as described in step 2.

Under "ポイント利用の確認 // USE STORE POINTS" select whether you would like to use any saved store points, if possible.

Under "クーポンの利用 // USE COUPON" enter any coupon codes, if possible, and click the button below the field to confirm it.

Then click the button at the side of the page marked "次へ進む // NEXT."

12. Check the details on this page.
If everything is okay, click the button at the bottom of the page marked "注文を確定 // CONFIRM ORDER."

13. Check your e-mail inbox for a confirmation e-mail from animate.



Having trouble with your order, with our website, or need to contact us about something? Click the link below to access our English help center.

Click here for help

We have native English and Chinese speakers on staff, so feel free to send us a message at any time!

Living outside Japan? Check out our store that ships worldwide: animate International! Launched in 2017 with the goal of making it safer and easier for anime fans all over the world to obtain authentic licenced products, as well as bonuses and limited editions created for the Japanese market.