Recent papers in Utilitarianism
In this article, I suggest and support a utilitarian approach to business ethics. Utilitarianism is already widely used as a business ethic approach, although it is not well developed in the literature. Utilitarianism provides a guiding... more
In this piece, I consider various problematic themes of the transhumanist literature that carry significant ethical import, to point out that traditional utilitarian approaches, the ones standardly preferred by transhumanism, reveal some... more
An insight to the views of religious beliefs versus a utilitarian notions on the impact of environmental issues
espanolDesde la Antiguedad la pena de muerte es aplicada como castigo analogo a la accion cometida contra la vida y los credos religiosos. La religion habia asimilado esta sancion como una forma de salvaguardar a los no pecadores, de... more
espanolA partir de la doctrina de Joel Feinberg, el presente articulo reflexiona sobre el harm principle, principio de la filosofia etica propio de los paises de Common Law. La base del estudio es la obra The Moral Limits of Criminal Law,... more
Para la economía clásica, la felicidad general es entendida como el disfrute de la calidad de vida que tienen todos los habitantes de una nación o territorio. Por lo tanto, el objeto de la presente investigación es entender el concepto... more
The main purpose of this paper is to survey the origins of educational policies during the colonial period. The emphasis on elite English education, and its displacement from traditional instructional models, resulted in a break with the... more
Depuis son passage de l'utilitarisme des préférences à l'utilitarisme hédoniste, Peter Singer est exposé à l'argument du remplacement, fréquemment cité en éthique animale. Le philosophe l'accepte, il va jusqu'à affirmer qu'en théorie... more
Liberalismos: rasgos comunes. Liberalismo y liberalismos. El radicalismo republicano de Thomas Paine. El utilitarismo de Jeremy Bentham. El compromiso radical de James Mill. La apertura liberal de John Stuart Mill. Las dos libertades de... more
Aquí va el prólogo a Praxis. Una introducción a la moral, la política y el Derecho, Atelier, Barcelona, 2017. Refleja y amplía la introducción que he venido dando a mis estudiantes de teoría política y filosofía del derecho en la Facultad... more
Este trabalho tem como objetivo defender a permissibilidade moral da eutanásia ativa voluntária desde a perspectiva utilitarista de John Stuart Mill. A discussão sobre este tema tem levado muitos filósofos a pensarem se é correto ou não... more
spremna študija k slovenskemu prevodu knjige J.S. Mill: O svobodi; Utilitarizem, Ljubljana: Krtina, 2003; str. 75-132) Uvod -zgodovinski kontekst nastanka, viri, navdihi in teoretski rivali Utilitarizem Johna Stuarta Milla, ta drobni in... more
ABSTRACT - Consumer behaviour can change according to time and conditions. The hedonic and utilitarian values that evoke our sense of purchase can be effective in producing these differences. Specifically, consumers display purchasing... more
South Africa is a highly distributively unequal country, and its inequality continues to be largely along racial lines. Such circumstances call for assessment from the perspective of contemporary theories of distributive justice. Three... more
Review of Peter Singer, Ethics in the Real World: 82 Brief Essays on Things That Matter (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2017).
You may wish to discuss the specific issue of clothes which completely cover the face in public.
This paper provides a critique of normative monogamy and offers non-monogamy as a viable, even encouraged, alternative when partners agree to its features.
“You should select the best child!” A critique of Procreative Beneficence’s Concept of Obligation: According to liberal eugenics, couples should be free to determine the genetic condition of their future offspring. The most famous... more
Utilitarian concerns increasingly drive machine ethics, particularly the few ethical discussions in learning analytics. Determining the most good for the most people is a responsible way forward, but perhaps not the most comprehensive,... more
Historiquement, c'est-à-dire dans les faits, l'École s'est plutôt et presque toujours montrée au service de la reproduction du corps social, structuré par tel ou tel imaginaire dominant. Mais nous pensons que l'École recèle, de droit, un... more
In this chapter, Mark Budolfson and Dean Spears analyse the marginal effect of philanthropic donations. The core of their analysis is the observation that marginal good done per dollar donated is a product (in the mathematical sense) of... more
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci-entific research documents, whether they are pub-lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad,... more
1. Through the Experience Machine (EM) thought experiment, Robert Nozick purports to show that something matters other than our subjective experiences, namely contact with objective reality. As a descriptive claim about the intuitions... more
It has been a debate for a long time, from the days of Aristotle till this very day, about where ethics come from? Is what we are doing make us good or we have virtues that are good and that is why we do good things? And how to evaluate... more
Die Arbeit befasst sich mit dem von Peter Singer vorgebrachten Argument, dass Wohl-habende eine Verpflichtung zur Hilfe gegenüber Armen besitzen. Es wird dessen utilitaristisches Prinzip dargelegt, welches diese Verpflichtung begründet.... more
This chapter executes a reading of the character of Walter White / Heisenberg ('Breaking Bad') through John Stuart Mill's 'On Liberty'. This chapter pays attention to issues related to Mill's harm principle, freedom, individuality,... more
Am I doing good? My purpose in this essay is to explore whether a person may find ethical absolutes without reference to God. My premise is that we ultimately need a transcendent source of values. Keep in mind, I am not saying that... more
The one of the focal points of philosophy stems from the desire to answer fundamental questions about our own humanity and morality in order to improve the quality of life for all. In the case of utilitarianism, this ideology centers on... more
An exposition of John Rawls' arguments in his paper "Two Concepts of Rules", and comparative analysis against John J.C. Smart's "Extreme and Restricted" Utilitarianism, and H.J. McCloskey's "Restricted Utilitarianism". Written to 3000... more
ETHICS: A PLURALISTIC APPROACH TO MORAL THEORY, FIFTH EDITION provides a comprehensive yet clear introduction to the main traditions in ethical thought, including virtue ethics, utilitarianism, and deontology. Additionally, the book... more
Alicja Dłuż ewicż (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickewicża, Pożnan ) Ro wnos c jest podstawową żasadą etycżną, Nie żas stwierdżeniem faktu (Singer 2007, 43) Etyka utylitarystyczna Petera Singera -szanse i możliwości przekształcenia praw zwierząt... more
Le présent article interroge la capacité des théoriques éthiques à justifier ou non la GPA en général, et plus spécifiquement, à se prononcer sur une possible légalisation en France dans les années à venir. Il montre que, contrairement à... more
When consumers choose to abstain from purchasing meat, they face some uncertainty about whether their decisions will have an impact on the number of animals raised and killed. Consequentialists have argued that this uncertainty should not... more
I believe it is our moral obligation to care for the plants, animals, air and water that gives us enjoyment, and sustains our life.
her approach between ethical frameworks that appeal to the preferences of individuals and those that are 'platonic'-that posit objectives independent of desires and choices. However, her reluctance to appeal to preferences is so... more
Sudah sekitar dua tahun lamanya Indonesia dilanda pandemi covid-19 sejak awal kemunculannya pada awal Maret 2020, bahkan dari data terbaru Desember ini terdapat varian virus baru yang mengancam masyarakat Indonesia. Tidak hanya... more
This study aimed to develop a valid and reliable measurement tool to enhance ethical evaluation literature. The tool consists of two subscales named 'Bases of ethical evaluation', and 'Grounds of ethical evaluation'. In order to determine... more
This objective of this paper is four-fold: firstly, to study the concept of minority shareholders in the light of the Utilitarian Theory of Bentham and the Natural Law Theory; secondly, to analyze the rights of minority shareholders under... more
What are the implications of how we talk about human extinction? A new philosophical field has emerged. “Existential risk” studies any real or hypothetical human extinction event in the future. This movement examines catastrophes... more