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The determination of chemiluminescent intensity of reporter gene expression in vivo is generally disturbed by the presence of hemoglobin. Current methods consist in using perfusion to eliminate blood from investigated tumors or organs. In... more
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      HemoglobinGene Reporter AssayTesting In Vivo
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This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      GeneticsMedicineHemoglobinMolecular sciences
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Purpose: Intermittent altitude exposure leads to improvements in aerobic performance and blood parameters of athletes. The variety of hypoxic devices and simulated altitude training models requires a detailed study of their effects to... more
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Background: Hemoglobin levels measured after hemodialysis, as compared to hemoglobin levels measured before hemodialysis, are suggested to be a more accurate reflection of the hemoglobin levels between hemodialysis sessions, and to be a... more
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A new method, combining fully-automated headspace gas chromatography with methaniser and flame ionisation detector (FID) is introduced to determine carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) in postmortem blood samples. This highly automated procedure... more
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      Forensic ScienceCarbon MonoxideHemoglobin
Noninvasive method of revaluation of blood hemoglobin concentration based on diffuse scattering spectroscopy with wavelet fil- tering of photoelectric signal has been developed. Correlation coefficient with standard invasive methods of... more
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      PhysicsMedicineWaveletBlood Glucose
We have genetically retrieved, resurrected and performed detailed structure-function analyses on authentic woolly mammoth hemoglobin to reveal for the first time both the evolutionary origins and the structural underpinnings of a key... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleophysiologyHemoglobinWoolly Mammoth
Anemia defisiensi besi adalah anemia yang timbul karena kekurangan zat besi sehingga pembentukan sel-sel darah merah dan fungsi lain dalam tubuh terganggu (Adriani & Wirjatmadi, 2012) Menurut Kiswari (2014) adalah anemia defisiensi besi... more
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      HematologyHemoglobinIron Deficiency AnemiaAnemia Defisiensi Besi
In this period, the physiological state should be in good condition to assure normal calving and delivery. To understand these critical levels of dry period of dairy cattle, hematological test was performed on eightteen dairy cattle at... more
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Bromelain is a cysteine protease enzyme present in the plants. In this study we isolated the enzyme from pineapple plant parts like leaves, green fruit, ripe fruits and immobilized it by using sodium alginate. We observed the effects of... more
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Resumen de fisiología, curva de disociación de la Hemoglobina.
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Introduction: Reliable anemia screening in an emergency setting, using a Point-of-care hemoglobinometer remains a challenge in Africa. The purpose of this study was to assess the degree of agreement between hemoglobin results obtained on... more
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Pemeriksaan HB sahli dan hitung jumlah eritrosit serta leukosit
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      Human PhysiologyMedical SciencesBiomedical SciencesHemoglobin
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    • Hemoglobin
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    • Hemoglobin
Protease function is essential to many biological systems and processes. In parasites, proteases are essential for host tissue degradation, immune evasion, and nutrition acquisition. Helminths (worms) depend on several classes of... more
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      PathogenesisIntestinal ParasitesAnaerobic DigestionParasitic Helminths
skripsi hubungan pengetahuan dan pemeriksaan ibu hamil dengan kadar hemoglobin
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Anemia remains a major risk factor for unfavorable outcome of pregnancy both for the mother and the fetus. It is the world's second leading cause of disability and one of the most serious global public health problems among children and... more
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Background. Iron suplement programs, as an approach to overcoming anemia, indicate positive impact although many studies have also noted varying levels of success or even a failure. The known and commonly acknowledged side effect of iron... more
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      Postpartum HaemorrhageHemoglobinDate fruitFerrous Sulphate
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a major gene disorder among the tribal population of central India. Fetal Haemoglobin (HbF) is the best-known genetic modulator of sickle cell anaemia, which varies dramatically in... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringAbnormal hemoglobin and malariaBiomedical signal and image processingHemoglobinopathies
Anemia is one of the common medical conditions in pregnancy. The World Health Organization (WHO) describes anemia in pregnancy as hemoglobin levels less than 11.0 g/dl. According to the 2008 report of WHO, 1.62 billion (24.8%)... more
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      Abnormal hemoglobin and malariaHuman Pregnancy, Birth And BreastfeedingHemoglobinopathiesTeenage Pregnancy
Pakistan has a high prevalence of β-thalassemia (β-thal) but lacks a screening program for its prevention. This questionnaire-based cross-sectional study was conducted in six randomly chosen non medical universities to assess the... more
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The antianemic potential of Swertia chirata extracts on phenylhydrazine induced anemia in rats was investigated. The ethanolic extract of Swertia chirata leaves is evaluated on anaemia model of rat induced by intraperitoneal injection of... more
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      PharmacologyBiochemistryClinical PsychologyPharmacy
Background Anemia during pregnancy is a major public health problem globally with multiple causes including inadequate dietary intakes. The aim of the study was to assess the effect of nutrition education on nutritional knowledge,... more
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      NeuroscienceNutrition and DieteticsDevelopmental BiologyScience Policy
Darah lengkap merupakan sediaan darah yang mengadung komponen utama berupa eritrosit, trombosit dan faktor pembekuan (V dan VIII). Sediaan darah ini umumnya diberikan pada pasien yang mengalami perdarahan masif, dikarenakan darah lengkap... more
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      HemoglobinDarahGolongan Darah
The ascorbate peroxidase reactivity of hemoglobin and myoglobin has already been investigated and demonstrated in previous studies. Affinity toward urate, another natural antioxidant of plasma was analyzed, too. This study reviews the... more
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      Oxidative StressAntioxidantsPeroxidaseHemoglobin
Menurut World Health Organization (WHO) 20% dari 515.000 kematian maternal di seluruh dunia disebabkan oleh anemia. Anemia merupakan suatu keadaan adanya penurunan kadar hemoglobin, hematokrit dan jumlah ertirosit dibawah nilai normal.... more
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This paper describes the development of linear autoregressive with exogenous input (ARX) models to monitor the progression of dengue infection based on hemoglobin status. Three differents ARX model order selection criteria namely Final... more
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    • Hemoglobin
Aim: The intent of this study is to report the distribution of hemoglobin variants among teenagers in SouthWest Nigeria.
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Hayvanlar aleminde canlılık çeşitlendikçe en büyük sorunlardan birisi metabolik aktivitelerle kullanmak üzere enerji ihtiyacı ve bu ihtiyaçla birlikte enerjiyi açığa çıkarabilme amaçlı olarak oksijen varlığı olmuştur. Canlılar bu oksijen... more
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Background: Monitoring the adherence of pregnant women to taking iron supplements indicates controlling the appropriateness of taking a certain number of supplements. This increases the odds of effective iron absorption; a process that... more
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      HemoglobinAdherencePregnant WomenThird trimester
Background: Despite the fact that there are various methods for the treatment and prevention of maternal anemia, there are still many pregnant women affected by anemia-related health problems and contributing factors. The aim of the study... more
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      Developing CountriesPregnancyAnemiaHemoglobin
Énumération de plusieurs techniques de diagnostic des hémoglobinopathies. Avec les points positifs et limites de chaque technique.
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Anemia pada kehamilan berdampak terjadinya persalinan prematuritas dan BBLR. Upaya penanggulangan anemia ibu hamil dengan pemberian suplementasi besi-folat satu kali sehari, walaupun ibu hamil tidak teratur minum suplemen karena keluhan... more
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    • Hemoglobin
Introduction: Two distinct hematological phenomenon can occur in endurance-trained athletes: (a) a rheological adaptation to endurance exercise leading to a rapid increase of plasma volume which decreases hematocrit (Ht), and hemoglobin... more
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      HemoglobinClinical Sciences
On couple of occasions my HGB found itself above 12 and for a few days that lead to my feeling almost like my pre MDS condition.
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      Medical SciencesAlzheimer's DiseaseMedical EducationMedicine
Objetivo: determinar los valores de hemoglobina y hematocrito en donantes de sangre entre los años 2000-2009. Metodología: estudio observacional descriptivo con una muestra de 103.690 donantes compuesta por hombres y mujeres adultos que... more
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      ThalassemiaAtherosclerosisTransferrinVascular endothelium
Û Hydroxyurea (HU), a drug which can reactivate fetal hemoglobin (Hb F) production, is frequently prescribed to β-thalassemia (β-thal) patients. However, transfusion requirements of only a subset of patients are reduced upon HU treatment.... more
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      Treatment OutcomeIranYoung AdultHemoglobin
Denizli Province is located in the inner part of the Aegean region of Turkey and is one of the target areas for premarital screening. Here we report the abnormal hemoglobins (Hbs) observed during a premarital screening program in our... more
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      TurkeyMolecular EpidemiologyGenetic TestingIncidence
Background Anemia during pregnancy is a major public health problem globally with multiple causes including inadequate dietary intakes. The aim of the study was to assess the effect of nutrition education on nutritional knowledge,... more
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      NeuroscienceNutrition and DieteticsDevelopmental BiologyScience Policy
High doses of isolated antioxidant supplements such as vitamin C and E have demonstrated the potential to blunt cellular adaptations to training. It is, however, unknown whether intake of high doses of antioxidants from foods has similar... more
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      NutritionAntioxidantsHemoglobinEndurance sport
 Hromoproteinite se slo`eni proteini ~ija prosteti~na grupa e nekoj pigment (hromos -boja). Vo zavisnost od prosteti~nata grupa i nejzinata boja, se delat na dve golemi grupi :  flavoproteini i  porfirinski hromoproteini ili... more
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    • Hemoglobin
Background/Purpose GP.Mur is a clinically important red blood cell (RBC) type. GP.Mur and band 3 interact on the RBCs. We previously observed that healthy adults with GP.Mur type present slightly higher blood pressure (BP). Because band... more
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      CardiovascularLaboratory MedicineSoutheast AsiaNitric oxide (Vascular biology)
INTRODUCTION Diffuse large B cell lymphoma is the most common subtype of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas with cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, Oncovin, and prednisolone (CHOP) as its standard chemotherapy. OBJECTIVES The objectives of the study... more
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    • Hemoglobin
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      AdolescentIndiaYoung AdultHemoglobin