Feasibility Study
Recent papers in Feasibility Study
We present our findings from a study to evaluate the feasibility of a radioisotope power system (RPS) combined with active cooling to enable a longduration Venus surface mission. On-board power with active cooling technology featured... more
Currently effective Rollover Protective Structure standards exist for Buses, Earthmoving Equipment and Agricultural Tractors. Construction guides for racing cars have also evolved. There are no well-recognised Rollover Protective System... more
The disclosure of audio-visual meeting recordings is a new challenging domain studied by several large scale research projects in Europe and the US. Automatic meeting summarization is one of the functionalities studied. In this paper we... more
Abstract. Combining Mobile Internet and Grid technologies could mean the ability to command the power of supercomputers with a mobile device. The computing and data transfer capacities of mobile devices are expanding and Grid-related... more
Coastal erosion is and will be an increasing major environmental issue. We apply shape optimization techniques to the design of coastal structures such as breakwaters, groins and other innovative shapes. Actually, we compute the solution... more
Results from the feasibility study of the "GiZero" free falling capsule are reported. GiZero is a capsule designed to perform experiments in free fall from ballooning at stratospheric altitude. It is shown that the residual gravitational... more
Diabetes mellitus(DM) or impaired glucose tolerance occurs in up to 80% of patients with pancreatic cancer at the time of cancer diagnosis. It has been reported that plasma amylin (islet amyloid polypeptide) levels are elevated in all... more
Quite often, in order to derive meaningful insights, accounting researchers have to analyze large bodies of text. Usually, this is done manually by several human coders, which makes the process time consuming, expensive, and often neither... more
This paper describes a technique which can be used for wideband satellite signal power measurements. This method consists in measuring signal's power within its spectral mask for a certain period of time. A series of measurements has been... more
In a domain such as space technology, where robustness, mass, volume and power efficiency are key, biological organisms may provide inspiration for new systems with high performance. By using micro-technology processes, designers of space... more
Objective Evaluate the feasibility of implementing a combined in-hospital and home-based exercise program in older hemodialysis (HD) patients. Design A prospective longitudinal 12-week pilot study. Setting A university hospital HD unit... more
In this study, non-woven MBR was used to treat hydrolysed biosolids wasted from a biological treatment plant. The concentration of SS of hydrolysed biosolids in influent was 10,000 mg/L and the concentration of SS in effluent was less... more
Active drug users with HIV infection suffer from both low utilization of, and adherence to, primary care. Combining drug treatment and primary care on-site reduces these problems significantly because it creates a social support... more
Purpose: Carrying out a feasibility study for setting up an archive in the Office of Air Accidents of the Iranian Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Method and Research Design: For data gathering, observations and interviews were carried... more
The combination of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) with direct current (DC) is a promising strategy to improve the efficiency of RFA. However, DC-enhanced monopolar RFA is limited by electrolytic injury at the positive-electrode site. The... more
The authors are solely responsible for the content of this technical presentation. The technical presentation does not necessarily reflect the official position of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE), and... more
First of all Ozdenefe et al. (2018) have to be appreciated for their attempt to develop an approach for Trombe wall (TW) sizing through an integrative appraisal of energy consumption, economics and thermal comfort. It was mentioned that... more
Full Text Images References Supplemental Materials Background Remote control of capsule endoscopes might allow reliable inspection of the human stomach.
Abstract In this paper an automatic texture based volumetric region growing method for liver segmentation is proposed. 3D seeded region growing is based on texture features with the automatic selection of the seed voxel inside the liver... more
Future energy needs and requirements in manufacturing processes (like fertilizers, synfuels, etc.) makes hydrogen an important chemical commodity. It is projected that hydrogen required for various processes may reach 1.8 x ]09 MBTU by... more
A remedial investigation/feasibility study (RI/ FS) of the Calcasieu Estuary cooperative site was initiated in 1998. This site, which is located in the southwestern portion of Louisiana in the vicinity of Lake Charles, includes the... more
Background and Aims Studies suggest that stroke patients with thrombus in a major cerebral vessel respond less favorably to intravenous (IV) thrombolysis. The purpose of this study was to test the feasibility of a protocol comparing IV... more
This project explored functional requirements for an institution-wide method, at Partners HealthCare, for interpreting clinical knowledge for decision support. Such knowledge is currently incorporated in a variety of clinical... more
Renal transplantation is associated with frequent gastrointestinal complications. Intestinal metaplasia is a feature of atrophic gastritis whereas the diagnosis of Barrett's esophagus is based on histological demonstration of... more
Background Patients receiving intensive chemotherapy can experience increased distressed related to both the cancer diagnosis and treatment isolation. If not addressed, distress can lead to anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress... more
Abstract: Higher Education is increasingly relying on e-learning as a means of providing students with teaching and learning resources. Almost inevitably, this means that students interact with these learning resources through the medium... more
The effective use of near water equivalent organic plastic scintillators (OPS) for radiation dosimetry with high-energy sources under laboratory conditions is recognized. In this work, an OPS-based dosimeter using a photodiode combined... more
A study supported by the European Space Agency (ESA), in the context of its General Studies Programme, performed an investigation of the possible use of space for studies in pure and applied plasma physics, in areas not traditionally... more
The objective of this study was to conduct an experimental analysis to investigate the performance and energy saving of the wellknown desiccant airconditioning system in Thailand. The system was composed of a silica gel bed, a split type... more
The WALC intervention was designed to motivate exercise in the elderly. Persons with schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSDs) face similar exercise barriers. We described theoritical underpinnings of theWALC intervention and how we adapted... more
The root growth of trees close to buildings can cause directly or indirectly structural damages and the necessity arises of diagnostic tools to follow their time-spatial behaviour. In this framework, sensing techniques as Ground... more
The technical and economic feasibility of the installation of a mini-hydroelectric power plant on El Valle River in Venezuela is assessed. Special attention is paid to modeling Venezuela’s energetic and economic scenarios. Sensitivity,... more
In Orkney islands, a number of wind energy projects have been established due to its potential for wind energy development especially as cluster developments on hilltop and moorland. This Self-sufficient Orkney Wind Energy (SOWE) project... more
At present, part of the forward RPC muon system of the CMS detector at the CERN LHC remains uninstrumented in the high-η region. An international collaboration is investigating the possibility of covering the 1.6 < |η| < 2.4 region of the... more
ReProTect is a project within the 6th European Framework Program which has developed alternative methods aimed to reduce or replace animal experimentation in the field of reproductive toxicology. In its final year, a ring trial, named the... more
In the sport of rowing athletes and coaches are concerned with optimizing a rower's technique in order to improve rowing performance. In this paper, we present the design and real-world evaluation of a sensor network approach to support... more
Creating a more healthful food environment requires a new line of research that examines the impact of healthful changes on business's bottom line. This study investigates whether supermarket-sponsored shuttles can be self-supporting or... more
A feasibility study for reclamation of a secondary treated sewage effluent mainly from industrial sources (60%) in Singapore has been conducted using a dual membrane UF-RO process. The pilot system had a treatment capacity of 2 m 3 /h.... more