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Old Catholic theology is the theology that is characteristic of the Old Catholic Churches of the Union of Utrecht. Old Catholic Theology: An Introduction, authored by Peter-Ben Smit, an acknowledged expert in the field, outlines the main characteristics of and influences on Old Catholic theology, as well as the extant ecumenical relationships of the Old Catholic Churches. In doing so, it covers what may be called 'mainstream' Old Catholic theology, while also discussing the diversity within the Old Catholic tradition. Particular attention is given to the Old Catholic approach to theology in general and to ecclesiology, sacramental theology and ecumenical theology in particular. Further foci include the version of communio-theology, the appertaining sacramental understanding of the church, the inherent connection between theology and (liturgical) spirituality, the distinct branch of communal hermeneutics and the understanding of the appeal to the early Church that Old Catholic theologians developed in the course of the 20th century.
Dear Reader, I'm very glad that you're interested in our summer school in Old Catholic theology. Since 2012 we have been inviting students to Utrecht to explore Old Catholic theology together. More than a course, the experience has been an experience of fellowship for all participants, students and professors alike. Because of the success of the now classical introductory course Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context we will continue to offer it. It is a unique opportunity to acquaint yourself with the basic tenets and key voices in Old Catholic theology.
The Early Church as Ideal: Old Catholic Theology beyond the Basics
This course offers the possibility to deepen your knowledge of Old Catholic theology by thematic and in-depth case-driven classes, linked to a key starting point of Old Catholic theology: the faith and order of the Early Church. How can a modern church be so ‘traditional’ at the same time? This apparent tension and paradox will be the core theme of this weeklong, intensive course. The course will be taught by experts in Old Catholic theology affiliated with the Old Catholic Seminary in Utrecht and beyond. After the online edition of this summer school last summer the organisation aims to offer the course face-to-face again in Utrecht in the summer of 2022. The topics and disciplines covered by the course include: fundamental and liturgical theology, spirituality, and ecumenism. Case studies that will be explored cover topics such as marriage, the ordination of women, spirituality, and mission. The course will also engage with Old Catholic worship as it is being celebrated today. At the end of the course, students will have a deepened knowledge of, and insight in Old Catholic theology and her appeal on the Early Church and will be able to apply this knowledge in theological reflexion and research. The course is at the advanced level of a MA curriculum. Students may be expected to do advance reading for the course. Entry requirements for this course are having attended the course ‘Old Catholic Theology in an Ecumenical context’, advanced knowledge of theology or a similar qualification. The course ‘Old Catholic Theology in an Ecumenical context’ is offered in immediate connection with this advanced course. Are you interested in participating in both courses? You can apply for the combination track here: Old Catholic Theology: The Early Church as Charism and Challenge. Combining both courses also leads to a reduced fee. Old Catholic theology is understood as the theological discourse within the Old Catholic Churches of the Union of Utrecht.
This course offers the possibility to deepen your knowledge of Old Catholic theology by thematic and in-depth case-driven classes, linked to a key starting point of Old Catholic theology: the faith and order of the Early Church. How can a modern church be so ‘traditional’ at the same time? This apparent tension and paradox will be the core theme of this weeklong, intensive course. In 2021, this course will be offered online for the first time. The topics and disciplines covered by the course include: fundamental and liturgical theology, spirituality, and ecumenism. Case studies that will be explored cover topics such as marriage, the ordination of women and mission. The course will also engage with Old Catholic worship as it is being celebrated today. At the end of the course, students will have a deepened knowledge of, and insight in Old Catholic theology and her appeal on the Early Church and will be able to apply this knowledge in theological reflexion and research. The course is at the advanced level of a MA curriculum. Students may be expected to do advance reading for the course.
This paper argues that precisely by focusing on the continuation of tradition, Old Catholic theology is able to arrive at theological renewal, especially in an intercultural manner and in ecumenical dialogue. As a case study, this paper considers the recent dialogue between the Union of Utrecht of Old Catholic Church and the Mar Thoma Syrian Church.
What is Catholicism? What is happening in Vatican City? How does Catholic theology relate with New Testament ideals of the Church? This essay is a mild critique on the subject of the tradition, doctrine and theology of the Roman Catholic Church.
Internationale kirchliche Zeitschrift, 2007
Dieser theologiegeschichtliche Aufsatz zeigt auf, wie in der altkatholischen Theologie in der Mitte des vergangen Jahrhunderts eine von der ganzen Utrechter Union akzeptierte Position zur Frage des Verhältnisses von Schrift und Tradition herausgearbeitet wurde. Obwohl die Altkatholische Bewegung sich auf dem Glauben der frühen Kirche und damit auch auf die Tradition Jahrzehnten berief, war es nie zu einer Verhältnisbestimmung der beiden Grössen ‚Schrift’ und ‚Tradition’ gekommen. Dies änderte sich ab den späten dreissiger Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts. Ab dann setzt sich der Entwurf des Verhältnisses von Schrift und Tradition, wie er von dem damaligen Erzbischof von Utrecht, Andreas Rinkel, in seiner Tätigkeit als Dogmatiker am altkatholischen Priesterseminar in Amersfoort, in Auseinandersetzung mit römisch-katholischen und protestantischen Theologen (vor allem Herman Bavinck), entwickelt worden war, auch auf der Ebene der Utrechter Union durch. Andere Modelle, z.B. dasjenige von dem schweizerischen Bischof Urs Küry, der den Primat der Schrift stärker betonte als Rinkel, konnten sich dabei nicht als ‚altkatholischer Mainstream’ etablieren. Eine Bestätigung dafür, dass Rinkels Entwurf jetzt tatsächlich zur altkatholischen Position geworden ist, findet sich in den gemeinsamen Texten des orthodox-altkatholischen Dialogs.
Andrews University Seminary Studies (AUSS), 1997
perspektif:a, 2023
Critica del diritto , 2024
Archives of Neurosciences and Psychosomatics, 2013
Early Human Development, 2010
American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences, 2008
Revista Colombiana de Reumatología, 2014
The Journal of Hand Surgery, 2003
JAAD Case Reports
Archives of Dermatology, 1994
AMSACTA - Institutional Research repository (University of Bologna Digital Library), 2014