Cell Metabolism
Blood Pressure AsSAuLTed by the Circadian Clock
Kristin Eckel-Mahan1 and Paolo Sassone-Corsi1,*
1Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697-4625, USA
[email protected]
DOI 10.1016/j.cmet.2010.01.004
While Cry proteins are necessary for circadian rhythmicity, they now appear to play a seminal role in blood
pressure regulation. In a recent issue of Nature Medicine, Doi et al., 2009 show how the circadian clock
may use Cry proteins to protect from salt-sensitive hypertension.
Circadian rhythms (rhythms that take
place in approximately 24 hr) are oscillatory programs present in most organisms.
Biological circadian oscillations are
upheld by circadian rhythmicity within
CNS and peripheral tissues and include
oscillatory activity in the sleep/wake
cycle, feeding, and hormone secretion.
New links between metabolism and the
circadian clock have also been established (Eckel-Mahan and Sassone-Corsi,
2009). Supported at the cellular level by
complex transcriptional and translational
feedback loops, biological rhythms are
necessary for normal physiology. Indeed,
aberrant circadian oscillations at the
cellular level have been shown to
contribute to a number of pathologies,
including the metabolic syndrome, obesity, and accelerated aging (Kondratov
et al., 2006; Turek et al., 2005). The provocative new study presented in Nature
Medicine (Doi et al., 2009) introduces
salt-sensitive hypertension to the growing
list of risks for organisms that suffer from
circadian disturbance.
Hypertension (high blood pressure) is
an expanding health problem that
increases the risk of heart attacks and
strokes. Some hypertension remains
acknowledged risk factors for the disease
range from age and family history to
stress and physical inactivity. While
high-salt diets contribute to hypertension
in some patients, it isn’t really clear at
the molecular level why some people are
‘‘salt-sensitive’’ while others remain ‘‘saltinsensitive.’’ Salt-sensitive hypertension
can occur when the kidneys retain too
much salt. The subsequent rise in blood
pressure is frequently followed by further
elevations as the body attempts to force
salt out of the kidneys. At least 50% of
people with hypertension are ‘‘salt sensitive,’’ a percentage large enough for
physicians to suggest lowering dietary
salt for hypertensive patients (Weinberger, 2006).
But who would have thought that one’s
circadian rhythm had much to do with
hypertension—and more specifically,
salt sensitivity? Doi et al., 2009 reveals
that an abnormal circadian rhythm may
be a strong risk factor for salt-sensitive
hypertension. In this study, the authors
found that arrhythmic mice (Cry null
mice, lacking the clock components
CRY1 and CRY2) have a malfunctioning
(RAAS) resulting from the aberrant
production of the mineralocorticoid aldosterone in the zona glomerulosa cells of
the adrenal gland. When blood pressure
is low, aldosterone is released from the
zona glomerulosa in response to renininduced angiotensin II production. Aldosterone causes the retention of salt and
water from the urine in the kidneys, over
time increasing the body’s water content
and leading to an overall increase in blood
pressure. Normally, an organism responds to a high salt load by suppressing
the RAAS system, and blood pressure
remains remarkably constant (Chrysant,
2000). Blood pressure rises in Cry null
mice, however, after introduction to
a high-salt diet, but is counteracted by
aldosterone inhibitors. In this study, Doi
et al. navigate unchartered waters to
discover the enzyme (a 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-isomerase isoform) responsible for the elevated aldosterone in Cry null mice, and to identify
its human counterpart and potential clinical relevance.
The CRY proteins are encoded by the
Cryptochrome genes, which are transcriptionally regulated by the circadian
activators CLOCK and BMAL1. CRY
proteins provide negative feedback on
the clock by inhibiting CLOCK:BMAL1-
mediated transcription at promoters containing E box elements. Due to their
arrhythmic phenotypes, Clock mutant
and Bmal1 null animals have been studied
extensively. Their arrhythmia is due to a
decrease in E box-mediated transcription. Cry null mice, however, show elevated levels of E box-mediated transcription, not providing the necessary negative
feedback for the CLOCK:BMAL1 complex
(see Figure 1). In this context, it is interesting that the absence of CRY proteins
specifically reveals an interaction of the
circadian system with blood pressure.
The novel aspects of this study extend
beyond the observation that Cry null
mice experience salt-sensitive hypertension. Using steroidogenic gene microarrays, the authors discovered a small
group of genes in the 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-isomerase enzyme
family that are dysregulated in the adrenal
gland of Cry null mice. Interestingly, these
oxidoreductases are required for the
synthesis of aldosterone. Of the Hsd3b
gene isoforms expressed in mouse
adrenal glands, Hsd3b6 expression not
only oscillates in WT animals but is
elevated in the zona glomerulosa of Cry
null mice, with an expression profile indicative of complete resistance to circadian
control. The uncoupling of aldosterone
from the RAAS system was revealed by
the ability of trilostane, an inhibitor of
Hsd3b to drop the plasma aldosterone
concentration in Cry null mice. While WT
animals showed no change in blood pressure when switched from a low-salt to
a high-salt diet, Cry null mice experienced
elevated blood pressure, which was
reversed using the aldosterone antagonist epleronone. Similar circadian control
is probably conserved in humans; Doi
and colleagues successfully identify the
human HSD3B1 isoform as a functional
homolog of the mouse Hsd3b6.
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Figure 1. Possible Modes of Hsd3b6 Regulation in the Zona Glomerulosa of WT and Cry Null Mice
Hsd3b6 could be regulated by the circadian clock via the expression of the circadian output gene, DBP, or by other factors controlling its transcription, such as
Nur77. The DBP gene, which contains circadian-responsive E box elements, is highly expressed in Cry null mice, and may be essential for D box activation at the
Hsd3b6 promoter. Conversely, Hsd3b expression is highly responsive to the transcription factor Nur77 (Lavoie and King, 2009), a transcriptional activator thought
to be regulated by the circadian clock in some tissues. Epigenetic studies will reveal whether the Hsd3b6 gene promoter is affected at the level of transcription
factor accessibility. The role of Cry proteins in HAT and HDAC activity at target promoters suggests that the expression of Hsd3b6 may be affected by epigenetic
alterations at the chromatin.
While Clock mutant and Bmal1 null
mice show metabolic disturbances or
accelerated aging (among other pathologies), Cry null mice expose a novel role
for the clock in physiology. But how
exactly does the circadian clock contribute to salt-sensitive hypertension?
Aldosterone levels do oscillate in
mammals, but scant molecular data has
linked salt-sensitive hypertension to the
circadian clock. Doi et al. speculate that
the Hsd3b6 promoter, containing two D
box elements, might respond to elevated
DBP expression, a circadian output gene
that binds to D box elements and that
remains elevated in Cry null mice
(Figure 1). Alternative possibilities for
Hsd3b6 upregulation remain, however.
For example, CRY proteins may mediate
their transcriptional repression via the
recruitment of the histone deacetylase
mSin3b to target gene promoters (Naruse
et al., 2004). While there is no evidence
that specific HDAC proteins act at the
Hsd3b6 gene promoter, few studies
have been performed to address how
chromatin remodeling occurs at this
region. Second, CRY proteins have been
reported to inhibit the activity of some
HATs, such as p300 (Etchegaray et al.,
2003). In the absence of CRY proteins,
the conformation of Hsd3b6-containing
chromatin may enable constitutive transcription. Finally, the Hsd3b6 promoter
appears to bind NR4A family transcription
factors (Lavoie and King, 2009), among
which Nurr77 is highly expressed in the
adrenal gland. Nurr77 is circadian respon-
98 Cell Metabolism 11, February 3, 2010 ª2010 Elsevier Inc.
sive in some tissues (Humphries et al.,
2004) and remains a possible mechanism
by which Cry proteins regulate Hsd3b6
expression (Figure 1).
Whatever the mechanism, the interaction between the circadian clock and the
RAAS is a physiologically prodigious discovery as the RAAS strictly controls blood
pressure in vivo. Further studies will be
necessary to determine the extent to
which the circadian clock intersects with
adrenal markers in humans. It is interesting to speculate whether ‘‘larks’’ or
‘‘owls,’’ for example, show a stronger
propensity for salt-sensitive hypertension. Also, what about patients with
severe sleep disorders? It is possible
that Cry-mediated gene expression might
be altered in the adrenal gland of patients
Cell Metabolism
with sleep disorders, potentially changing
their propensity for salt-sensitive hypertension. These studies have opened
a fascinating new path of research, likely
to be proceeded by additional exciting
findings along this avenue.
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