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9. Measurements and their descriptions

English uses adjectives like high or low and greater or lesser as adjectives to express the volume, size, or quantity of a measurement. The following chart of descriptive words in scientific papers can help in finding the standard adjective to fit common types of measurements.

high or low abundance, absorption, accuracy, adiabaticity, background, brightness, contrast, degree, density, energy, extinction, fraction, frequency, latitude, level, luminosity, mass, metallicity, number, obliquity, percentage, precision, pressure, probability, proportion, quality, rate, redshift, resolution, shear, speed, temperature, value, velocity.
big/large or small amplitude, broadening, diffusivity, momentum, opacity, proper motions, radius, uncertainties
high/low or large/small dispersion, frequency, magnitude, number statistics
wide/broad or narrow range, spread, variety
steep or shallow gradient, slope
long or short burst, length, period, time, timescale
strong or weak acceleration, anisotropy, argument, asymmetry, constraint, contrast, current, dependence, effect, evidence, magnetic field, flow, gradient, instability, pulse, relevance, shear, turbulence, velocity field
tight or loose relationship, constraint, correlation
note: strong and weak can also be used in these instances