Welcome to the Writers Workshop!

Reserve your appointment today! 

The Writers Workshop provides free support to all writers in the University of Illinois campus community across all forms of academic and professional writing, at any stage of the writing process. We offer writing groups, writing-related presentations, and writing consultations where we provide feedback on essays, research papers, personal statements, cover letters, theses and dissertations, manuscripts for publication, presentations, digital compositions, and anything between and beyond.

To receive feedback on your writing, you can select:

  • In-Person Consultations by Appointment, where you’ll reserve a 50-minute appointment at one of our locations in the Main Library, Grainger Library, or MCB Learning Center.
  • Video Call Consultations by Appointment, where you’ll reserve a 50-minute appointment to meet with a consultant in real-time via videoconferencing.
  • Written Feedback Appointments, where you’ll reserve an appointment, upload your document(s), complete a detailed appointment form, and receive written feedback at the end of your appointment time. There is no live interfacing with the consultant in this format.
  • Drop-In Consultations, where you’ll meet with a consultant in a 15-30 minute, first-come, first-served session.

Find information about our locations and hours here.

Please view our calendar to learn more about upcoming events or learn more about requesting workshops and class presentations.

We are committed to providing accessible services. To request accommodations, please contact Dr. Carolyn Wisniewski at [email protected] or call 217-333-8796.

New to the Writers Workshop? Click here for more information on how to register and create an appointment.

Make an Appointment


  • follow us on insta for upcoming events, writing tips, hours/closures, writing community. @writersworkshopil
  • appt hours at Main Library are Sun 1-9pm, Mon/Wed 11am-9pm, Tue/Thu 10am-9pm, and Friday 11am-4pm; at Burrill Hall (MCB) Tue 11am-1pm and Wed 11am-2pm; at Grainger Library Tue 2-5pm, Wed 6-9pm, and Thu 1-5pm. Drop-in hours at Main Library and Zoom Sun-Thu 4-9pm and at LAS Hub in Lincoln hall Tue-Thu 11am-2pm.
  • The WW offers in-person, video call, and written feedback appts. Start your semester the "write" way and come see us!
  • Lisnek LAS Hub Writers Workshop Drop-in Consultations Tue-Thu 11am-2pm

Upcoming Events

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Screenshot of a newsletter from 1991 with a photo of a male and female professor smiling.

From Writing Clinic to Writers Workshop: Supporting students 30 years later

The Writers Workshop has fostered the growth of strong writers across campus since opening in 1989. We have stayed committed to the Workshop’s founding mission while changing to meet the latest research standards and student needs. In 1991, Instruction at Illinois prominently featured an article titled, “Writing center to teach how to incorporate writing into […]


Scaffolding reflective pedagogy: How ongoing professional development fosters writer and consultant growth

For the last five years, 95% of post-session surveys rated writers’ experiences at the Workshop as “Excellent” or “Very good.” Such consistent satisfaction—across a breadth of student backgrounds and needs, and with a diverse consulting staff—is no accident but, rather, the outgrowth of a thoughtfully scaffolded professional development (PD) program. Led by the WW’s administrative […]


Supporting students with strategic partnerships

At the Writers Workshop, our goal is pretty straightforward: to help students become better writers! We’re excited to introduce two new initiatives that reflect our commitment to supporting specialized student groups and ensuring everyone has the tools they need to succeed! Division of Intercollegiate Athletics Our new satellite at the Irwin Academic Services Center is […]