

みんぱく 年末年始イベント 巳

This article explains in Japanese the overview of the New Year's events*1 held at the National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka, Japan). If you are interested, please read it.








Aegithalos caudatus エナガ



La mésange à longue queue est petite et ronde avec un cri unique, elle est donc facile à repérer lorsqu'elle est à proximité. À tous ceux qui sont ici, passez une belle journée.

Mésange à longue queue 柄長 F##

Mésange à longue queue avec chant ,filmée en France


Le conservateur Wada, spécialisé dans la recherche sur les oiseaux, observe chaque année le déclin du fruit de Melia azedarach dans les jardins botaniques pour voir si les oiseaux peuvent accueillir le printemps sans pénurie de plantes.


Fulica atra オオバン



Hope you have a lovely, peaceful and happy day. :)

focha común (Fulica atra) 大鷭 F##


The grass is soft, the rain is gentle, and even though it's cold outside, the coots seem to be having fun.


Coot ~ Bird Song ~ bird call


Coccothraustes coccothraustes シメ



Hawfinches are winter birds in Japan. Have a peaceful and a great day. :)

Hawfinch (Male) 鴲 F##


The Hawfinch and its call.


Here is a video of a cute Hawfinch. 


Spatula clypeata ハシビロガモ


 During this time, there are few ducks seen alone or in pairs, and they are often seen in flocks in ponds, where they can be seen circling the center of the pond and eating food on the surface of the water, forming a "feeding circle" This time, we will introduce the Northern Shoveler at the Mausoleum of Emperor Suinin (Horai-san Tumulus)*1 in Osaka*2.

Northern shoveler 嘴広鴨 F##

In the center of the picture, there is a Northern shoveler spitting water. It's so cute.

Northern shoveler 嘴広鴨 F##

Northern Shovelers are known for their unique foraging behavior, swimming rapidly in circles to create a funnel effect that brings food to the surface.


Curator Wada (Osaka Museum of Natural History) points out that as the season progresses, pairs of Northern Shoveler can also be seen in Japan feeding together, creating a funnel effect.











【おまけ2】ハシビロガモのクチバシの中には櫛のような突起(called lamellae)があります。この突起を利用して水の中にある細かい小さな食べ物をひっかけて食べているそうですよ。おもしろいですね!





下記はハシビロガモの口の called lamellae のようです。色が黒ずんでいるので called lamellae だけどこかに落ちていたものを拾われたのでしょうか。こんなものが池の周りに落ちていたらハシビロガモの口の中の櫛の部分かもしれませんね。

If you've ever wondered whether Spatula clypeata is considered a surface (filter) feeder, see "Comparative mechanics of filter feeding in Anas platyrhynchos, Anas clypeata and Aythya fuligula (Aves, Anseriformes)".

Anas crecca コガモ



Passe une belle journée. :)

Sarcelle d'hiver 小鴨 F##


La Sarcelle d'hiver est un oiseau migrateur qui vient au Japon en hiver. Découvrez cette adorable vidéo de Sarcelle d'hiver trouvée sur X ci-dessous :

Le cri de la Sarcelle d'hiver:

Happy New Year 謹賀新年

 Have a peaceful day! :) One of my favorite video. 


This wooden board with a picture of a giant snake on it is called an ema(絵馬/えま)*1 in Japanese. Ema are hung in shrines and it is believed that the gods will receive them.


大神神社 絵馬 F##




Japan is facing a declining birthrate and an aging population, but housing development is still progressing in this small country. Since humans began living in the mountains where animals live, many animals, including deer, wild boars, and bears, have been driven out of the mountains and exterminated as vermin. I pray for world peace from Japan, and sincerely hope that the number of animals exterminated as vermin in Japan will decrease, and that the fireflies, which were once abundant, will return to their former numbers. This video is very valuable.





Camellia japonica & Macaca fuscata 山椿と日本猿


Due to global warming, it seems that winter flowers such as camellias are blooming late in Japan this year. Japanese macaques love camellia petals and nectar. The yellow color around their mouths is probably due to the large amount of camellia pollen.

Japanese macaque 日本猿 F##

This is a simple mountain camellia that has bloomed in the mountains of Japan since ancient times.

Camellia japonica ツバキ F##





Fringilla montifringilla アトリ


Have a peaceful day for all.

Fringilla montifringilla アトリ F##





Turdus pallidus シロハラ



The colour of the female Pale Thrush lower beak varies depending on the individual.*1

Pale Thrush 白腹 F##

Have a peaceful day to all !



Turdus pallidus (Juvenile birds) シロハラ幼鳥(メス)



Although there are individual differences, this young female Pale Thrush does not have white spots above its eyes.

Turdus pallidus (June photo) 白腹 メス F##

However, it seems that females of the Pale Thrush develop white spots above their eyes as they grow up. Interesting.








Turdus pallidus シロハラ



I hope you have a peaceful day filled with beautiful moments, calm surroundings, deep healing, sweet interactions and unconditional love!! :)

Pale Thrush 白腹 F##


Male Pale Thrush that can be seen in winter do not appear to have white spots above their eyes.


You can listen to 4 different types of calls of the Pale Thrush.


Hypsipetes amaurotis ヒヨドリ



Have a calm and peaceful weekend. :)

Hypsipetes amaurotis ヒヨドリ F##

As you may know, young crows have many whisker-like feathers around the base of their beaks, and the same tendency seems to be true for brown-eared bulbuls.

It might be interesting to observe the number of whiskers and feathers around the beaks in each season.

What do brown-eared bulbuls sound like? All the brown-eared bulbuls in this video appear to be adult birds.

Kadomatu & Mizuhiki 門松と水引


As a traditional Japanese event, there are shrines where Kadomatsu*1 decorations are made during the New Year holidays, but this time we will introduce the Kadomatsu decorations at Miwa-myojin in Nara Prefecture. (Depending on the sect, Kadomatsu decorations may not be made.)

大神神社 門松 F##

The center of the Kadomatsu is decorated with a crane-shaped mizuhiki*2 cord. It's so beautiful!

大神神社門松の水引 F##
