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Commonly Taught Women’s and Gender Studies Courses

The following are all regularly-taught courses in WGST. This list does not include cross-listed courses owned by this or other departments

For all courses under WGST, visit the catalog here

WGST64Plantation Lullabies: Literature by and about African American Women
WGST66Growing Up Girl, Globally
WGST68Assumed Identities: Performance in Photography
WGST89FYS: Special Topics
WGST101Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies
WGST111Introduction to Sexuality Studies
WGST202Introduction to Feminist Thought
WGST211Introduction to Latina Feminisms: Literature, Theory, and Activism
WGST215Gender and Spirituality
WGST230Women in Contemporary Art: A Field Study
WGST231Gender and Popular Culture
WGST232Identity in Transit: Performing the Self through Photography
WGST233Introduction to Latina Literature
WGST270Introduction to Transgender Studies
WGST277Gender and Culture
WGST281Gender and Global Change
WGST290Special Topics in Women's Studies
WGST313Women and the Law in Africa and the Middle East
WGST315Sexuality and Salvation
WGST337African Gender History
WGST340Leadership in Violence Prevention
WGST350Spitting in the Wind: "American" Women, Art, and Activism
WGST352Rahtid Rebel Women: An Introduction to Caribbean Women
WGST368Women of Color in Contemporary United States Social Movements
WGST388The International Politics of Sexual and Reproductive Health
WGST393Internship in Women's and Gender Studies
WGST396Independent Reading and Research
WGST402Feminist Ways of Knowing
WGST405Gender, Sexuality, Empire and Asian Pacific America
WGST410Comparative Queer Politics
WGST415Queer Theory and Religion
WGST465Gender, (Im)migration, and Labor in Latina Literature
WGST553Theorizing Black Feminisms
WGST555Women and Creativity
WGST583Gender and Imperialism
WGST695Senior Seminar: Principles of Feminist Inquiry
WGST726French Feminist Theory
WGST790Graduate Seminar in Women's Studies
WGST796Graduate Independent Reading and Research
WGST890Topics in Women's Studies
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