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Yokkaichi, Mie

Yokkaichi (四日市市 Yokkaichi-shi, lit. "fourth day market") is a city located in Mie Prefecture, Japan. As of August 2015, the city had an estimated population of 306,107 and a population density of 1,480 persons per km². The total area was 206.44 square kilometres (79.71 sq mi).


Yokkaichi is located in north-central of Mie Prefecture, which is northeastern Kii Peninsula. It stretches the width of Mie Prefecture, and is bordered by Ise Bay on the Pacific Ocean to the east, and Shiga Prefecture to the northwest.

Neighboring municipalities

  • Mie Prefecture
  • Kuwana
  • Suzuka
  • Inabe
  • Komono
  • Asahi
  • Kawagoe
  • Tōin
  • Shiga Prefecture
  • Kōka
  • Climate

    Yokkaichi has a humid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification Cfa) with hot summers and cool winters. Precipitation is significant throughout the year, but is much lower in winter.


    The area around modern Yokkaichi has been settled since prehistoric times. Numerous Kofun period burial mounds have been discovered and the area was once of the battle sites of the Asuka period Jinshin War. However, until the end of the Heian period, the area was sparsely settled, and was only a small port village. The area developed during the Kamakura period and by the Azuchi-Momoyama period, the port was developed and a regular market was open on 4, 14, 24 in each month. Thus, the city is named Yokkaichi because "yokkaichi" means "market on fourth day." After the Honnō-ji Incident during which warlord Oda Nobunaga was assassinated, Tokugawa Ieyasu fled from Yokkaichi port by sea to his castle at Edo. Under the Tokugawa shogunate, Yokkaichi was tenryō territory controlled directly by the Shogun and administered by a daikan based at the Yokkaichi Jin’ya. Throughout the Edo period, the area prospered as Yokkaichi-juku, the forty-third station on the Tōkaidō highway connecting Edo with Kyoto. However, the city was largely destroyed by the Ansei great earthquakes.


    • [4K]Walking around Yokkaichi city in Mie Japan, January 2023

      Walking around Yokkaichi city in Mie Japan, January 2023

      published: 04 Jan 2023
    • 30 Places to Go Visit in Mie Prefecture

      In this video, I introduce 30 different places to go in Mie, from 11 different regions. While I was in Mie, I had the opportunity to visit many places and try various activities so I've compiled it all into this video! Table of Contents 0:00 Introduction 0:57 Tsu Area Farm Stay Guesthouse Illongo https://www.guesthouseilonggo.com/ 2:55 Matsusaka Area 4:35 Meiwacho 6:26 Taki 6:50 Ise Area 8:01 Toba Area Toba Grand Hotel https://www.booking.com/hotel/jp/toba-grand.en.html?aid=1977331&no_rooms=1&group_adults=2 Kaito Yumin Club https://www.oz-group.jp/kaitoyumin/ Shirataki Waterfall Meditation Osatsucho Walking Tour (Japanese) http://toba-osatsu.jp/nordic/ 11:40 Shima Area Playa Surf Beginner Surfing Course (Japanese) http://www.playa-surf.com/ 12:56 Odai Roca Roca Activity Bike SUP https://w...

      published: 13 Nov 2021
    • 【Yokkaichi, Mie Prefecture】Monday morning March 2022「osaka morning 570 JAPAN」近鉄四日市 三重県

      【Morning Routine in Osaka Japan】 Now in JAPAN Today is Monday March 2022. This is Yokkaichi City, Mie Prefecture. Walk in front of Kintetsu Yokkaichi station.   Osaka is three cold and four hot. During the day, the temperature feels like the arrival of spring. What kind of day is it today? Let's walk! Taken with iPhone12 Pro #Osaka #四日市 #三重県 Nice to meet you. Viewing Thank you very much. I am shooting Osaka in the morning. If you would like, please comment and subscribe to the channel. I will walk in Japan today. I will walk in Osaka today. Encantada de conocerte. Gracias por leer. Estoy filmando en Osaka por la mañana. Comenta y suscríbete al canal si lo deseas. Hoy caminaré por Japón. Hoy caminaré por Osaka. Rất vui được gặp bạn. Cảm ơn bạn đã đọc. Tôi sẽ quay ở Osaka vào buổi...

      published: 16 Mar 2022
    • 【Port Of Yokkaichi】The Middle of Japan - Yokkaichi Port ~English~

      Mie Prefecture does not have an airport, but it has a port. There is no Shinkansen station, but Yokkaichi port is there. If you do not know Yokkaichi Port, please watch this video. Sustaining Our Livelihood - Yokkaichi Yokkaichi Port Promotion Association Official Website: http://www.yokkaichi-port.com/

      published: 01 Jul 2021
    • Cidade de Yokkaichi em Mie ken, Japão!

      #Tour#Walk#Japan Um vídeo rápido pelo centro de Yokkaichi e um parque próximo, que foi reformado à alguns anos!

      published: 28 Mar 2022
    • [Japan vlog] best shopping store in yokkaichi mie ken Nagoya cheapest price all one you can buy.2022

      Welcome to my YouTube channel here you will nd great videos and much to learn about Japan. ideos related to Japan will be uploaded on this channel here upload entertainment video and natural beauty. If you like my video, please comment, like, share and subscribe my YouTube channel. I hope you go and support me for this time please do not forget watch my videos. Thank you so much all off you who always support me and keep it More info https://youtube.com/channel/UCRRn9CcQQnVxlKBXG7Kisdg#walk in japan#yokkaichi #nagoyajapan japan

      published: 26 Jun 2022
    • [Mie Yokkaichi] Kintetsu Yokkaichi Festival

      [Mie Yokkaichi] Kintetsu Yokkaichi Festival

      published: 27 Oct 2020
    • Snow fall in Mie ken yokkaichi❄️❄️❄️

      Snow ❄️ fall in Yokkaichi♥️♥️♥️ Enjoying every movement and making dream project 😋🎉

      published: 23 Jan 2023
    • #YOKKAICHI - Innovation City Yokkaichi- (Full Version)

      This video was produced in order to publicize the many attractions, industries, and efforts towards environmental conservation in the city of Yokkaichi in a way that is easy to understand. Please click on the link below for videos in Japanese, English, Chinese, and Vietnamese. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLepPVCPPi-t67F5x_1xO0GNnZmHh8tLN_ ■Table of Contents 1:06 【Spring】Creation of urban space - good location and well-developed infrastructure 2:40 【Summer】The industrial power of Yokkaichi is developed in parallel with environmental improvement 7:06 【Autumn】Beautiful nature and unique traditions will lead to further industrial development 8:44 【Winter】From modernization to the near future ■Narration Yokkaichi City leads Japan and the world in producing various petrochemical p...

      published: 30 Apr 2020
    • Kansai Adventure II: Mie Prefecture [JAPAN IN A VAN]

      For part 1 of this adventure, check out: https://youtu.be/PjtyhBYmcA8 This is part of a journey that took us 6 days, sleeping and traveling in a van with 2 dogs, and exploring a less adventured area of Japan. Part one, in Wakayama, deals with the Path of the Gods pilgrimage of old Japan, and in this video we check out some of Japan’s oldest and holiest areas, the birthplace of the Shinto religion, Ise Grand Shrine and the surrounding beautiful areas. Come join our adventure, and dont forget to checkout both my channel on Twitch and Shoko’s channel, both listed below! As mentioned in the video, I do Twitch live streams in cool places like this all the time: https://www.twitch.tv/nomadicgaijin And so does Shoko! https://www.twitch.tv/niharia Like my videos or live streams? Join the NG...

      published: 14 Jul 2022
    developed with YouTube
    [4K]Walking around Yokkaichi city in Mie Japan, January 2023

    [4K]Walking around Yokkaichi city in Mie Japan, January 2023

    • Order:
    • Duration: 27:02
    • Uploaded Date: 04 Jan 2023
    • views: 5756
    Walking around Yokkaichi city in Mie Japan, January 2023
    30 Places to Go Visit in Mie Prefecture

    30 Places to Go Visit in Mie Prefecture

    • Order:
    • Duration: 17:10
    • Uploaded Date: 13 Nov 2021
    • views: 23627
    In this video, I introduce 30 different places to go in Mie, from 11 different regions. While I was in Mie, I had the opportunity to visit many places and try various activities so I've compiled it all into this video! Table of Contents 0:00 Introduction 0:57 Tsu Area Farm Stay Guesthouse Illongo https://www.guesthouseilonggo.com/ 2:55 Matsusaka Area 4:35 Meiwacho 6:26 Taki 6:50 Ise Area 8:01 Toba Area Toba Grand Hotel https://www.booking.com/hotel/jp/toba-grand.en.html?aid=1977331&no_rooms=1&group_adults=2 Kaito Yumin Club https://www.oz-group.jp/kaitoyumin/ Shirataki Waterfall Meditation Osatsucho Walking Tour (Japanese) http://toba-osatsu.jp/nordic/ 11:40 Shima Area Playa Surf Beginner Surfing Course (Japanese) http://www.playa-surf.com/ 12:56 Odai Roca Roca Activity Bike SUP https://www.rocaroca.jp/ 13:34 Kihoku Area Yugakutei Accommodation https://kumanokodo-iseji.jp/en/spot/8136/ Kiora Paddle https://www.kiaorapaddle.com/ 14:37 Owase 14:54 Kumano Support my journey through the Patreon page! https://www.patreon.com/kumastation Bike trip updates on the Kuma Station Instagram stories!🐻 https://www.instagram.com/kumastation/ Gear List📸 Body for Video https://amzn.to/3miv1za Body for Photo https://amzn.to/2Ogb2UW Main Lens https://amzn.to/31HTrZh Secondary Lens https://amzn.to/3pyYxSE 360 Camera https://amzn.to/2QTPwGu Drone https://amzn.to/352bZFa
    【Yokkaichi, Mie Prefecture】Monday morning March 2022「osaka morning 570 JAPAN」近鉄四日市 三重県

    【Yokkaichi, Mie Prefecture】Monday morning March 2022「osaka morning 570 JAPAN」近鉄四日市 三重県

    • Order:
    • Duration: 10:36
    • Uploaded Date: 16 Mar 2022
    • views: 111
    【Morning Routine in Osaka Japan】 Now in JAPAN Today is Monday March 2022. This is Yokkaichi City, Mie Prefecture. Walk in front of Kintetsu Yokkaichi station.   Osaka is three cold and four hot. During the day, the temperature feels like the arrival of spring. What kind of day is it today? Let's walk! Taken with iPhone12 Pro #Osaka #四日市 #三重県 Nice to meet you. Viewing Thank you very much. I am shooting Osaka in the morning. If you would like, please comment and subscribe to the channel. I will walk in Japan today. I will walk in Osaka today. Encantada de conocerte. Gracias por leer. Estoy filmando en Osaka por la mañana. Comenta y suscríbete al canal si lo deseas. Hoy caminaré por Japón. Hoy caminaré por Osaka. Rất vui được gặp bạn. Cảm ơn bạn đã đọc. Tôi sẽ quay ở Osaka vào buổi sáng. Hãy comment và đăng ký kênh nếu bạn thích. Tôi sẽ đi bộ ở Nhật Bản hôm nay. Hôm nay tôi sẽ đi bộ ở Osaka. ยินดีที่ได้รู้จัก. ขอบคุณสำหรับการอ่าน. ฉันกำลังถ่ายทำในโอซาก้าในตอนเช้า โปรดแสดงความคิดเห็นและสมัครสมาชิกช่องหากคุณต้องการ วันนี้ฉันจะเดินเล่นที่ญี่ปุ่น วันนี้จะไปเดินเล่นที่โอซาก้า Senang berjumpa dengan anda. Terima kasih kerana membaca. Saya menembak Osaka pada waktu pagi. Sila komen dan melanggan saluran jika anda mahu. Saya akan berjalan di Jepun hari ini. Hari ini saya akan berjalan di Osaka. 처음뵙겠습니다. 볼감사합니다. 아침은오사카를촬영하고있습니다. 괜찮으시면댓글을 채널에등록하십시오. 오늘은일본을걷고있습니다. 오늘은오사카를걷고있습니다. 很高兴见到你。 感谢您的阅读。 我早上在大阪拍摄。 如果愿意, 请发表评论并订阅该频道。 我今天要走在日本。 今天我将在大阪散步。
    【Port Of Yokkaichi】The Middle of Japan - Yokkaichi Port ~English~

    【Port Of Yokkaichi】The Middle of Japan - Yokkaichi Port ~English~

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:36
    • Uploaded Date: 01 Jul 2021
    • views: 1040
    Mie Prefecture does not have an airport, but it has a port. There is no Shinkansen station, but Yokkaichi port is there. If you do not know Yokkaichi Port, please watch this video. Sustaining Our Livelihood - Yokkaichi Yokkaichi Port Promotion Association Official Website: http://www.yokkaichi-port.com/
    Cidade de Yokkaichi em Mie ken, Japão!

    Cidade de Yokkaichi em Mie ken, Japão!

    • Order:
    • Duration: 6:53
    • Uploaded Date: 28 Mar 2022
    • views: 548
    #Tour#Walk#Japan Um vídeo rápido pelo centro de Yokkaichi e um parque próximo, que foi reformado à alguns anos!
    [Japan vlog] best shopping store in yokkaichi mie ken Nagoya cheapest price all one you can buy.2022

    [Japan vlog] best shopping store in yokkaichi mie ken Nagoya cheapest price all one you can buy.2022

    • Order:
    • Duration: 8:35
    • Uploaded Date: 26 Jun 2022
    • views: 406
    Welcome to my YouTube channel here you will nd great videos and much to learn about Japan. ideos related to Japan will be uploaded on this channel here upload entertainment video and natural beauty. If you like my video, please comment, like, share and subscribe my YouTube channel. I hope you go and support me for this time please do not forget watch my videos. Thank you so much all off you who always support me and keep it More info https://youtube.com/channel/UCRRn9CcQQnVxlKBXG7Kisdg#walk in japan#yokkaichi #nagoyajapan japan
    [Mie Yokkaichi] Kintetsu Yokkaichi Festival

    [Mie Yokkaichi] Kintetsu Yokkaichi Festival

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:13
    • Uploaded Date: 27 Oct 2020
    • views: 67
    [Mie Yokkaichi] Kintetsu Yokkaichi Festival
    Snow fall in Mie ken yokkaichi❄️❄️❄️

    Snow fall in Mie ken yokkaichi❄️❄️❄️

    • Order:
    • Duration: 17:57
    • Uploaded Date: 23 Jan 2023
    • views: 134
    Snow ❄️ fall in Yokkaichi♥️♥️♥️ Enjoying every movement and making dream project 😋🎉
    #YOKKAICHI - Innovation City Yokkaichi- (Full Version)

    #YOKKAICHI - Innovation City Yokkaichi- (Full Version)

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    • Duration: 10:41
    • Uploaded Date: 30 Apr 2020
    • views: 2903
    This video was produced in order to publicize the many attractions, industries, and efforts towards environmental conservation in the city of Yokkaichi in a way that is easy to understand. Please click on the link below for videos in Japanese, English, Chinese, and Vietnamese. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLepPVCPPi-t67F5x_1xO0GNnZmHh8tLN_ ■Table of Contents 1:06 【Spring】Creation of urban space - good location and well-developed infrastructure 2:40 【Summer】The industrial power of Yokkaichi is developed in parallel with environmental improvement 7:06 【Autumn】Beautiful nature and unique traditions will lead to further industrial development 8:44 【Winter】From modernization to the near future ■Narration Yokkaichi City leads Japan and the world in producing various petrochemical products, and as the home of the largest semiconductor plant in the world. Handcrafted Hinaga fans and Yokkaichi Banko ware display traditional techniques inherited over generations. An innovation city, blessed with natural scenery, rich in history and culture – this is Yokkaichi. 1:06 【Spring】Creation of urban space - good location and well-developed infrastructure In olden days, Yokkaichi flourished as the forty-third station on the much-traveled Tokaido road, as depicted in Hiroshige’s series of ukiyoe woodcut prints, "The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido" and also served as an important point of the road connecting the east and the west of Japan. Yokkaichi’s port was opened to foreign trade in 1899. Part of its old port’s heritage is the Shiofuki Breakwater, said to have been designed by Johannis de Rijke, a Dutch civil engineer, and now considered an Important Cultural Property. Yokkaichi is near the center of Japan. As well as Yokkaichi Port, an international hub, the city offers a well-developed expressway network, and is just one hour's drive from the CHUBU CENTRAIR International Airport. These excellent transport links connect people and goods easily to other parts of Japan and to other countries. 2027 will see the opening of the Shinkansen maglev train line, which will considerably reduce travel time from Tokyo or Osaka to Yokkaichi. Yokkaichi’s international logistics will enable it to develop its urban space further as it evolves as a core city in the Tokai region. 2:40 【Summer】The industrial power of Yokkaichi is developed in parallel with environmental improvement Yokkaichi is known for the views of its factories by night, and it has a well-developed international trading port. A petrochemical complex manufactures general-purpose products such as materials for plastics, synthetic fiber and other components. In recent years, production has included high value-added products that are essential for semiconductors, displays, batteries and other items. This company supplies raw materials to other companies working in the petrochemical complex. Its products include materials for containers used commonly in our everyday lives, as well as environmental purification products. Based on technologies cultivated in the petrochemical field, this company also produces materials used for semiconductors, as well as display materials and other products. It has the world's top share in the production of photoresists for advanced semiconductors. The inland area has one of the largest and most advanced semiconductor flash memory production sites in the world. This vending machine plant has the largest share in the global market. Altogether, many globally recognized companies are based in Yokkaichi. In recent years, the complex in the coastal area and semiconductor companies in the inland area have worked together to serve as a base to supply advanced parts and materials and enhance the mother function. The value of shipments of manufactured goods is about 3,058.3 billion yen. This rates Yokkaichi as the eleventh of the 1,724 municipalities in Japan. Yokkaichi is a representative industrial city in Japan. The city has, however, been through many changes up to the present. In the decade from 1960 onwards, pollution damaged the health and lives of many people. As a response, Yokkaichi has been working to improve the environment through the united efforts of citizens, companies and the government. It aims to achieve industrial development alongside environmental conservation. The technologies and know-how accumulated through efforts to improve the environment have been amalgamated at the International Center for Environmental Technology Transfer, or ICETT. Training sessions and exchanges are organized in ICETT to develop human resources which contribute greatly to the improvement of the environment in other countries. ■If you need the full transcript of this video, please click the link below and go to the official website of Yokkaichi City, and download the PDF file "Narration_#YOKKAICHI (Full Version) ". https://www.city.yokkaichi.lg.jp/www/contents/1588901439627/index.html
    Kansai Adventure II: Mie Prefecture [JAPAN IN A VAN]

    Kansai Adventure II: Mie Prefecture [JAPAN IN A VAN]

    • Order:
    • Duration: 11:06
    • Uploaded Date: 14 Jul 2022
    • views: 6388
    For part 1 of this adventure, check out: https://youtu.be/PjtyhBYmcA8 This is part of a journey that took us 6 days, sleeping and traveling in a van with 2 dogs, and exploring a less adventured area of Japan. Part one, in Wakayama, deals with the Path of the Gods pilgrimage of old Japan, and in this video we check out some of Japan’s oldest and holiest areas, the birthplace of the Shinto religion, Ise Grand Shrine and the surrounding beautiful areas. Come join our adventure, and dont forget to checkout both my channel on Twitch and Shoko’s channel, both listed below! As mentioned in the video, I do Twitch live streams in cool places like this all the time: https://www.twitch.tv/nomadicgaijin And so does Shoko! https://www.twitch.tv/niharia Like my videos or live streams? Join the NGIJ discord community: https://discord.io/nomadic Social Media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nomadic.gaijin Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NomadicGaijinJapan Twitter: https://twitter.com/Nomadic_Gaijin TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nomadicgaijin To support my channel/live streams, get behind the scenes access and more, check out my Patreon or Join YouTube membership direct through my channel (same content, choice of preferred method) Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/nomadicgaijin YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/NomadicGaijin (and hit the join button!) Other ways to support Paypal: https://paypal.me/NomadicGaijin Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/nomadicgaijin For access to all of these links in one place, check out my solo page: https://solo.to/nomadicgaijin For my portfolio and business inquiries, check out my website: https://www.nomadicgaijin.com
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    Snow fall in Mie ken yokkaichi❄️❄️❄️
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    Yokkaichi, Mie

    Yokkaichi (四日市市 Yokkaichi-shi, lit. "fourth day market") is a city located in Mie Prefecture, Japan. As of August 2015, the city had an estimated population of 306,107 and a population density of 1,480 persons per km². The total area was 206.44 square kilometres (79.71 sq mi).


    Yokkaichi is located in north-central of Mie Prefecture, which is northeastern Kii Peninsula. It stretches the width of Mie Prefecture, and is bordered by Ise Bay on the Pacific Ocean to the east, and Shiga Prefecture to the northwest.

    Neighboring municipalities

  • Mie Prefecture
  • Kuwana
  • Suzuka
  • Inabe
  • Komono
  • Asahi
  • Kawagoe
  • Tōin
  • Shiga Prefecture
  • Kōka
  • Climate

    Yokkaichi has a humid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification Cfa) with hot summers and cool winters. Precipitation is significant throughout the year, but is much lower in winter.


    The area around modern Yokkaichi has been settled since prehistoric times. Numerous Kofun period burial mounds have been discovered and the area was once of the battle sites of the Asuka period Jinshin War. However, until the end of the Heian period, the area was sparsely settled, and was only a small port village. The area developed during the Kamakura period and by the Azuchi-Momoyama period, the port was developed and a regular market was open on 4, 14, 24 in each month. Thus, the city is named Yokkaichi because "yokkaichi" means "market on fourth day." After the Honnō-ji Incident during which warlord Oda Nobunaga was assassinated, Tokugawa Ieyasu fled from Yokkaichi port by sea to his castle at Edo. Under the Tokugawa shogunate, Yokkaichi was tenryō territory controlled directly by the Shogun and administered by a daikan based at the Yokkaichi Jin’ya. Throughout the Edo period, the area prospered as Yokkaichi-juku, the forty-third station on the Tōkaidō highway connecting Edo with Kyoto. However, the city was largely destroyed by the Ansei great earthquakes.

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