'+pages+''); $('.stream > div:odd').addClass('bgr_color'); updateHeight('#history'); }); window.activateTabArea = ensure(function(tab, areas){ var parsed = false; var parts = (areas || '').split('/'); window.fsonload = $.inArray('fs', parts) >= 0; if(fsonload){ parts.splice(parts.indexOf('fs'), 1); } var replayMode = false; if($.inArray('replay', parts)>=0){ replayMode = 'replay'; } var noSoundMode = false; if($.inArray('nosound', parts)>=0){ noSoundMode = 'nosound'; } if($.inArray('ns', parts)>=0){ noSoundMode = 'ns'; } var previewMode = null; if($.inArray('p', parts)>=0){ previewMode = 'p'; } if($.inArray('preview', parts)>=0){ previewMode = 'preview'; } if($.inArray('repeat', parts)>=0){ replayMode = 'repeat'; } if($.inArray('r', parts)>=0 || $.inArray('ro', parts)>=0){ replayMode = 'r'; } if(replayMode){ parts.splice(parts.indexOf(replayMode), 1); } if(noSoundMode){ parts.splice(parts.indexOf(noSoundMode), 1); } if(previewMode){ parts.splice(parts.indexOf(previewMode), 1); } if(previewMode){ if(!parts.length){ parts = ['1-14', '999:59']; } } var area = parts[0]; if(tab == 'history' && false){ var page = parseInt(area || '1') || 1; $.ajax({ url: 'https://login.wn.com/recent/json/?pp='+history_pp+'&skip='+history_pp*(page-1), dataType: 'jsonp', success: function(response){ $ensure(function(){ renderHistory(response, page); }); } }); return true; } if(tab == 'global_history' && false){ var page = parseInt(area || '1') || 1; globalHistory.fetchStream(page, '', function(){ updateHeight('#global_history'); }); return true; } if(tab == 'my_playlists' && false){ var page = parseInt(area || '1') || 1; myPlaylists.fetchStream(page, '', function(){ updateHeight('#my_playlists'); }); return true; } if(tab == 'my_videos' && false){ var page = parseInt(area || '1') || 1; myVideos.fetchStream(page, '', function(){ updateHeight('#my_videos'); }); return true; } if(tab == 'related_sites' && areas && matchPosition(areas)){ var seconds = parsePosition(areas); scrollRelated(seconds); return false; } if(matchPosition(area) || matchAction(area)){ parts.unshift('1'); area = parts[0]; } if(tab == 'expand' && area && area.match(/\d+/)) { var num = parseInt(area); if(num < 100){ //FIX ME. Load news page with ajax here } else if(num > 1900){ //FIX ME. Load timeline page with ajax here } } else if(tab.match(/^playlist\d+$/)){ var playerId = parseInt(tab.substring(8)); var vp = videoplayers[playerId]; window.descriptionsholder = $('.descriptionsplace'); if(!vp) return; // why? no player? if(replayMode){ $('.replaycurrent'+playerId).attr('checked', true); vp.setReplayCurrent(true); } var playQueue = []; window.playQueue = playQueue; var playQueuePosition = 0; var playShouldStart = null; var playShouldStop = null; var parseList = function(x){ var items = x.split(/;|,/g); var results = []; for (i in items){ try{ var action = parseAction(vp, items[i]); if(!action.video){ if(window.console && console.log) console.log("Warning: No video for queued entry: " + items[i]); }else{ results.push(action); } }catch(e){ if(window.console && console.log) console.log("Warning: Can''t parse queue entry: " + items[i]); } } return results; }; var scrollToPlaylistPosition = function(vp){ var ppos = vp.getPlaylistPosition(); var el = vp.playlistContainer.find('>li').eq(ppos); 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playShouldStart = null; } }; function loadMoreVideos(playerId, vp, start, finish, callback){ var playlistInfo = playlists[playerId-1]; if(playlistInfo.loading >= finish) return; playlistInfo.loading = finish; $.ajax({ url: '/api/upge/cheetah-photo-search/query_videos2', dataType: 'json', data: { query: playlistInfo.query, orderby: playlistInfo.orderby, start: start, count: finish-start }, success: function(response){ var pl = vp.getPlaylist().slice(0); pl.push.apply(pl, response); vp.setPlaylist(pl); callback(); } }); } if(parts.length == 1 && matchDash(parts[0])){ var pl = vp.getActualPlaylist(); var vids = parseDash(parts[0]); parts = []; for(var i = 0; i < vids.length; i++){ playQueue.push({ 'video': pl[vids[i]-1], 'start': 0, 'stop': null }) } if(vids.length){ if(vids[vids.length-1]-1>=pl.length){ loadMoreVideos(playerId, vp, pl.length, vids[vids.length-1], function(){ if(fsonload){ activateTabArea(tab, parts[0]+'/fs'); }else{ activateTabArea(tab, parts[0]); } var pls = vp.getPlaylist(); 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William Heilman

William Heilman (October 11, 1824 - September 22, 1890) was a U.S. Representative from Indiana, great-grandfather of Charles Marion LaFollette.

Born in Albig, Duchy of Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, Heilman immigrated to the United States in 1843 and settled on a farm in Vanderburg County, Indiana. After moving to Evansville, Indiana, he worked for a manufacturing company and subsequently became president of a cotton mill. In 1847, he founded a machine shop for the manufacture of drills. He served as member of the city council 1852-1865, as member of the Indiana House of Representatives 1870-1876 and as delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1876. He served in the Indiana State Senate from 1876 until March 3, 1879.

Heilman was elected as a Republican to the Forty-sixth and Forty-seventh Congresses (March 4, 1879-March 3, 1883). He was an unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1882 to the Forty-eighth Congress. He resumed his former business activities. He died in Evansville, Indiana, September 22, 1890. He was interred in Oak Hill Cemetery.


  • Beach Days 2 (Winter Edition)

    Beach Days can be unpredictable. You never know what kind of people you will run into... My Gear : Main Camera: Panasonic Lumix GH5 GoPro: Hero 8 Microphone: Rode Videomic NTG Long Len: Lumix Vario 35mm-100mm Wide Lens: 12mm-35mm FOLLOW: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/williamheilmanphotography/

    published: 03 Jan 2021
  • Camping Days

    Camping is a great way to get away from big ciy life. It's a nice calm vacation where you can enjoy nature just relax! Unless of course you go with us... My Gear : Main Camera: Panasonic Lumix GH5 GoPro: Hero 8 Microphone: Rode Videomic NTG Long Len: Lumix Vario 35mm-100mm Wide Lens: 12mm-35mm FOLLOW: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/williamheilmanphotography/

    published: 10 Jan 2021
  • Beach Days

    Shout out to my 3 nephews. My Gear : Main Camera: Panasonic Lumix GH5 GoPro: Hero 8 Microphone: Rode Videomic NTG Long Len: Lumix Vario 35mm-100mm Wide Lens: 12mm-35mm FOLLOW: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/williamheilmanphotography/

    published: 12 Sep 2020
  • It's all about who you're with...

    My Gear : Main Camera: Panasonic Lumix GH5 GoPro: Hero 8 Microphone: Rode Videomic NTG Long Len: Lumix Vario 35mm-100mm Wide Lens: 12mm-35mm FOLLOW: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/williamheilmanphotography/

    published: 20 Oct 2020
  • Cinematic Wedding Video - Shot on GH5

    Focusing more on story and less on cool B-roll has changed my view on filming. I learned so much even after shooting this wedding that story really is the main driving point of any film. I know you hear that said ALL THE TIME but to actually learn from your own mistakes really just hits different. My Gear : Main Camera: Panasonic Lumix GH5 GoPro: Hero 8 Microphone: Rode Videomic NTG Long Len: Lumix Vario 35mm-100mm Wide Lens: 12mm-35mm FOLLOW: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/williamheilmanphotography/

    published: 12 Aug 2021
  • William Clifford Heilman - Piano Trio, Op. 7 (1923)

    William Clifford Heilman (September 27, 1877 – December 20, 1946) was an American composer. Born in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, where he also later died, he composed a number of orchestral works as well as a good deal of chamber music; he also produced songs. Heilman was a graduate of Harvard University, where he later taught for some time. Please support my channel: https://ko-fi.com/bartjebartmans Piano Trio in C minor, Op. 7 Dedication: Walter Raymond Spalding 1. Allegro amabile (0:00) 2. Poco adagio (B major) (10:04) 3. Allegro grazioso - Allegro comodo (14:10) Rawlins Piano Trio Details by Edition Silvertrust: “William Heilman's Piano Trio is an ingratiating work which reveals its composer as one who is concerned first and last with euphony; how his music sounds. Throughout the t...

    published: 05 Jul 2021

    Shout out to Danny Gevirtz for inspiring me to do "moving pictures". FOLLOW: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/williamheilmanphotography/

    published: 20 Aug 2022
  • Cinematic Wedding Video

    Here's my take on a wedding video! I shot this for my brother and now sister in law. Video was secondary for this day as I was mostly there for photography but i shot as much video as I could and very thankful and happy with the way it turned out!! I know it could have been much better if video was my main focus but again, very happy with the outcome. My Gear : Main Camera: Panasonic Lumix GH5 GoPro: Hero 8 Microphone: Rode Videomic NTG Long Len: Lumix Vario 35mm-100mm Wide Lens: 12mm-35mm FOLLOW: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/williamheilmanphotography/ https://www.instagram.com/paulaandwill/

    published: 31 Jan 2021
  • We shot a horror SHORT film in 30 minutes!!!

    My Gear : Main Camera: Panasonic Lumix GH5 GoPro: Hero 8 Microphone: Rode Videomic NTG Long Len: Lumix Vario 35mm-100mm Wide Lens: 12mm-35mm FOLLOW: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/williamheilmanphotography/

    published: 26 Oct 2020
  • Try this for better product photography!!

    My Gear : Main Camera: Panasonic Lumix GH5 GoPro: Hero 8 Microphone: Rode Videomic NTG Long Len: Lumix Vario 35mm-100mm Wide Lens: 12mm-35mm FOLLOW: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/williamheilmanphotography/

    published: 02 Oct 2020
Beach Days 2 (Winter Edition)

Beach Days 2 (Winter Edition)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:20
  • Uploaded Date: 03 Jan 2021
  • views: 828
Beach Days can be unpredictable. You never know what kind of people you will run into... My Gear : Main Camera: Panasonic Lumix GH5 GoPro: Hero 8 Microphone: Rode Videomic NTG Long Len: Lumix Vario 35mm-100mm Wide Lens: 12mm-35mm FOLLOW: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/williamheilmanphotography/
Camping Days

Camping Days

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:48
  • Uploaded Date: 10 Jan 2021
  • views: 383
Camping is a great way to get away from big ciy life. It's a nice calm vacation where you can enjoy nature just relax! Unless of course you go with us... My Gear : Main Camera: Panasonic Lumix GH5 GoPro: Hero 8 Microphone: Rode Videomic NTG Long Len: Lumix Vario 35mm-100mm Wide Lens: 12mm-35mm FOLLOW: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/williamheilmanphotography/
Beach Days

Beach Days

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:12
  • Uploaded Date: 12 Sep 2020
  • views: 708
Shout out to my 3 nephews. My Gear : Main Camera: Panasonic Lumix GH5 GoPro: Hero 8 Microphone: Rode Videomic NTG Long Len: Lumix Vario 35mm-100mm Wide Lens: 12mm-35mm FOLLOW: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/williamheilmanphotography/
It's all about who you're with...

It's all about who you're with...

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:09
  • Uploaded Date: 20 Oct 2020
  • views: 329
My Gear : Main Camera: Panasonic Lumix GH5 GoPro: Hero 8 Microphone: Rode Videomic NTG Long Len: Lumix Vario 35mm-100mm Wide Lens: 12mm-35mm FOLLOW: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/williamheilmanphotography/
Cinematic Wedding Video - Shot on GH5

Cinematic Wedding Video - Shot on GH5

  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:03
  • Uploaded Date: 12 Aug 2021
  • views: 2144
Focusing more on story and less on cool B-roll has changed my view on filming. I learned so much even after shooting this wedding that story really is the main driving point of any film. I know you hear that said ALL THE TIME but to actually learn from your own mistakes really just hits different. My Gear : Main Camera: Panasonic Lumix GH5 GoPro: Hero 8 Microphone: Rode Videomic NTG Long Len: Lumix Vario 35mm-100mm Wide Lens: 12mm-35mm FOLLOW: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/williamheilmanphotography/
William Clifford Heilman - Piano Trio, Op. 7 (1923)

William Clifford Heilman - Piano Trio, Op. 7 (1923)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 22:10
  • Uploaded Date: 05 Jul 2021
  • views: 2410
William Clifford Heilman (September 27, 1877 – December 20, 1946) was an American composer. Born in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, where he also later died, he composed a number of orchestral works as well as a good deal of chamber music; he also produced songs. Heilman was a graduate of Harvard University, where he later taught for some time. Please support my channel: https://ko-fi.com/bartjebartmans Piano Trio in C minor, Op. 7 Dedication: Walter Raymond Spalding 1. Allegro amabile (0:00) 2. Poco adagio (B major) (10:04) 3. Allegro grazioso - Allegro comodo (14:10) Rawlins Piano Trio Details by Edition Silvertrust: “William Heilman's Piano Trio is an ingratiating work which reveals its composer as one who is concerned first and last with euphony; how his music sounds. Throughout the three movements, there is a minimum of dissonance, and the harmonic dispersions, particularly in the piano part, recall the Brahmsian sonorities that proved so adaptable to the chamber music style. The blandness of Heilman’s rhythms is wholly in keeping with the smoothness of his harmonic texture. An attractive feature of the work is the sonorous slow movement, Poco adagio, a well sustained song which keeps a thoroughly unified mood of tranquility and has a finely wrought climax. The work is of moderate difficulty and grateful to players and listeners alike."---the respected chamber music critic and scholar Arthur Shepherd writing in Cobbett's Cyclopedic Survey of Chamber Music William Heilman (1877-1946) was born in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. He is said to have studied in Munich with Josef Rheinberger and then in Paris with Charles Marie Widor before returning to Harvard from which he graduated. He subsequently was a lecturer in music at Harvard for over three decades. The Piano Trio in C Minor was completed in 1922 and consists of three movements. First comes a buoyant Allegro amabile. This is followed by an appealing Poco adagio. The finale, Allegro grazioso, though graceful, is also full of forward energy.


  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:48
  • Uploaded Date: 20 Aug 2022
  • views: 731
Shout out to Danny Gevirtz for inspiring me to do "moving pictures". FOLLOW: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/williamheilmanphotography/
Cinematic Wedding Video

Cinematic Wedding Video

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:38
  • Uploaded Date: 31 Jan 2021
  • views: 661
Here's my take on a wedding video! I shot this for my brother and now sister in law. Video was secondary for this day as I was mostly there for photography but i shot as much video as I could and very thankful and happy with the way it turned out!! I know it could have been much better if video was my main focus but again, very happy with the outcome. My Gear : Main Camera: Panasonic Lumix GH5 GoPro: Hero 8 Microphone: Rode Videomic NTG Long Len: Lumix Vario 35mm-100mm Wide Lens: 12mm-35mm FOLLOW: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/williamheilmanphotography/ https://www.instagram.com/paulaandwill/
We shot a horror SHORT film in 30 minutes!!!

We shot a horror SHORT film in 30 minutes!!!

  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:04
  • Uploaded Date: 26 Oct 2020
  • views: 312
My Gear : Main Camera: Panasonic Lumix GH5 GoPro: Hero 8 Microphone: Rode Videomic NTG Long Len: Lumix Vario 35mm-100mm Wide Lens: 12mm-35mm FOLLOW: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/williamheilmanphotography/
Try this for better product photography!!

Try this for better product photography!!

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:02
  • Uploaded Date: 02 Oct 2020
  • views: 125
My Gear : Main Camera: Panasonic Lumix GH5 GoPro: Hero 8 Microphone: Rode Videomic NTG Long Len: Lumix Vario 35mm-100mm Wide Lens: 12mm-35mm FOLLOW: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/williamheilmanphotography/
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PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 1:03:14

Beach Days 2 (Winter Edition)

Beach Days can be unpredictable. You never know what kind of people you will run into... My Gear : Main Camera: Panasonic Lumix GH5 GoPro: Hero 8 Microphone: Rode Videomic NTG Long Len: Lumix Vario 35mm-100mm Wide Lens: 12mm-35mm FOLLOW: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/williamheilmanphotography/
Beach Days 2 (Winter Edition)
Beach Days can be unpredictable. You never know what kind of people you will run into... ...
published: 03 Jan 2021
Play in Full Screen
Camping Days
Camping is a great way to get away from big ciy life. It's a nice calm vacation where you ...
published: 10 Jan 2021
Play in Full Screen
Beach Days
Shout out to my 3 nephews. My Gear : Main Camera: Panasonic Lumix GH5 GoPro: Hero 8 Micro...
published: 12 Sep 2020
Play in Full Screen
It's all about who you're with...
My Gear : Main Camera: Panasonic Lumix GH5 GoPro: Hero 8 Microphone: Rode Videomic NTG Lo...
published: 20 Oct 2020
Play in Full Screen
Cinematic Wedding Video - Shot on GH5
Focusing more on story and less on cool B-roll has changed my view on filming. I learned s...
published: 12 Aug 2021
Play in Full Screen
William Clifford Heilman - Piano Trio, Op. 7 (1923)
William Clifford Heilman (September 27, 1877 – December 20, 1946) was an American composer...
published: 05 Jul 2021
Play in Full Screen
Shout out to Danny Gevirtz for inspiring me to do "moving pictures". FOLLOW: INSTAGRAM: ...
published: 20 Aug 2022
Play in Full Screen
Cinematic Wedding Video
Here's my take on a wedding video! I shot this for my brother and now sister in law. Video...
published: 31 Jan 2021
Play in Full Screen
We shot a horror SHORT film in 30 minutes!!!
My Gear : Main Camera: Panasonic Lumix GH5 GoPro: Hero 8 Microphone: Rode Videomic NTG Lo...
published: 26 Oct 2020
Play in Full Screen
Try this for better product photography!!
My Gear : Main Camera: Panasonic Lumix GH5 GoPro: Hero 8 Microphone: Rode Videomic NTG Lo...
published: 02 Oct 2020
Play in Full Screen

William Heilman

William Heilman (October 11, 1824 - September 22, 1890) was a U.S. Representative from Indiana, great-grandfather of Charles Marion LaFollette.

Born in Albig, Duchy of Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, Heilman immigrated to the United States in 1843 and settled on a farm in Vanderburg County, Indiana. After moving to Evansville, Indiana, he worked for a manufacturing company and subsequently became president of a cotton mill. In 1847, he founded a machine shop for the manufacture of drills. He served as member of the city council 1852-1865, as member of the Indiana House of Representatives 1870-1876 and as delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1876. He served in the Indiana State Senate from 1876 until March 3, 1879.

Heilman was elected as a Republican to the Forty-sixth and Forty-seventh Congresses (March 4, 1879-March 3, 1883). He was an unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1882 to the Forty-eighth Congress. He resumed his former business activities. He died in Evansville, Indiana, September 22, 1890. He was interred in Oak Hill Cemetery.

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