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William Gager

William Gager (1555–1622) was an English jurist, now known for his Latin dramas.

He was educated at Westminster School and Christ Church, Oxford.

His works were produced at the University of Oxford, from 1582 to 1592. He was considered one of the major dramatists of the late sixteenth century. Apart from one comedy, Rivales, which has not survived, his works were all Latin tragedies. They include Meleager (1582), Dido (1583) and Ulysses Redux (1592). He stayed closer to the model of Senecan tragedy than other contemporaries, and adapted Seneca's Hippolytus in 1592, with the addition of scenes.

He was also a neo-Latin poet.


External links

  • Review of William Gager: The Complete Works
  • Hypertext edition of The Complete Works
  • Podcasts:

    Famous quotes by William Gager:

    "I'm sorry if they're trying and it isn't reaping them any benefits."
    "The noise making isn't malicious. It's just that students are nocturnal people. If they remember they're living in a place where people go to bed at 11:00 when they're just getting started out that would be a great step toward resolving the problem."
    • WIlliam GAGER an early penname of the real or true Shakespeare (MARLOWE) ? A THESIS

      A substantiated 'working Hypothesis' None of the 'N A M E S' of the 2 allegedly greatest (coeval) poet genius' of their age: MA R L O W E' and 'S H A K E S P E A R E' were printed on their(?) works, before they had reached the 30iest year of life! ____________ W H Y T H E W O R K S (of BOTH ?) R E M A I N E D UN P R I N T E D for 3 decades ? The Degree of Concordances (s.30 Arguments) between William GAGER and Christopher MARLOWE (here seen as the ''only true'' SHAKESPEARE is massive and hardly purely coincidental: 1 Birth date 2 Canterbury Kings school 3 Oxford Study 4 Study of Law (DCL) 5 Reputation as Dramatist 6 Ranking 7 Unconditional Question 8 'D I D O' 9 'H E R O &...

      published: 01 Sep 2021
    • George Peele, His Only Surviving Letter, and its Connection to the Earl of Oxford and Shakespeare.

      Since giving his talk in May of this year, Robert has some new information he would like to share. Please follow this link AFTER you have watched his video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLRB71vQ6vU We are excited to welcome Robert Prechter to the Shakespeare Authorship Roundtable. Mr. Prechter is known for his work in financial prediction using the Elliott Wave Theory, but in this video, he will talk about George Peele, one of the University Wits, and possibly a literary persona for the Earl of Oxford. His analysis of the only surviving letter written by George Peele is fascinating and well thought out. Robert has recently completed a 24 volume digital book called "Oxford’s Voices" which proposes that many publications from the era were actually written by Edward de Vere in his you...

      published: 15 Jun 2022
    • Saints Talk: Staging Revenge - Transforming the Odyssey in Early Modern by Dr Emma Buckley

      In this lecture Dr Buckley will explore the world of academic drama via the Ulysses Redux (or ‘Ulysses Returning’) by William Gager. This play marks a fascinating turning-point in English literary history, as a close reworking of Homer’s Odyssey, and as a document which offers fascinating insights into the intersection of education, court culture and state power in early modern England.

      published: 15 Dec 2021
    • will.i.am - T.H.E. (The Hardest Ever) ft. Mick Jagger, Jennifer Lopez

      Sign up for Will.i.am news here: http://smarturl.it/will.i.am.News Music video by will.i.am performing T.H.E. (The Hardest Ever) feat. Mick Jagger & Jennifer Lopez. Buy now! http://smarturl.it/williamTHE © 2011 Interscope

      published: 12 Dec 2011
    • Carry On by Robert William Service narrated by Kemiesha Gager


      published: 28 Oct 2017
    • 242: This Is... 1583: A Year in Theatre

      This Is... 1583 is a pilot for an occasional series looking at theatre history on year at a time, with a focus on plays premiering or in rep at the time, and significant events in the realm. With Helen Good, Stephen Longstaffe, Daniel Yabut and host Robert Crighton. If you'd like to hear more of this kind of thing, get in touch, suggest a year, suggest topics... though it might be a while before you hear more of this kind of thing. The plays covered in this episode, which have been explored on our YouTube channel, are... Fedele and Fortunio by Anthony Munday - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLflmEwgdfKoJO9HEXXT-czQMP_RSzb4a7 Campaspe by John Lyly - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLflmEwgdfKoJ6Gad4JC0QeGMBXzf33XfV Another confirmed play from that year includes a Latin play of D...

      published: 03 May 2024
    • 3/14/24, William Orem/Virtual Thursdays Dire Literary Series, plus Q and A with Timothy Gager

      William Orem writes about spiritual quest and philosophical questions. His stories, poems and short plays have been published in over 100 literary journals, including The Princeton Arts Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, Sou'wester and The New Formalist. His first story collection, Zombi, You My Love, won the GLCA New Writers Award, previously given to Louise Erdrich, Sherman Alexie, Richard Ford and Alice Munro. His second story collection, Across the River, won the Clay Reynolds Novella Prize. His first novel, Killer of Crying Deer, won the Eric Hoffer Award and has been optioned for film. His second novel, Miss Lucy, won the Gival Press Novel Award. Kirkus listed it as one of the Best Books of the Year. His first collection of poems, Our Purpose in Speaking, won the Wheelbarrow Boo...

      published: 15 Mar 2024
    • Famous People We've Lost in 1880 - Obituary in 1880

      Famous People We've Lost in 1880 - Obituary in 1880 Copyright Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended. This video is for educational purposes only. @obituarypedia

      published: 22 Aug 2024
    • Was Christopher Marlowe Shakespeare's servant?

      New evidence suggests that William Shakespeare was the patron of Christopher Marlowe.

      published: 14 Jun 2021
    • George Harrison, Bruce Springsteen, Mick Jagger & more - "I Saw Her Standing There" | 1988 Induction

      George Harrison, Bruce Springsteen, Mick Jagger, Bob Dylan and others perform "I Saw Her Standing There" at the 1988 Hall of Fame Inductions. http://rockhall.com/ Visit us! http://rockhall.com/ Subscribe to RockHall : http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=rockhall Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/rockandrollhalloffame Twitter: http://twitter.com/rockhall Check out all the inductees: http://rockhall.com/inductees/ Upcoming events: http://rockhall.com/events/

      published: 10 Apr 2012
    WIlliam GAGER  an early  penname of the  real or true Shakespeare (MARLOWE) ? A THESIS

    WIlliam GAGER an early penname of the real or true Shakespeare (MARLOWE) ? A THESIS

    • Order:
    • Duration: 40:23
    • Uploaded Date: 01 Sep 2021
    • views: 409
    A substantiated 'working Hypothesis' None of the 'N A M E S' of the 2 allegedly greatest (coeval) poet genius' of their age: MA R L O W E' and 'S H A K E S P E A R E' were printed on their(?) works, before they had reached the 30iest year of life! ____________ W H Y T H E W O R K S (of BOTH ?) R E M A I N E D UN P R I N T E D for 3 decades ? The Degree of Concordances (s.30 Arguments) between William GAGER and Christopher MARLOWE (here seen as the ''only true'' SHAKESPEARE is massive and hardly purely coincidental: 1 Birth date 2 Canterbury Kings school 3 Oxford Study 4 Study of Law (DCL) 5 Reputation as Dramatist 6 Ranking 7 Unconditional Question 8 'D I D O' 9 'H E R O & LE A N D E R 10 GAGER / Chapman 11 MELEAGER (Boas) 12 MELEAGER (Dido&Tamburlaine) 13 MELEAGER (Essex) 14 LUCRECE (Shakespeare) 15 ULYSSES Mary Sidney 16 Handwriting 17 BRETON / Gager 18 Handwriting (Raynold) 19 Oedipus (Basse) 20 Oedipus (Wither) 21 Abrupt End of Dramatist 22 OXFORD's other POETs 23 POLIMANTEIA 24 T. BASTARD 25 R. BARNFIELD 26 CHRESTOLEROS(1) 27 CHRESTOLEROS(2) 28 PEELE /GAGER 29 King EDWARD I play 30 etc. etc.
    George Peele, His Only Surviving Letter, and its Connection to the Earl of Oxford and Shakespeare.

    George Peele, His Only Surviving Letter, and its Connection to the Earl of Oxford and Shakespeare.

    • Order:
    • Duration: 47:15
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Jun 2022
    • views: 9876
    Since giving his talk in May of this year, Robert has some new information he would like to share. Please follow this link AFTER you have watched his video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLRB71vQ6vU We are excited to welcome Robert Prechter to the Shakespeare Authorship Roundtable. Mr. Prechter is known for his work in financial prediction using the Elliott Wave Theory, but in this video, he will talk about George Peele, one of the University Wits, and possibly a literary persona for the Earl of Oxford. His analysis of the only surviving letter written by George Peele is fascinating and well thought out. Robert has recently completed a 24 volume digital book called "Oxford’s Voices" which proposes that many publications from the era were actually written by Edward de Vere in his youth. Access to the online book is available for purchase here: https://oxfordsvoices.com/
    Saints Talk: Staging Revenge - Transforming the Odyssey in Early Modern by Dr Emma Buckley

    Saints Talk: Staging Revenge - Transforming the Odyssey in Early Modern by Dr Emma Buckley

    • Order:
    • Duration: 56:03
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Dec 2021
    • views: 114
    In this lecture Dr Buckley will explore the world of academic drama via the Ulysses Redux (or ‘Ulysses Returning’) by William Gager. This play marks a fascinating turning-point in English literary history, as a close reworking of Homer’s Odyssey, and as a document which offers fascinating insights into the intersection of education, court culture and state power in early modern England.
    will.i.am - T.H.E. (The Hardest Ever) ft. Mick Jagger, Jennifer Lopez

    will.i.am - T.H.E. (The Hardest Ever) ft. Mick Jagger, Jennifer Lopez

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:44
    • Uploaded Date: 12 Dec 2011
    • views: 66801859
    Sign up for Will.i.am news here: http://smarturl.it/will.i.am.News Music video by will.i.am performing T.H.E. (The Hardest Ever) feat. Mick Jagger & Jennifer Lopez. Buy now! http://smarturl.it/williamTHE © 2011 Interscope
    Carry On by Robert William Service narrated by Kemiesha Gager

    Carry On by Robert William Service narrated by Kemiesha Gager

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:46
    • Uploaded Date: 28 Oct 2017
    • views: 679
    242: This Is... 1583: A Year in Theatre

    242: This Is... 1583: A Year in Theatre

    • Order:
    • Duration: 49:02
    • Uploaded Date: 03 May 2024
    • views: 2
    This Is... 1583 is a pilot for an occasional series looking at theatre history on year at a time, with a focus on plays premiering or in rep at the time, and significant events in the realm. With Helen Good, Stephen Longstaffe, Daniel Yabut and host Robert Crighton. If you'd like to hear more of this kind of thing, get in touch, suggest a year, suggest topics... though it might be a while before you hear more of this kind of thing. The plays covered in this episode, which have been explored on our YouTube channel, are... Fedele and Fortunio by Anthony Munday - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLflmEwgdfKoJO9HEXXT-czQMP_RSzb4a7 Campaspe by John Lyly - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLflmEwgdfKoJ6Gad4JC0QeGMBXzf33XfV Another confirmed play from that year includes a Latin play of Dido by William Gager Also discussed are the Queen's Men, their wider repertoire can be found on this expansive playlist - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLflmEwgdfKoKW-TB_TKM1Frf3bGqzvd_n The Beyond Shakespeare Podcast is supported by its patrons – become a patron and you get to choose the plays we work on next. Go to www.patreon.com/beyondshakespeare (https://patreon.com/beyondshakespeare) - or if you'd like to buy us a coffee at ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/beyondshakespeare - or if you want to give us some feedback, email us at admin@beyondshakespeare.org, follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram @BeyondShakes or go to our website: https://beyondshakespeare.org (https://beyondshakespeare.org/) You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel where (most of) our exploring sessions live - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLa4pXxGZFwTX4QSaB5XNdQ The Beyond Shakespeare Podcast is hosted and produced by Robert Crighton
    3/14/24, William Orem/Virtual Thursdays Dire Literary Series, plus Q and A with Timothy Gager

    3/14/24, William Orem/Virtual Thursdays Dire Literary Series, plus Q and A with Timothy Gager

    • Order:
    • Duration: 33:37
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Mar 2024
    • views: 26
    William Orem writes about spiritual quest and philosophical questions. His stories, poems and short plays have been published in over 100 literary journals, including The Princeton Arts Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, Sou'wester and The New Formalist. His first story collection, Zombi, You My Love, won the GLCA New Writers Award, previously given to Louise Erdrich, Sherman Alexie, Richard Ford and Alice Munro. His second story collection, Across the River, won the Clay Reynolds Novella Prize. His first novel, Killer of Crying Deer, won the Eric Hoffer Award and has been optioned for film. His second novel, Miss Lucy, won the Gival Press Novel Award. Kirkus listed it as one of the Best Books of the Year. His first collection of poems, Our Purpose in Speaking, won the Wheelbarrow Books Poetry Prize and the Rubery International Book Award in poetry. His first full-length play, The Seabirds, won the Maxim Mazumdar New Play Competition and was staged at Alleyway Theater in Buffalo. It has subsequently been performed in Boston, Lafayette (LA), and, as a staged reading, at Urban Stages in Manhattan. His shorter plays have been performed in Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Louisville, San Diego, Charlottesville, Durango, Salem, and eight times in Boston. They have won both the Critics' Choice and Audience Favorite Awards at TheaterFest Colorado, and have three times been nominated for the Heideman Award at Actors Theater. Overseas, they have been seen in Canberra (Australia) and Manipal (Dubai). He has been five times nominated for the Pushcart Prize: once in poetry, twice in fiction, once in creative nonfiction, and once by general invitation of the committee. Currently he is a Senior Writer-In-Residence at Emerson College. ================================ Number One Bestselling Author, Timothy Gager has published 18 books of fiction and poetry, which includes his latest novel, Joe the Salamander. He hosted the successful Dire Literary Series in Cambridge, MA from 2001 to 2018, and started a weekly virtual series in 2020.
    Famous People We've Lost in 1880 - Obituary in 1880

    Famous People We've Lost in 1880 - Obituary in 1880

    • Order:
    • Duration: 24:25
    • Uploaded Date: 22 Aug 2024
    • views: 2425
    Famous People We've Lost in 1880 - Obituary in 1880 Copyright Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended. This video is for educational purposes only. @obituarypedia
    Was Christopher Marlowe Shakespeare's servant?

    Was Christopher Marlowe Shakespeare's servant?

    • Order:
    • Duration: 49:57
    • Uploaded Date: 14 Jun 2021
    • views: 26719
    New evidence suggests that William Shakespeare was the patron of Christopher Marlowe.
    George Harrison, Bruce Springsteen, Mick Jagger & more - "I Saw Her Standing There" | 1988 Induction

    George Harrison, Bruce Springsteen, Mick Jagger & more - "I Saw Her Standing There" | 1988 Induction

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:56
    • Uploaded Date: 10 Apr 2012
    • views: 20776539
    George Harrison, Bruce Springsteen, Mick Jagger, Bob Dylan and others perform "I Saw Her Standing There" at the 1988 Hall of Fame Inductions. http://rockhall.com/ Visit us! http://rockhall.com/ Subscribe to RockHall : http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=rockhall Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/rockandrollhalloffame Twitter: http://twitter.com/rockhall Check out all the inductees: http://rockhall.com/inductees/ Upcoming events: http://rockhall.com/events/
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    WIlliam GAGER an early penname of the real or true Shakespeare (MARLOWE) ? A THESIS

    A substantiated 'working Hypothesis' None of the 'N A M E S' of the 2 allegedly greatest (coeval) poet genius' of their age: MA R L O W E' and 'S H A K E S P E A R E' were printed on their(?) works, before they had reached the 30iest year of life! ____________ W H Y T H E W O R K S (of BOTH ?) R E M A I N E D UN P R I N T E D for 3 decades ? The Degree of Concordances (s.30 Arguments) between William GAGER and Christopher MARLOWE (here seen as the ''only true'' SHAKESPEARE is massive and hardly purely coincidental: 1 Birth date 2 Canterbury Kings school 3 Oxford Study 4 Study of Law (DCL) 5 Reputation as Dramatist 6 Ranking 7 Unconditional Question 8 'D I D O' 9 'H E R O & LE A N D E R 10 GAGER / Chapman 11 MELEAGER (Boas) 12 MELEAGER (Dido&Tamburlaine) 13 MELEAGER (Essex) 14 LUCRECE (Shakespeare) 15 ULYSSES Mary Sidney 16 Handwriting 17 BRETON / Gager 18 Handwriting (Raynold) 19 Oedipus (Basse) 20 Oedipus (Wither) 21 Abrupt End of Dramatist 22 OXFORD's other POETs 23 POLIMANTEIA 24 T. BASTARD 25 R. BARNFIELD 26 CHRESTOLEROS(1) 27 CHRESTOLEROS(2) 28 PEELE /GAGER 29 King EDWARD I play 30 etc. etc.
    WIlliam GAGER an early penname of the real or true Shakespeare (MARLOWE) ? A THESIS
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    Carry On by Robert William Service narrated by Kemiesha Gager
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    William Gager

    William Gager (1555–1622) was an English jurist, now known for his Latin dramas.

    He was educated at Westminster School and Christ Church, Oxford.

    His works were produced at the University of Oxford, from 1582 to 1592. He was considered one of the major dramatists of the late sixteenth century. Apart from one comedy, Rivales, which has not survived, his works were all Latin tragedies. They include Meleager (1582), Dido (1583) and Ulysses Redux (1592). He stayed closer to the model of Senecan tragedy than other contemporaries, and adapted Seneca's Hippolytus in 1592, with the addition of scenes.

    He was also a neo-Latin poet.


    External links

  • Review of William Gager: The Complete Works
  • Hypertext edition of The Complete Works
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