In most cases, a mare is a female horse over the age of three, and a filly is a female horse age three and younger. In Thoroughbredhorse racing a mare is defined as a female horse more than four years old, but the word can also be used for other female equine animals, particularly mules and zebras, though a female donkey is usually called a "jenny." A broodmare is a mare used for breeding. A horse's female parent is known as its dam.
An uncastrated adult male horse is called a stallion and a castrated male is a gelding. Occasionally the term "horse" is used in a restrictive sense to designate only a male horse.
Reproductive cycle
Mares carry their young (called foals) for approximately 11 months from conception to birth. (Average range 320–370 days.) Usually just one young is born; twins are rare. When a domesticated mare foals, she nurses the foal for at least four to six months before it is weaned, though mares in the wild may allow a foal to nurse for up to a year.
Went looking for a pony -and found Lali lying next to a dead horse and we couldn´t walk on by. Lali (found in the town of La Linea, we didn´t want it to be her final frontier) is approx. 12 years- old, barely registers on the Henneke condition scale and has founder in her fronts. WE NEED DONATIONS TO HELP WITH HER RECOVERY. PLEASE check her Facebook page and help. "Rescued - Lali and Chance Foundered Mare and Pony"
Barefoot horses, Appaloosa, Endurance, and much more at Espiritu Del Viento in Málaga, Spain.
We teach, train and trim all with a philosophy of natural horse husbandry, working with respect for our equine friends.
Sadly Lali passed over the Rainbow Bridge Dec 22nd. She had piroplasmosis and this had caused, amongst other things, anemia so severely that her organs were...
published: 02 Dec 2009
DAY of the DEAD 2016 The Movie
Day of the Dead Montage...... Nov 1, 2016
We were invited by the community of Ceuas to share in the tragically laced “Mulengo Ghe” (Day of the Dead) – the powerfully sad day honoring those no longer coming home while simultaneously joyful, warm, welcoming and spiritually convalescing.
After passing between the rows of robust tombstones of the quiet and somber ethnic-Hungarian section of the cemetery where plots are laced with an orderly display of flowers alongside burning candles – yet like all cemeteries of the world dispiritingly vacant of life as relatives of the dearly departed had already completed their obligation before returning to their warm shelter and a hot cooked meal - and then suddenly you find yourself in the Gypsy section and its “abbondanza” of candle lit fires and f...
published: 12 Nov 2016
Epic Rap Battles of Pony - Ministry Mare Showdown
The six most powerful pre-war mares throw down in a lyrical battle royale to can rap the best, I guess. Finally, a Fallout: Equestria rap battle that doesn't require any knowledge of Project Horizons. Hooray! Thanks for watching and for all the kind words.
(Twilight Sparkle)
Dear Princess Luna I write you today
'Cause I'm about to show five silly little fillies their place
Finding a worthy opponent is a difficult task
'Cause after best pony they're all tied for dead last
I led the making of new magics and the only ministry
That could tell its head from its plot and do something
IMP to end the war GOE to save the world
GTFO if you think that you can handle this girl
Easy sugarcube Ah think we've handled enough
But Ah can't stand the sight a you pret...
published: 13 Mar 2014
11 Year Old Thoroughbred Mare
This is Bella: She came to me at the end of 2018. She's a touchy feely kind of a horse & would overreact at everything. Once we gained her trust we were able to redirect her energy in a positive way so that she could start using the thinking side of her brain. I decided to put her out in the pasture with the herd for a few months so she could enjoy herself. This has great benefits for a horse that has never been out in its natural open environment.
published: 25 Jun 2019
British Royal Marines | "Per Mare, Per Terram"
The Corps of Royal Marines (RM) is the United Kingdom's amphibious light infantry force, forming part of the Naval Service, along with the Royal Navy. The Royal Marines were formed in 1755 as the Royal Navy's infantry troops. However, the marines can trace their origins back to the formation of the English Army's "Duke of York and Albany's maritime regiment of Foot" at the grounds of the Honourable Artillery Company on 28 October 1664.
As a highly specialised and adaptable light infantry force, the Royal Marines are trained for rapid deployment worldwide and capable of dealing with a wide range of threats. The Royal Marines are organised into a light infantry brigade (3 Commando Brigade) and a number of separate units, including 1 Assault Group Royal Marines, 43 Commando Royal Marines form...
Went looking for a pony -and found Lali lying next to a dead horse and we couldn´t walk on by. Lali (found in the town of La Linea, we didn´t want it to be her...
Went looking for a pony -and found Lali lying next to a dead horse and we couldn´t walk on by. Lali (found in the town of La Linea, we didn´t want it to be her final frontier) is approx. 12 years- old, barely registers on the Henneke condition scale and has founder in her fronts. WE NEED DONATIONS TO HELP WITH HER RECOVERY. PLEASE check her Facebook page and help. "Rescued - Lali and Chance Foundered Mare and Pony"
Barefoot horses, Appaloosa, Endurance, and much more at Espiritu Del Viento in Málaga, Spain.
We teach, train and trim all with a philosophy of natural horse husbandry, working with respect for our equine friends.
Sadly Lali passed over the Rainbow Bridge Dec 22nd. She had piroplasmosis and this had caused, amongst other things, anemia so severely that her organs were shutting down. Contracted prior to bringing her home, this is caused by a tic infestation. It can be treated if caught in time. Unfortunately Lali had been trying to fight this for quite some time. When we bought her home her entire body was covered in scabs from this prior infestation. Get bloods done twice - it´s not always conclusive the first time - if you suspect your horse of having contracted this disease. Tearing a piece from our hearts, we can only hope she enjoyed her last few days at peace with us.
Thank you to everyone who sent their best wishes and kind thoughts for LADY LALI
Went looking for a pony -and found Lali lying next to a dead horse and we couldn´t walk on by. Lali (found in the town of La Linea, we didn´t want it to be her final frontier) is approx. 12 years- old, barely registers on the Henneke condition scale and has founder in her fronts. WE NEED DONATIONS TO HELP WITH HER RECOVERY. PLEASE check her Facebook page and help. "Rescued - Lali and Chance Foundered Mare and Pony"
Barefoot horses, Appaloosa, Endurance, and much more at Espiritu Del Viento in Málaga, Spain.
We teach, train and trim all with a philosophy of natural horse husbandry, working with respect for our equine friends.
Sadly Lali passed over the Rainbow Bridge Dec 22nd. She had piroplasmosis and this had caused, amongst other things, anemia so severely that her organs were shutting down. Contracted prior to bringing her home, this is caused by a tic infestation. It can be treated if caught in time. Unfortunately Lali had been trying to fight this for quite some time. When we bought her home her entire body was covered in scabs from this prior infestation. Get bloods done twice - it´s not always conclusive the first time - if you suspect your horse of having contracted this disease. Tearing a piece from our hearts, we can only hope she enjoyed her last few days at peace with us.
Thank you to everyone who sent their best wishes and kind thoughts for LADY LALI
Day of the Dead Montage...... Nov 1, 2016
We were invited by the community of Ceuas to share in the tragically laced “Mulengo Ghe” (Day of the Dead) – the powe...
Day of the Dead Montage...... Nov 1, 2016
We were invited by the community of Ceuas to share in the tragically laced “Mulengo Ghe” (Day of the Dead) – the powerfully sad day honoring those no longer coming home while simultaneously joyful, warm, welcoming and spiritually convalescing.
After passing between the rows of robust tombstones of the quiet and somber ethnic-Hungarian section of the cemetery where plots are laced with an orderly display of flowers alongside burning candles – yet like all cemeteries of the world dispiritingly vacant of life as relatives of the dearly departed had already completed their obligation before returning to their warm shelter and a hot cooked meal - and then suddenly you find yourself in the Gypsy section and its “abbondanza” of candle lit fires and flowers galore and people – not just things - but all the people – young and old – have gathered in the cemetery to reunite with those no longer able to come home in their new final resting place. They break bread and share their drinks between living and dead. They kneel close to the earth and they talk to their loved ones – some intensely crying – others sharing latest family news.
The troupe of musicians meander through the accumulation of mounds indicating recent burials including quite a few diminutive sites where babies and young children lay buried. This is the Gypsy section; made up of a fiery mosaic of pauper graves ornamentally dressed in sparkling gowns of candles and flowers.
The troupe of musicians “O Terne Jagale” (Young Ones on Fire) make their rounds performing the songs most cherished by the decease, then promptly offered drink from the bottle proceeded by a dose poured into the soil for the dearly departed… The dead are not excluded, not on this day, this is their day, Day of the Dead.
Emotions run high.
You speak with the people hearing one tragedy after another and suddenly you find yourself no longer a visitor yet a fellow mourner while also remembering your own feelings of loss. No matter how tough you think you are - you can’t escape the overwhelming sorrow and the tears flow.
They speak about their loss and all seemingly before their time - 26 years old, 34, 42, 56; they don’t usually last long in tzigania, the Gypsy community (life expectancy drops 10 to 15 years below the national average) and then sometimes bad blood is revealed in the accusations of poisoning. I’ve heard it all before, the same stories before, other people in other places; it’s the only way of explaining the untimely and often unexplainable young loss of life - murder... Tzigania is a place of 1001 stories
Thank You Ceuas for inviting us to share in this unforgettable moment of both sorrow and joy.
See more
E-mail us with ANY questions:
[email protected]
Day of the Dead Montage...... Nov 1, 2016
We were invited by the community of Ceuas to share in the tragically laced “Mulengo Ghe” (Day of the Dead) – the powerfully sad day honoring those no longer coming home while simultaneously joyful, warm, welcoming and spiritually convalescing.
After passing between the rows of robust tombstones of the quiet and somber ethnic-Hungarian section of the cemetery where plots are laced with an orderly display of flowers alongside burning candles – yet like all cemeteries of the world dispiritingly vacant of life as relatives of the dearly departed had already completed their obligation before returning to their warm shelter and a hot cooked meal - and then suddenly you find yourself in the Gypsy section and its “abbondanza” of candle lit fires and flowers galore and people – not just things - but all the people – young and old – have gathered in the cemetery to reunite with those no longer able to come home in their new final resting place. They break bread and share their drinks between living and dead. They kneel close to the earth and they talk to their loved ones – some intensely crying – others sharing latest family news.
The troupe of musicians meander through the accumulation of mounds indicating recent burials including quite a few diminutive sites where babies and young children lay buried. This is the Gypsy section; made up of a fiery mosaic of pauper graves ornamentally dressed in sparkling gowns of candles and flowers.
The troupe of musicians “O Terne Jagale” (Young Ones on Fire) make their rounds performing the songs most cherished by the decease, then promptly offered drink from the bottle proceeded by a dose poured into the soil for the dearly departed… The dead are not excluded, not on this day, this is their day, Day of the Dead.
Emotions run high.
You speak with the people hearing one tragedy after another and suddenly you find yourself no longer a visitor yet a fellow mourner while also remembering your own feelings of loss. No matter how tough you think you are - you can’t escape the overwhelming sorrow and the tears flow.
They speak about their loss and all seemingly before their time - 26 years old, 34, 42, 56; they don’t usually last long in tzigania, the Gypsy community (life expectancy drops 10 to 15 years below the national average) and then sometimes bad blood is revealed in the accusations of poisoning. I’ve heard it all before, the same stories before, other people in other places; it’s the only way of explaining the untimely and often unexplainable young loss of life - murder... Tzigania is a place of 1001 stories
Thank You Ceuas for inviting us to share in this unforgettable moment of both sorrow and joy.
See more
E-mail us with ANY questions:
[email protected]
The six most powerful pre-war mares throw down in a lyrical battle royale to can rap the best, I guess. Finally, a Fallout: Equestria rap b...
The six most powerful pre-war mares throw down in a lyrical battle royale to can rap the best, I guess. Finally, a Fallout: Equestria rap battle that doesn't require any knowledge of Project Horizons. Hooray! Thanks for watching and for all the kind words.
(Twilight Sparkle)
Dear Princess Luna I write you today
'Cause I'm about to show five silly little fillies their place
Finding a worthy opponent is a difficult task
'Cause after best pony they're all tied for dead last
I led the making of new magics and the only ministry
That could tell its head from its plot and do something
IMP to end the war GOE to save the world
GTFO if you think that you can handle this girl
Easy sugarcube Ah think we've handled enough
But Ah can't stand the sight a you pretendin' yer tough
Cuz yer a coward yellower than corn on the cob
Ah coulda won the damn war if you'da done yer damn job
Didn't need yer crappy alicorns or barrels a taint
But Ah coulda used those Stealth Bucks yer refusin' to make
Ah was buildin' Steel Rangers like a real ministry
Representin' the element a successful industry
Ah made the guns made the bullets made the armor advanced
An' Ah'da made history if y'all had gave me the chance
But ya had ta drop the bombs an' make everypony die
Stupid megaspells thanks a lot Fluttershy
Don't you dare blame those deaths on the MOP
There wouldn't be a dumb war if you were more like me
But with your hatred of zebras and your obsession with fighting
Kindness itself couldn't keep the whole world from igniting
You sold your farm so you could fund those Four Stars traitors
Then put the market in freefall like you were on an elevator
You ended lives and didn't give a flying feather
But I gave you those spells because I thought you'd do better
Calm down darling and they call me dramatic
All that brainwashing ponies must have taken its toll
But with just a little help from a novel necromantic
I'll tear out that blackness you call a soul
The mare of generosity's an Image to dread
With dark magic stronger than you'd ever believe
But while I can rally courage from beyond the dead
The greatest threat you've ever known is The Running of The Leaves
(Pinkie Pie)
Twitchy twitchy what is this-y Rarity talkin' trash
I must be trippin' was I dippin' in my Mintals stash
I won't be beaten by some cretin you're a public disgrace
Who is deserving of the burning hoof I'll put through your face
Other ponies think they know me they can't see what I see
Every vision means a mission ending in victory
Have what it takes to try and break Miss Pinkamena in half
Come to Morale and try me pal I could use a good laugh
(Rainbow Dash)
Whoa Pinkie I think the chems have gone to your head
Why don't you add a chill pill to your mountain of meds
I'm up against a bunch of bureaucrats you guys can't be serious
How's your pencil pushing gonna stop my combat experience
I'll fly circles around you like taking candy from a foal
If I'm not too busy saving lives and being a Shadowbolt
Let me get Celestia she hangs with me in Neighvarro
We'll drop bombs and call it The Day of Sunshine and Rainbow
The six most powerful pre-war mares throw down in a lyrical battle royale to can rap the best, I guess. Finally, a Fallout: Equestria rap battle that doesn't require any knowledge of Project Horizons. Hooray! Thanks for watching and for all the kind words.
(Twilight Sparkle)
Dear Princess Luna I write you today
'Cause I'm about to show five silly little fillies their place
Finding a worthy opponent is a difficult task
'Cause after best pony they're all tied for dead last
I led the making of new magics and the only ministry
That could tell its head from its plot and do something
IMP to end the war GOE to save the world
GTFO if you think that you can handle this girl
Easy sugarcube Ah think we've handled enough
But Ah can't stand the sight a you pretendin' yer tough
Cuz yer a coward yellower than corn on the cob
Ah coulda won the damn war if you'da done yer damn job
Didn't need yer crappy alicorns or barrels a taint
But Ah coulda used those Stealth Bucks yer refusin' to make
Ah was buildin' Steel Rangers like a real ministry
Representin' the element a successful industry
Ah made the guns made the bullets made the armor advanced
An' Ah'da made history if y'all had gave me the chance
But ya had ta drop the bombs an' make everypony die
Stupid megaspells thanks a lot Fluttershy
Don't you dare blame those deaths on the MOP
There wouldn't be a dumb war if you were more like me
But with your hatred of zebras and your obsession with fighting
Kindness itself couldn't keep the whole world from igniting
You sold your farm so you could fund those Four Stars traitors
Then put the market in freefall like you were on an elevator
You ended lives and didn't give a flying feather
But I gave you those spells because I thought you'd do better
Calm down darling and they call me dramatic
All that brainwashing ponies must have taken its toll
But with just a little help from a novel necromantic
I'll tear out that blackness you call a soul
The mare of generosity's an Image to dread
With dark magic stronger than you'd ever believe
But while I can rally courage from beyond the dead
The greatest threat you've ever known is The Running of The Leaves
(Pinkie Pie)
Twitchy twitchy what is this-y Rarity talkin' trash
I must be trippin' was I dippin' in my Mintals stash
I won't be beaten by some cretin you're a public disgrace
Who is deserving of the burning hoof I'll put through your face
Other ponies think they know me they can't see what I see
Every vision means a mission ending in victory
Have what it takes to try and break Miss Pinkamena in half
Come to Morale and try me pal I could use a good laugh
(Rainbow Dash)
Whoa Pinkie I think the chems have gone to your head
Why don't you add a chill pill to your mountain of meds
I'm up against a bunch of bureaucrats you guys can't be serious
How's your pencil pushing gonna stop my combat experience
I'll fly circles around you like taking candy from a foal
If I'm not too busy saving lives and being a Shadowbolt
Let me get Celestia she hangs with me in Neighvarro
We'll drop bombs and call it The Day of Sunshine and Rainbow
This is Bella: She came to me at the end of 2018. She's a touchy feely kind of a horse & would overreact at everything. Once we gained her trust we were able to...
This is Bella: She came to me at the end of 2018. She's a touchy feely kind of a horse & would overreact at everything. Once we gained her trust we were able to redirect her energy in a positive way so that she could start using the thinking side of her brain. I decided to put her out in the pasture with the herd for a few months so she could enjoy herself. This has great benefits for a horse that has never been out in its natural open environment.
This is Bella: She came to me at the end of 2018. She's a touchy feely kind of a horse & would overreact at everything. Once we gained her trust we were able to redirect her energy in a positive way so that she could start using the thinking side of her brain. I decided to put her out in the pasture with the herd for a few months so she could enjoy herself. This has great benefits for a horse that has never been out in its natural open environment.
The Corps of Royal Marines (RM) is the United Kingdom's amphibious light infantry force, forming part of the Naval Service, along with the Royal Navy. The Royal...
The Corps of Royal Marines (RM) is the United Kingdom's amphibious light infantry force, forming part of the Naval Service, along with the Royal Navy. The Royal Marines were formed in 1755 as the Royal Navy's infantry troops. However, the marines can trace their origins back to the formation of the English Army's "Duke of York and Albany's maritime regiment of Foot" at the grounds of the Honourable Artillery Company on 28 October 1664.
As a highly specialised and adaptable light infantry force, the Royal Marines are trained for rapid deployment worldwide and capable of dealing with a wide range of threats. The Royal Marines are organised into a light infantry brigade (3 Commando Brigade) and a number of separate units, including 1 Assault Group Royal Marines, 43 Commando Royal Marines formerly Fleet Protection Group Royal Marines (previously the Comacchio Group), and a company strength commitment to the Special Forces Support Group. The Corps operates in all environments and climates, though particular expertise and training is spent on amphibious warfare, arctic warfare, mountain warfare, expeditionary warfare, and its commitment to the UK's Rapid Reaction Force.
Throughout its history, the Royal Marines have seen action in a number of major wars often fighting beside the British Army – including the Seven Years' War, the Napoleonic Wars, the Crimean War, World War I and World War II. In recent times the Corps has been largely deployed in expeditionary warfare roles such as the Falklands War, the Gulf War, the Bosnian War, the Kosovo War, the Sierra Leone Civil War, the Iraq War and the War in Afghanistan. The Royal Marines have close international ties with allied marine forces, particularly the United States Marine Corps and the Netherlands Marine Corps (Dutch: Korps Mariniers). Today, the Royal Marines are an elite fighting force within the British Armed forces, having undergone many substantial changes over time.
Music: Jamie N Commons - Karma
Enjoy, Subscribe & Share
The Corps of Royal Marines (RM) is the United Kingdom's amphibious light infantry force, forming part of the Naval Service, along with the Royal Navy. The Royal Marines were formed in 1755 as the Royal Navy's infantry troops. However, the marines can trace their origins back to the formation of the English Army's "Duke of York and Albany's maritime regiment of Foot" at the grounds of the Honourable Artillery Company on 28 October 1664.
As a highly specialised and adaptable light infantry force, the Royal Marines are trained for rapid deployment worldwide and capable of dealing with a wide range of threats. The Royal Marines are organised into a light infantry brigade (3 Commando Brigade) and a number of separate units, including 1 Assault Group Royal Marines, 43 Commando Royal Marines formerly Fleet Protection Group Royal Marines (previously the Comacchio Group), and a company strength commitment to the Special Forces Support Group. The Corps operates in all environments and climates, though particular expertise and training is spent on amphibious warfare, arctic warfare, mountain warfare, expeditionary warfare, and its commitment to the UK's Rapid Reaction Force.
Throughout its history, the Royal Marines have seen action in a number of major wars often fighting beside the British Army – including the Seven Years' War, the Napoleonic Wars, the Crimean War, World War I and World War II. In recent times the Corps has been largely deployed in expeditionary warfare roles such as the Falklands War, the Gulf War, the Bosnian War, the Kosovo War, the Sierra Leone Civil War, the Iraq War and the War in Afghanistan. The Royal Marines have close international ties with allied marine forces, particularly the United States Marine Corps and the Netherlands Marine Corps (Dutch: Korps Mariniers). Today, the Royal Marines are an elite fighting force within the British Armed forces, having undergone many substantial changes over time.
Music: Jamie N Commons - Karma
Enjoy, Subscribe & Share
Went looking for a pony -and found Lali lying next to a dead horse and we couldn´t walk on by. Lali (found in the town of La Linea, we didn´t want it to be her final frontier) is approx. 12 years- old, barely registers on the Henneke condition scale and has founder in her fronts. WE NEED DONATIONS TO HELP WITH HER RECOVERY. PLEASE check her Facebook page and help. "Rescued - Lali and Chance Foundered Mare and Pony"
Barefoot horses, Appaloosa, Endurance, and much more at Espiritu Del Viento in Málaga, Spain.
We teach, train and trim all with a philosophy of natural horse husbandry, working with respect for our equine friends.
Sadly Lali passed over the Rainbow Bridge Dec 22nd. She had piroplasmosis and this had caused, amongst other things, anemia so severely that her organs were shutting down. Contracted prior to bringing her home, this is caused by a tic infestation. It can be treated if caught in time. Unfortunately Lali had been trying to fight this for quite some time. When we bought her home her entire body was covered in scabs from this prior infestation. Get bloods done twice - it´s not always conclusive the first time - if you suspect your horse of having contracted this disease. Tearing a piece from our hearts, we can only hope she enjoyed her last few days at peace with us.
Thank you to everyone who sent their best wishes and kind thoughts for LADY LALI
Day of the Dead Montage...... Nov 1, 2016
We were invited by the community of Ceuas to share in the tragically laced “Mulengo Ghe” (Day of the Dead) – the powerfully sad day honoring those no longer coming home while simultaneously joyful, warm, welcoming and spiritually convalescing.
After passing between the rows of robust tombstones of the quiet and somber ethnic-Hungarian section of the cemetery where plots are laced with an orderly display of flowers alongside burning candles – yet like all cemeteries of the world dispiritingly vacant of life as relatives of the dearly departed had already completed their obligation before returning to their warm shelter and a hot cooked meal - and then suddenly you find yourself in the Gypsy section and its “abbondanza” of candle lit fires and flowers galore and people – not just things - but all the people – young and old – have gathered in the cemetery to reunite with those no longer able to come home in their new final resting place. They break bread and share their drinks between living and dead. They kneel close to the earth and they talk to their loved ones – some intensely crying – others sharing latest family news.
The troupe of musicians meander through the accumulation of mounds indicating recent burials including quite a few diminutive sites where babies and young children lay buried. This is the Gypsy section; made up of a fiery mosaic of pauper graves ornamentally dressed in sparkling gowns of candles and flowers.
The troupe of musicians “O Terne Jagale” (Young Ones on Fire) make their rounds performing the songs most cherished by the decease, then promptly offered drink from the bottle proceeded by a dose poured into the soil for the dearly departed… The dead are not excluded, not on this day, this is their day, Day of the Dead.
Emotions run high.
You speak with the people hearing one tragedy after another and suddenly you find yourself no longer a visitor yet a fellow mourner while also remembering your own feelings of loss. No matter how tough you think you are - you can’t escape the overwhelming sorrow and the tears flow.
They speak about their loss and all seemingly before their time - 26 years old, 34, 42, 56; they don’t usually last long in tzigania, the Gypsy community (life expectancy drops 10 to 15 years below the national average) and then sometimes bad blood is revealed in the accusations of poisoning. I’ve heard it all before, the same stories before, other people in other places; it’s the only way of explaining the untimely and often unexplainable young loss of life - murder... Tzigania is a place of 1001 stories
Thank You Ceuas for inviting us to share in this unforgettable moment of both sorrow and joy.
See more
E-mail us with ANY questions:
[email protected]
The six most powerful pre-war mares throw down in a lyrical battle royale to can rap the best, I guess. Finally, a Fallout: Equestria rap battle that doesn't require any knowledge of Project Horizons. Hooray! Thanks for watching and for all the kind words.
(Twilight Sparkle)
Dear Princess Luna I write you today
'Cause I'm about to show five silly little fillies their place
Finding a worthy opponent is a difficult task
'Cause after best pony they're all tied for dead last
I led the making of new magics and the only ministry
That could tell its head from its plot and do something
IMP to end the war GOE to save the world
GTFO if you think that you can handle this girl
Easy sugarcube Ah think we've handled enough
But Ah can't stand the sight a you pretendin' yer tough
Cuz yer a coward yellower than corn on the cob
Ah coulda won the damn war if you'da done yer damn job
Didn't need yer crappy alicorns or barrels a taint
But Ah coulda used those Stealth Bucks yer refusin' to make
Ah was buildin' Steel Rangers like a real ministry
Representin' the element a successful industry
Ah made the guns made the bullets made the armor advanced
An' Ah'da made history if y'all had gave me the chance
But ya had ta drop the bombs an' make everypony die
Stupid megaspells thanks a lot Fluttershy
Don't you dare blame those deaths on the MOP
There wouldn't be a dumb war if you were more like me
But with your hatred of zebras and your obsession with fighting
Kindness itself couldn't keep the whole world from igniting
You sold your farm so you could fund those Four Stars traitors
Then put the market in freefall like you were on an elevator
You ended lives and didn't give a flying feather
But I gave you those spells because I thought you'd do better
Calm down darling and they call me dramatic
All that brainwashing ponies must have taken its toll
But with just a little help from a novel necromantic
I'll tear out that blackness you call a soul
The mare of generosity's an Image to dread
With dark magic stronger than you'd ever believe
But while I can rally courage from beyond the dead
The greatest threat you've ever known is The Running of The Leaves
(Pinkie Pie)
Twitchy twitchy what is this-y Rarity talkin' trash
I must be trippin' was I dippin' in my Mintals stash
I won't be beaten by some cretin you're a public disgrace
Who is deserving of the burning hoof I'll put through your face
Other ponies think they know me they can't see what I see
Every vision means a mission ending in victory
Have what it takes to try and break Miss Pinkamena in half
Come to Morale and try me pal I could use a good laugh
(Rainbow Dash)
Whoa Pinkie I think the chems have gone to your head
Why don't you add a chill pill to your mountain of meds
I'm up against a bunch of bureaucrats you guys can't be serious
How's your pencil pushing gonna stop my combat experience
I'll fly circles around you like taking candy from a foal
If I'm not too busy saving lives and being a Shadowbolt
Let me get Celestia she hangs with me in Neighvarro
We'll drop bombs and call it The Day of Sunshine and Rainbow
This is Bella: She came to me at the end of 2018. She's a touchy feely kind of a horse & would overreact at everything. Once we gained her trust we were able to redirect her energy in a positive way so that she could start using the thinking side of her brain. I decided to put her out in the pasture with the herd for a few months so she could enjoy herself. This has great benefits for a horse that has never been out in its natural open environment.
The Corps of Royal Marines (RM) is the United Kingdom's amphibious light infantry force, forming part of the Naval Service, along with the Royal Navy. The Royal Marines were formed in 1755 as the Royal Navy's infantry troops. However, the marines can trace their origins back to the formation of the English Army's "Duke of York and Albany's maritime regiment of Foot" at the grounds of the Honourable Artillery Company on 28 October 1664.
As a highly specialised and adaptable light infantry force, the Royal Marines are trained for rapid deployment worldwide and capable of dealing with a wide range of threats. The Royal Marines are organised into a light infantry brigade (3 Commando Brigade) and a number of separate units, including 1 Assault Group Royal Marines, 43 Commando Royal Marines formerly Fleet Protection Group Royal Marines (previously the Comacchio Group), and a company strength commitment to the Special Forces Support Group. The Corps operates in all environments and climates, though particular expertise and training is spent on amphibious warfare, arctic warfare, mountain warfare, expeditionary warfare, and its commitment to the UK's Rapid Reaction Force.
Throughout its history, the Royal Marines have seen action in a number of major wars often fighting beside the British Army – including the Seven Years' War, the Napoleonic Wars, the Crimean War, World War I and World War II. In recent times the Corps has been largely deployed in expeditionary warfare roles such as the Falklands War, the Gulf War, the Bosnian War, the Kosovo War, the Sierra Leone Civil War, the Iraq War and the War in Afghanistan. The Royal Marines have close international ties with allied marine forces, particularly the United States Marine Corps and the Netherlands Marine Corps (Dutch: Korps Mariniers). Today, the Royal Marines are an elite fighting force within the British Armed forces, having undergone many substantial changes over time.
Music: Jamie N Commons - Karma
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We were blind to the light We were numb to the world And the breath of the still Sent a chill thru the days And the hell of your eyes And the cracks on your lip And the cold of your breath Makes me remember When we were dead Now the days never end There is no sleep for the dead We are abandoned interred We are the lost other world And the hell of your eyes And the cracks of your lips And the cold of your breath Makes me remember