Three Minute Theory: What is Neoliberalism?
In this iteration of Three Minute Theory, we provide you with a basic introduction to neoliberalism.
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published: 18 Jan 2015
What Is Neoliberalism?
What is neoliberalism answered. The distilled fundamentals of neoliberalism and how such an ideology manifests itself in policy.
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published: 09 Jan 2019
What Is Neoliberalism?
The best way to understand Neoliberalism is an ideology that came about in response to the economic stagnation and high debt of the 1970s. As a result of this a group of economists, the chiefest amongst which were Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek, called for a return to classical liberalism, which helps explain the name, neoliberalism, neo meaning in this case, a revived form of something. But what’s classical Liberalism?
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Classical Liberalism is generally associated with an ideology that becam...
published: 01 Jan 2021
What is Neoliberalism?
This video lecture discusses very briefly the meaning of neoliberalism. It specifically addresses the question "What is Neoliberalism?".
Transcript of this video lecture is available at: https://philonotes.com/2022/11/what-is-neoliberalism
For more Whiteboard editions from PHILO-notes, SUBSCRIBE NOW! https://www.youtube.com/c/PHILOnotes
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published: 02 Sep 2021
Neoliberalism: The story of a big economic bust up | A-Z of ISMs Episode 14 - BBC Ideas
Neoliberalism... Dirty word? Or foundation of a healthy economy? The Economist's Anne McElvoy explores the meaning, definition and history of neoliberalism.
Populism, feminism, Darwinism, capitalism, socialism... Find the story behind some of the world's most important ideas - or isms (plus a few fun ones) in our A-Z of ISMs playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMrFM-P68Wh7o_LwfB8RxfnMMpPwFI83K
Subscribe to BBC Ideas 👉 https://bbc.in/2F6ipav
This video was made by Somethin' Else.
Do you have a curious mind? You’re in the right place.
Our aim on BBC Ideas is to feed your curiosity, to open your mind to new perspectives, and to leave you that little bit smarter.
So dive in. Let us know what you think. And make sure to subscribe! 👉https://bbc.in/2F6ipav
published: 01 Aug 2019
What is neoliberalism? How the 'Washington consensus' was imposed on the world
Neoliberalism is often misunderstood, but it is very important to understand this ideology that has dominated global economics and politics for decades. Ben Norton discusses the history of the neoliberal "Washington consensus", and how it was imposed on the world.
How China became the world's industrial superpower - and why the US is desperate to stop it: https://youtube.com/watch?v=BT7Th2aV0wM
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published: 04 Jul 2023
Pros and cons of neoliberalism
Does an unrestrained free market promote peace and prosperity, or does it exacerbate economic and social inequalities?
From our free online course, "Religion, Conflict and Peace": https://www.edx.org/course/religion-conflict-peace-harvardx-hds2825x?utm_source=social&utm_medium=partner-marketing&utm_content=youtube-harvardx&utm_campaign=harvardx
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HarvardX empowers the faculty of Harvard University to create high-quality online courses in subjects ranging from computer science to hist...
published: 16 Jul 2018
What Exactly Is Neo-liberalism? (how you lost your future)
Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ComradeHakim
Twitter: @YaBoiHakim
00:00 Introduction and History
02:20 Definition and Ideology
06:50 The Consequences of "Leaving it to The Market!"
08:50 IMF, World Bank, Imperialism
10:25 "Individual Responsibility" as Propaganda
12:06 Conclusion
published: 31 May 2023
What is Neoliberalism?
Neoliberalism entered the political lexicon years ago but only recently bled into the mainstream. But it remains largely misunderstood. Today we explore the roots of neoliberalism as an economic framework first and foremost. Then we delve a little further into how it evolved into a social and political ideology that strayed far from its roots.
#neoliberalism, #milton friedman, #gary becker, #ronald coase, #aaron director, #adam smith, #karl marx, #chicago school of economics, #ronald reagan
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published: 11 Feb 2023
What is Neoliberalism?
What is Neoliberalism? is a video by the Barnard Center for Research on Women, featuring interviews with Lisa Duggan, Miranda Joseph, Sealing Cheng, Elizabeth Bernstein, Dean Spade, Sandra K. Soto, Teresa Gowan, and Ana Amuchástegui. In the video, contributors describe the various meanings that have been attributed to the term "neoliberalism," the neoliberal economic policies developed through the IMF and the World Bank, and the usefulness of "neoliberalism" as an organizing rubric for contemporary scholars and activists. Drawing from research on immigration policy, the prison-industrial complex, poverty management, and reproductive rights, they sketch some of neoliberalism's intersections with gender, sexuality, race, class, and nation. Recorded Fall 2012.
What is Neoliberalism? was publ...
published: 15 Aug 2013
Three Minute Theory: What is Neoliberalism?
In this iteration of Three Minute Theory, we provide you with a basic introduction to neoliberalism.
Like what you see? Like us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1...
In this iteration of Three Minute Theory, we provide you with a basic introduction to neoliberalism.
Like what you see? Like us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1NIp896
Music from: https://soundcloud.com/gustavsstrazdins
In this iteration of Three Minute Theory, we provide you with a basic introduction to neoliberalism.
Like what you see? Like us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1NIp896
Music from: https://soundcloud.com/gustavsstrazdins
- published: 18 Jan 2015
- views: 622876
What Is Neoliberalism?
What is neoliberalism answered. The distilled fundamentals of neoliberalism and how such an ideology manifests itself in policy.
Support me on patreon: https:...
What is neoliberalism answered. The distilled fundamentals of neoliberalism and how such an ideology manifests itself in policy.
Support me on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/halimalrah
Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/halimalrah
What is neoliberalism answered. The distilled fundamentals of neoliberalism and how such an ideology manifests itself in policy.
Support me on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/halimalrah
Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/halimalrah
- published: 09 Jan 2019
- views: 220394
What Is Neoliberalism?
The best way to understand Neoliberalism is an ideology that came about in response to the economic stagnation and high debt of the 1970s. As a result of this a...
The best way to understand Neoliberalism is an ideology that came about in response to the economic stagnation and high debt of the 1970s. As a result of this a group of economists, the chiefest amongst which were Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek, called for a return to classical liberalism, which helps explain the name, neoliberalism, neo meaning in this case, a revived form of something. But what’s classical Liberalism?
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Classical Liberalism is generally associated with an ideology that became popular in the 19th century, that stressed individual freedom and democracy, that is the right of the people to choose their own government. However in the early 20th century across the world a different type of liberalism began to replace classical liberalism, known as social liberalism or modern liberalism. This kind of liberalism focused more on removing the things that were seen as obstacles to individual freedom, like poverty, wealth inequality, and social injustices, like racism and discrimination. Because of this many aspects of the early welfare state, like government provided healthcare, benefits to the unemployed and elderly, and regulations, or rules, on working conditions, were formulated by social liberals in the early 20th century. Social liberals in the 1930s like Beveridge and Keynes also called for full employment which is where everybody has a job and spending during recessions to curb unemployment,
when these ideas were eventually enacted after the second world war, this became known as the Post-war consensus.
Neoliberals like Hayek and Friedman on the other hand favoured a return to classical liberalism and with the successive elections of right wing governments in the 1980s, they helped lay waste to this social liberal consensus that they saw as being responsible for the economic stagnation and high debt of the 1970s. The neoliberal approach in its emphasis of the values of classical liberalism prides the economic rights of the individual above all else. Because of this, neoliberals believe that government policies such as taxation and regulation reduce the freedom of the individual to do what he or she wants with their own money. Neoliberals also believe that competition improves businesses, and they can only experience the full brunt of this when free of regulation and subsidies which is money that the government gives to businesses.
As a result, neoliberal governments in the USA and UK in the 1980s implemented what is called ‘laissez faire’ economics, coming from the french phrase ‘leave alone’ this means the government stays out of the economy as much as possible. This manifested itself as major deregulation, reduced taxes as well as more free trade and cutting subsidies to manufacturing industries. Also whereas John Maynard Keynes’ economic approach pushed for the government intervening in the economy to make sure everybody had a job and spending lots during recessions to ward off unemployment, neoliberals favoured governments staying out of the economy as much as possible and thus believed the best way to stabilise an economy was to control the money supply as opposed to spending more, this is called monetarism.
However because of Neoliberalism’s emphasis on the economic rights of the individual right to do as he or she pleases with their own money, it means that if they lose money, or lose their job, that’s their own fault. Because of this under a neoliberal system, inequality, or some have more than others is inevitable, even desirable. This approach costs a lot to pay for things like tax cuts, money which often comes from raiding public services that help the weakest in society. Also because of the stress neoliberalism places on individuals over the government, there is less of the emphasis on democracy that classical liberalism and social liberalism share, neoliberals tend to fear the mob rule effect of democracy, that people could vote in governments that could infringe on the economic rights of individuals, like socialist governments. Friedrich Hayek even went as far as to argue that neoliberalism could be brought about under a dictatorship. There is an extent to which this has in fact happened in many countries, what with crony capitalism and the housing crisis in 2008, the government supported the interests of banks and big businesses contrary to what people actually wanted them to do, they effectively subverted democracy
Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRYEhroa19A_nOzpITRySJA2Ua9hoBQxzh7rUs1XeGrtyRMY2jsR0J1-zs5dW2UqilK0QcmL-lfKFUB/pub
The best way to understand Neoliberalism is an ideology that came about in response to the economic stagnation and high debt of the 1970s. As a result of this a group of economists, the chiefest amongst which were Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek, called for a return to classical liberalism, which helps explain the name, neoliberalism, neo meaning in this case, a revived form of something. But what’s classical Liberalism?
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Classical Liberalism is generally associated with an ideology that became popular in the 19th century, that stressed individual freedom and democracy, that is the right of the people to choose their own government. However in the early 20th century across the world a different type of liberalism began to replace classical liberalism, known as social liberalism or modern liberalism. This kind of liberalism focused more on removing the things that were seen as obstacles to individual freedom, like poverty, wealth inequality, and social injustices, like racism and discrimination. Because of this many aspects of the early welfare state, like government provided healthcare, benefits to the unemployed and elderly, and regulations, or rules, on working conditions, were formulated by social liberals in the early 20th century. Social liberals in the 1930s like Beveridge and Keynes also called for full employment which is where everybody has a job and spending during recessions to curb unemployment,
when these ideas were eventually enacted after the second world war, this became known as the Post-war consensus.
Neoliberals like Hayek and Friedman on the other hand favoured a return to classical liberalism and with the successive elections of right wing governments in the 1980s, they helped lay waste to this social liberal consensus that they saw as being responsible for the economic stagnation and high debt of the 1970s. The neoliberal approach in its emphasis of the values of classical liberalism prides the economic rights of the individual above all else. Because of this, neoliberals believe that government policies such as taxation and regulation reduce the freedom of the individual to do what he or she wants with their own money. Neoliberals also believe that competition improves businesses, and they can only experience the full brunt of this when free of regulation and subsidies which is money that the government gives to businesses.
As a result, neoliberal governments in the USA and UK in the 1980s implemented what is called ‘laissez faire’ economics, coming from the french phrase ‘leave alone’ this means the government stays out of the economy as much as possible. This manifested itself as major deregulation, reduced taxes as well as more free trade and cutting subsidies to manufacturing industries. Also whereas John Maynard Keynes’ economic approach pushed for the government intervening in the economy to make sure everybody had a job and spending lots during recessions to ward off unemployment, neoliberals favoured governments staying out of the economy as much as possible and thus believed the best way to stabilise an economy was to control the money supply as opposed to spending more, this is called monetarism.
However because of Neoliberalism’s emphasis on the economic rights of the individual right to do as he or she pleases with their own money, it means that if they lose money, or lose their job, that’s their own fault. Because of this under a neoliberal system, inequality, or some have more than others is inevitable, even desirable. This approach costs a lot to pay for things like tax cuts, money which often comes from raiding public services that help the weakest in society. Also because of the stress neoliberalism places on individuals over the government, there is less of the emphasis on democracy that classical liberalism and social liberalism share, neoliberals tend to fear the mob rule effect of democracy, that people could vote in governments that could infringe on the economic rights of individuals, like socialist governments. Friedrich Hayek even went as far as to argue that neoliberalism could be brought about under a dictatorship. There is an extent to which this has in fact happened in many countries, what with crony capitalism and the housing crisis in 2008, the government supported the interests of banks and big businesses contrary to what people actually wanted them to do, they effectively subverted democracy
Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRYEhroa19A_nOzpITRySJA2Ua9hoBQxzh7rUs1XeGrtyRMY2jsR0J1-zs5dW2UqilK0QcmL-lfKFUB/pub
- published: 01 Jan 2021
- views: 91643
What is Neoliberalism?
This video lecture discusses very briefly the meaning of neoliberalism. It specifically addresses the question "What is Neoliberalism?".
Transcript of this vid...
This video lecture discusses very briefly the meaning of neoliberalism. It specifically addresses the question "What is Neoliberalism?".
Transcript of this video lecture is available at: https://philonotes.com/2022/11/what-is-neoliberalism
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Thanks! PHILO-notes
This video lecture discusses very briefly the meaning of neoliberalism. It specifically addresses the question "What is Neoliberalism?".
Transcript of this video lecture is available at: https://philonotes.com/2022/11/what-is-neoliberalism
For more Whiteboard editions from PHILO-notes, SUBSCRIBE NOW! https://www.youtube.com/c/PHILOnotes
For more discussions about Philosophy, VISIT OUR WEBSITE: http://philonotes.com
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Thanks! PHILO-notes
- published: 02 Sep 2021
- views: 62990
Neoliberalism: The story of a big economic bust up | A-Z of ISMs Episode 14 - BBC Ideas
Neoliberalism... Dirty word? Or foundation of a healthy economy? The Economist's Anne McElvoy explores the meaning, definition and history of neoliberalism.
Neoliberalism... Dirty word? Or foundation of a healthy economy? The Economist's Anne McElvoy explores the meaning, definition and history of neoliberalism.
Populism, feminism, Darwinism, capitalism, socialism... Find the story behind some of the world's most important ideas - or isms (plus a few fun ones) in our A-Z of ISMs playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMrFM-P68Wh7o_LwfB8RxfnMMpPwFI83K
Subscribe to BBC Ideas 👉 https://bbc.in/2F6ipav
This video was made by Somethin' Else.
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Our aim on BBC Ideas is to feed your curiosity, to open your mind to new perspectives, and to leave you that little bit smarter.
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#neoliberalism #neoliberal #economics
Neoliberalism... Dirty word? Or foundation of a healthy economy? The Economist's Anne McElvoy explores the meaning, definition and history of neoliberalism.
Populism, feminism, Darwinism, capitalism, socialism... Find the story behind some of the world's most important ideas - or isms (plus a few fun ones) in our A-Z of ISMs playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMrFM-P68Wh7o_LwfB8RxfnMMpPwFI83K
Subscribe to BBC Ideas 👉 https://bbc.in/2F6ipav
This video was made by Somethin' Else.
Do you have a curious mind? You’re in the right place.
Our aim on BBC Ideas is to feed your curiosity, to open your mind to new perspectives, and to leave you that little bit smarter.
So dive in. Let us know what you think. And make sure to subscribe! 👉https://bbc.in/2F6ipav
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#neoliberalism #neoliberal #economics
- published: 01 Aug 2019
- views: 432260
What is neoliberalism? How the 'Washington consensus' was imposed on the world
Neoliberalism is often misunderstood, but it is very important to understand this ideology that has dominated global economics and politics for decades. Ben Nor...
Neoliberalism is often misunderstood, but it is very important to understand this ideology that has dominated global economics and politics for decades. Ben Norton discusses the history of the neoliberal "Washington consensus", and how it was imposed on the world.
How China became the world's industrial superpower - and why the US is desperate to stop it: https://youtube.com/watch?v=BT7Th2aV0wM
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Neoliberalism is often misunderstood, but it is very important to understand this ideology that has dominated global economics and politics for decades. Ben Norton discusses the history of the neoliberal "Washington consensus", and how it was imposed on the world.
How China became the world's industrial superpower - and why the US is desperate to stop it: https://youtube.com/watch?v=BT7Th2aV0wM
|| Geopolitical Economy Report ||
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- published: 04 Jul 2023
- views: 195179
Pros and cons of neoliberalism
Does an unrestrained free market promote peace and prosperity, or does it exacerbate economic and social inequalities?
From our free online course, "Religion, ...
Does an unrestrained free market promote peace and prosperity, or does it exacerbate economic and social inequalities?
From our free online course, "Religion, Conflict and Peace": https://www.edx.org/course/religion-conflict-peace-harvardx-hds2825x?utm_source=social&utm_medium=partner-marketing&utm_content=youtube-harvardx&utm_campaign=harvardx
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— Harvard University's online courses: https://online-learning.harvard.edu/
HarvardX empowers the faculty of Harvard University to create high-quality online courses in subjects ranging from computer science to history, education, and religion.
Does an unrestrained free market promote peace and prosperity, or does it exacerbate economic and social inequalities?
From our free online course, "Religion, Conflict and Peace": https://www.edx.org/course/religion-conflict-peace-harvardx-hds2825x?utm_source=social&utm_medium=partner-marketing&utm_content=youtube-harvardx&utm_campaign=harvardx
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— HarvardX courses on edX: https://www.edx.org/school/harvardx
— Harvard University's online courses: https://online-learning.harvard.edu/
HarvardX empowers the faculty of Harvard University to create high-quality online courses in subjects ranging from computer science to history, education, and religion.
- published: 16 Jul 2018
- views: 487858
What Exactly Is Neo-liberalism? (how you lost your future)
Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ComradeHakim
Twitter: @YaBoiHakim
00:00 Introduction and History
02:20 Definition and Ideology
06:50 The Consequ...
Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ComradeHakim
Twitter: @YaBoiHakim
00:00 Introduction and History
02:20 Definition and Ideology
06:50 The Consequences of "Leaving it to The Market!"
08:50 IMF, World Bank, Imperialism
10:25 "Individual Responsibility" as Propaganda
12:06 Conclusion
Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ComradeHakim
Twitter: @YaBoiHakim
00:00 Introduction and History
02:20 Definition and Ideology
06:50 The Consequences of "Leaving it to The Market!"
08:50 IMF, World Bank, Imperialism
10:25 "Individual Responsibility" as Propaganda
12:06 Conclusion
- published: 31 May 2023
- views: 268513
What is Neoliberalism?
Neoliberalism entered the political lexicon years ago but only recently bled into the mainstream. But it remains largely misunderstood. Today we exp...
Neoliberalism entered the political lexicon years ago but only recently bled into the mainstream. But it remains largely misunderstood. Today we explore the roots of neoliberalism as an economic framework first and foremost. Then we delve a little further into how it evolved into a social and political ideology that strayed far from its roots.
#neoliberalism, #milton friedman, #gary becker, #ronald coase, #aaron director, #adam smith, #karl marx, #chicago school of economics, #ronald reagan
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Unf*cking the Republic (UNFTR for short) is a longform podcast that covers U.S. politics through a progressive socioeconomic lens. Each episode is a deep and delicious audio dive into a particular subject that helps explain how we arrived in Bizarro America, the funhouse mirror version of what was originally intended. The UNFTR YouTube channel is designed to break some of these larger concepts into smaller more digestible pieces.
Neoliberalism entered the political lexicon years ago but only recently bled into the mainstream. But it remains largely misunderstood. Today we explore the roots of neoliberalism as an economic framework first and foremost. Then we delve a little further into how it evolved into a social and political ideology that strayed far from its roots.
#neoliberalism, #milton friedman, #gary becker, #ronald coase, #aaron director, #adam smith, #karl marx, #chicago school of economics, #ronald reagan
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Unf*cking the Republic (UNFTR for short) is a longform podcast that covers U.S. politics through a progressive socioeconomic lens. Each episode is a deep and delicious audio dive into a particular subject that helps explain how we arrived in Bizarro America, the funhouse mirror version of what was originally intended. The UNFTR YouTube channel is designed to break some of these larger concepts into smaller more digestible pieces.
- published: 11 Feb 2023
- views: 4657
What is Neoliberalism?
What is Neoliberalism? is a video by the Barnard Center for Research on Women, featuring interviews with Lisa Duggan, Miranda Joseph, Sealing Cheng, Elizabeth B...
What is Neoliberalism? is a video by the Barnard Center for Research on Women, featuring interviews with Lisa Duggan, Miranda Joseph, Sealing Cheng, Elizabeth Bernstein, Dean Spade, Sandra K. Soto, Teresa Gowan, and Ana Amuchástegui. In the video, contributors describe the various meanings that have been attributed to the term "neoliberalism," the neoliberal economic policies developed through the IMF and the World Bank, and the usefulness of "neoliberalism" as an organizing rubric for contemporary scholars and activists. Drawing from research on immigration policy, the prison-industrial complex, poverty management, and reproductive rights, they sketch some of neoliberalism's intersections with gender, sexuality, race, class, and nation. Recorded Fall 2012.
What is Neoliberalism? was published in issue 11.1-11.2 of The Scholar & Feminist Online, "Gender, Justice, and Neoliberal Transformations." See the entire issue at http://sfonline.barnard.edu/gender-justice-and-neoliberal-transformations for additional resources.
What is Neoliberalism? is a video by the Barnard Center for Research on Women, featuring interviews with Lisa Duggan, Miranda Joseph, Sealing Cheng, Elizabeth Bernstein, Dean Spade, Sandra K. Soto, Teresa Gowan, and Ana Amuchástegui. In the video, contributors describe the various meanings that have been attributed to the term "neoliberalism," the neoliberal economic policies developed through the IMF and the World Bank, and the usefulness of "neoliberalism" as an organizing rubric for contemporary scholars and activists. Drawing from research on immigration policy, the prison-industrial complex, poverty management, and reproductive rights, they sketch some of neoliberalism's intersections with gender, sexuality, race, class, and nation. Recorded Fall 2012.
What is Neoliberalism? was published in issue 11.1-11.2 of The Scholar & Feminist Online, "Gender, Justice, and Neoliberal Transformations." See the entire issue at http://sfonline.barnard.edu/gender-justice-and-neoliberal-transformations for additional resources.
- published: 15 Aug 2013
- views: 141786