Weyer is a German surname and placename. Etymologically, it appears to be a habitational name meaning "someone living in a place called Weier, Weiher or Weyer". In southern Germany it can be a topographical name for "someone living by a fish pond".
Reconstruction: https://speedcubedb.com/r/6933
Video: https://youtu.be/mzZD8gtVwlE
L2 U B2 D2 L2 D L2 R2 U B2 R' B L' D2 L' D2 R2 U B L' U2
z2 y // inspection
L2 F' L' D L U R' // cross
U' R U R' U' R U R' // 1st pair
y R U' R' // 2nd pair
y U2 R' U R U' R U R' // 3rd pair
y U R U R' // 4th pair
U R U R' U R U2' R' // OLL(CP)
U' // AUF
Join this channel to get access to perks:
Make sure to use discount code "briansun" to get 5% off your order at thecubicle.com!
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/qR4HE2A
#TeamCubicle Updated Discord link: https://discord.gg/qR4HE2A
published: 08 Nov 2021
Phillip Weyer - Rubik's Cube World Champion 2019
For more videos Please Subscribe my Youtube Channel which encourage me :) Done at WCA World Championship 2019
(9.63), 7.26, 6.24, (5.97), 6.73 = 6.74 Average
published: 15 Jul 2019
Fastest 4x4 Solves Of Sebastian Weyer!
These are the Top 5 Fastest Official 4x4 Solves Of Sebastian Weyer!
published: 29 Sep 2023
#rubikscube #rubik #worldcubeassociation #cubing
published: 20 Jan 2024
Ortsportrait Weyer
published: 13 Jul 2017
Philipp Weyer's 6.06 European Record Average (White Cross Only)
Is white cross only optimal? For these scrambles it's pretty good.
6.06 Official European Record (ER) Average - Philipp Weyer - Swisscubing Cup Final 2018 - 3x3 2nd Round
Video used for reconstructions: http://bit.ly/2pHwSVn
Reconstructions by Phillip Lewicki (Me)
Solve 1 - 4.81
Scramble: F' U2 B' R2 B2 L2 D2 F' D2 U L2 F' L2 U L' R D2 B' D2 U
x' //Inspection
U' Rw' R D' R2 (D' U) // Cross
L' U L U y' R' U R // 1st Pair
U R U R' L' U L // 2nd Pair
R U' R' U L U2 L' U' R U R' // 3rd Pair
U2 L U L' U L U L' // 4th Pair
U' Rw U R' U R U2 Rw' // OLL(CP)
48 moves = 9.98 TPS
Solve 2 - 6.43
Scramble: U2 R B2 R F2 R' B2 U2 R' B R2 F2 D2 L R2 D' R U F’
z2 x' // Inspection
D Rw D' L' D2 L R // Cross
U' L' U' L2 U L' // 1st Pair
R U' R' y U' L U L2 U2 L // 2nd Pair
U' L L' U L U L' // 3rd Pair
U' ...
Many of you requested this one! A very nice solve indeed. 4x4 centers and edges are almost perfect especially with the luck on the first 4 edges. As always suggestions are welcome! (leave them in the comments)
17.42 Official 4x4 WR Single - Sebastian Weyer - Danish Open 2019 - 4x4 Combined First Round
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLO7ZKwazk8
Reconstructed by Stewy_: http://www.cubesolv.es/solve/5750
Scramble: B2 R2 U2 L2 U B2 D2 L2 F2 L F' U R' U' R2 D B' F2 R2 D' r2 B U f2 U' r2 u2 L2 f2 B' D2 F2 D2 r L2 R2 D F L2 u F' r u2 r2 U' F
x2 // inspection
// 1st 2 centres / 3 cross dedges
U' r l D' x U r' // white
x' y' U r' R2 u' R2' u // yellow
x2' R2 U' r2 B // WR
L' U r2' 3r L U // WG
F' x r 3r' L' U // WB
// last 4 centres / finish cross
L U 3r2 // inspect pieces + setup
L' l...
published: 20 Mar 2020
Philipp Weyer - European Rubik's Cube Champion 2016
Philipp Weyer competes in the final round of the European Championship 2016 in Prague Czech Republic and places as the fastest European with an average of 7.88 seconds.
(Feliks Zemdegs, an international competitor from Australia, placed first overall, with an average of 7.07.)
Reconstruction: https://speedcubedb.com/r/6933
Video: https://youtu.be/mzZD8gtVwlE
L2 U B2 D2 L2 D L2 R2 U B2 R' B L' D2 L' D2 R2 U B L' U2
z2 y // inspectio...
Reconstruction: https://speedcubedb.com/r/6933
Video: https://youtu.be/mzZD8gtVwlE
L2 U B2 D2 L2 D L2 R2 U B2 R' B L' D2 L' D2 R2 U B L' U2
z2 y // inspection
L2 F' L' D L U R' // cross
U' R U R' U' R U R' // 1st pair
y R U' R' // 2nd pair
y U2 R' U R U' R U R' // 3rd pair
y U R U R' // 4th pair
U R U R' U R U2' R' // OLL(CP)
U' // AUF
Join this channel to get access to perks:
Make sure to use discount code "briansun" to get 5% off your order at thecubicle.com!
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/qR4HE2A
#TeamCubicle Updated Discord link: https://discord.gg/qR4HE2A
Reconstruction: https://speedcubedb.com/r/6933
Video: https://youtu.be/mzZD8gtVwlE
L2 U B2 D2 L2 D L2 R2 U B2 R' B L' D2 L' D2 R2 U B L' U2
z2 y // inspection
L2 F' L' D L U R' // cross
U' R U R' U' R U R' // 1st pair
y R U' R' // 2nd pair
y U2 R' U R U' R U R' // 3rd pair
y U R U R' // 4th pair
U R U R' U R U2' R' // OLL(CP)
U' // AUF
Join this channel to get access to perks:
Make sure to use discount code "briansun" to get 5% off your order at thecubicle.com!
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/qR4HE2A
#TeamCubicle Updated Discord link: https://discord.gg/qR4HE2A
For more videos Please Subscribe my Youtube Channel which encourage me :) Done at WCA World Championship 2019
(9.63), 7.26, 6.24, (5.97), 6.73 = 6.74 Average
For more videos Please Subscribe my Youtube Channel which encourage me :) Done at WCA World Championship 2019
(9.63), 7.26, 6.24, (5.97), 6.73 = 6.74 Average
For more videos Please Subscribe my Youtube Channel which encourage me :) Done at WCA World Championship 2019
(9.63), 7.26, 6.24, (5.97), 6.73 = 6.74 Average
Is white cross only optimal? For these scrambles it's pretty good.
6.06 Official European Record (ER) Average - Philipp Weyer - Swisscubing Cup Final 2018 - 3x...
Is white cross only optimal? For these scrambles it's pretty good.
6.06 Official European Record (ER) Average - Philipp Weyer - Swisscubing Cup Final 2018 - 3x3 2nd Round
Video used for reconstructions: http://bit.ly/2pHwSVn
Reconstructions by Phillip Lewicki (Me)
Solve 1 - 4.81
Scramble: F' U2 B' R2 B2 L2 D2 F' D2 U L2 F' L2 U L' R D2 B' D2 U
x' //Inspection
U' Rw' R D' R2 (D' U) // Cross
L' U L U y' R' U R // 1st Pair
U R U R' L' U L // 2nd Pair
R U' R' U L U2 L' U' R U R' // 3rd Pair
U2 L U L' U L U L' // 4th Pair
U' Rw U R' U R U2 Rw' // OLL(CP)
48 moves = 9.98 TPS
Solve 2 - 6.43
Scramble: U2 R B2 R F2 R' B2 U2 R' B R2 F2 D2 L R2 D' R U F’
z2 x' // Inspection
D Rw D' L' D2 L R // Cross
U' L' U' L2 U L' // 1st Pair
R U' R' y U' L U L2 U2 L // 2nd Pair
U' L L' U L U L' // 3rd Pair
U' R U R' U y' R' U' R // 4th Pair
U R U R' U R' F R F' U2 R' F R F' // OLL
Lw' R' D2 R U R' D2 R U' R // PLL
61 moves = 9.49 TPS
Solve 3 - 5.48
Scramble: D' F2 D B2 R2 U F2 D2 R2 D' L' B2 F2 D2 F2 U' F2 U B'
x y2 // Inspection
D x' D2 L R U R Uw' // Cross
R U R' L' U L // 1st Pair
U' y U R' U R // 2nd Pair
U' R U R' U2 R U' R' // 3rd Pair
L' U2 L U' L' U L // 4th Pair
F U R U' R' F' R' U R' Dw' R' F' R2 U' R' U R' F R F U' // PLL
55 moves = 10.04 TPS
Solve 4 - 6.26
Scramble: B2 U2 L2 F L2 F L2 U2 L D2 F' U L D2 L' F' L' B' L2
x2 y2 // Inspection
D2 U2 R' F // Cross
R U' R2' U' R U' R' U' R // 1st Pair
y' U' R' U R // 2nd Pair
U' U' R U R' U' F U F' // 3rd Pair
U2' R U R' U' R U R' // 4th Pair
U F R U R' U' R U R' U' F' // OLL
U' R U' R' U' R U R D R' U' R D' R' U2 R' U2' // PLL
62 moves = 9.90 TPS
Solve 5 - 7.51
Scramble: R F2 L D2 L' B2 F2 L' F' L2 R D' B' U' R2 F' U R2 D'
z2 y' // Inspection
F R D U R' F D2 // Cross
U L U' L' // 1st Pair
R U2 R' U R U R2' //2nd Pair
U R U L' U' L // 3rd Pair
U y R U' R' U' R U' R' U2 R U' R' U R U2' R' // 4th Pair
U' U U L F' L' U' L U F U' L' // OLL
U R' U2 R U2' R' F R U R' U' R' F' R2 // PLL
66 moves = 8.79 TPS
Check out TheCubicle: https://thecubicle.com/lazer0monkey
Use code "LaZer0MonKey" for 5% off all your orders at TheCubicle.com
Check out my PBs: http://bit.ly/PSLcubePB
Subscribe ► http://bit.ly/1hdug7N
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/LaZer0MonKey
Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/lazer0monkey/
Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/LaZer0MonKey/
Is white cross only optimal? For these scrambles it's pretty good.
6.06 Official European Record (ER) Average - Philipp Weyer - Swisscubing Cup Final 2018 - 3x3 2nd Round
Video used for reconstructions: http://bit.ly/2pHwSVn
Reconstructions by Phillip Lewicki (Me)
Solve 1 - 4.81
Scramble: F' U2 B' R2 B2 L2 D2 F' D2 U L2 F' L2 U L' R D2 B' D2 U
x' //Inspection
U' Rw' R D' R2 (D' U) // Cross
L' U L U y' R' U R // 1st Pair
U R U R' L' U L // 2nd Pair
R U' R' U L U2 L' U' R U R' // 3rd Pair
U2 L U L' U L U L' // 4th Pair
U' Rw U R' U R U2 Rw' // OLL(CP)
48 moves = 9.98 TPS
Solve 2 - 6.43
Scramble: U2 R B2 R F2 R' B2 U2 R' B R2 F2 D2 L R2 D' R U F’
z2 x' // Inspection
D Rw D' L' D2 L R // Cross
U' L' U' L2 U L' // 1st Pair
R U' R' y U' L U L2 U2 L // 2nd Pair
U' L L' U L U L' // 3rd Pair
U' R U R' U y' R' U' R // 4th Pair
U R U R' U R' F R F' U2 R' F R F' // OLL
Lw' R' D2 R U R' D2 R U' R // PLL
61 moves = 9.49 TPS
Solve 3 - 5.48
Scramble: D' F2 D B2 R2 U F2 D2 R2 D' L' B2 F2 D2 F2 U' F2 U B'
x y2 // Inspection
D x' D2 L R U R Uw' // Cross
R U R' L' U L // 1st Pair
U' y U R' U R // 2nd Pair
U' R U R' U2 R U' R' // 3rd Pair
L' U2 L U' L' U L // 4th Pair
F U R U' R' F' R' U R' Dw' R' F' R2 U' R' U R' F R F U' // PLL
55 moves = 10.04 TPS
Solve 4 - 6.26
Scramble: B2 U2 L2 F L2 F L2 U2 L D2 F' U L D2 L' F' L' B' L2
x2 y2 // Inspection
D2 U2 R' F // Cross
R U' R2' U' R U' R' U' R // 1st Pair
y' U' R' U R // 2nd Pair
U' U' R U R' U' F U F' // 3rd Pair
U2' R U R' U' R U R' // 4th Pair
U F R U R' U' R U R' U' F' // OLL
U' R U' R' U' R U R D R' U' R D' R' U2 R' U2' // PLL
62 moves = 9.90 TPS
Solve 5 - 7.51
Scramble: R F2 L D2 L' B2 F2 L' F' L2 R D' B' U' R2 F' U R2 D'
z2 y' // Inspection
F R D U R' F D2 // Cross
U L U' L' // 1st Pair
R U2 R' U R U R2' //2nd Pair
U R U L' U' L // 3rd Pair
U y R U' R' U' R U' R' U2 R U' R' U R U2' R' // 4th Pair
U' U U L F' L' U' L U F U' L' // OLL
U R' U2 R U2' R' F R U R' U' R' F' R2 // PLL
66 moves = 8.79 TPS
Check out TheCubicle: https://thecubicle.com/lazer0monkey
Use code "LaZer0MonKey" for 5% off all your orders at TheCubicle.com
Check out my PBs: http://bit.ly/PSLcubePB
Subscribe ► http://bit.ly/1hdug7N
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/LaZer0MonKey
Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/lazer0monkey/
Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/LaZer0MonKey/
Many of you requested this one! A very nice solve indeed. 4x4 centers and edges are almost perfect especially with the luck on the first 4 edges. As always sugg...
Many of you requested this one! A very nice solve indeed. 4x4 centers and edges are almost perfect especially with the luck on the first 4 edges. As always suggestions are welcome! (leave them in the comments)
17.42 Official 4x4 WR Single - Sebastian Weyer - Danish Open 2019 - 4x4 Combined First Round
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLO7ZKwazk8
Reconstructed by Stewy_: http://www.cubesolv.es/solve/5750
Scramble: B2 R2 U2 L2 U B2 D2 L2 F2 L F' U R' U' R2 D B' F2 R2 D' r2 B U f2 U' r2 u2 L2 f2 B' D2 F2 D2 r L2 R2 D F L2 u F' r u2 r2 U' F
x2 // inspection
// 1st 2 centres / 3 cross dedges
U' r l D' x U r' // white
x' y' U r' R2 u' R2' u // yellow
x2' R2 U' r2 B // WR
L' U r2' 3r L U // WG
F' x r 3r' L' U // WB
// last 4 centres / finish cross
L U 3r2 // inspect pieces + setup
L' l U 3r (U r' 3r U') L' l r // orange + blue bar
L' l r U2' r' 3r U2' r' // blue + setup
3r U' r' U2 r // red / green
z' u R U R' u' D R' F R // WO
// finish edges
u' U y' U R' U' R // YO / YB
y' R U' R' // YG / OG
u L' U L U' R U' R' u' // YR
R U' R' u2 // RB
y' R U R' u' // OB / GR
// 3x3x3
U2 R U' R' y' U' R' U R // 1st pair
U2' R U R' U R U' R' // 2nd pair
y' U D R U2 R' U' R U R' D' // 3rd / 4th pairs (pseudo-slotting)
U' F U R U' R' F' // OLL(CP)
U2' u2 r2 U2 l2 3l2' U2 r2 u2 // Pparity
Check out TheCubicle: https://thecubicle.com/lazer0monkey
Use code "LaZer0MonKey" for 5% off all your orders at TheCubicle.com
Check out my PBs: http://bit.ly/PSLcubePB
Discord Server: http://bit.ly/l0mdiscord
Subscribe ► http://bit.ly/1hdug7N
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/LaZer0MonKey
Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/lazer0monkey/
Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/LaZer0MonKey/
Many of you requested this one! A very nice solve indeed. 4x4 centers and edges are almost perfect especially with the luck on the first 4 edges. As always suggestions are welcome! (leave them in the comments)
17.42 Official 4x4 WR Single - Sebastian Weyer - Danish Open 2019 - 4x4 Combined First Round
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLO7ZKwazk8
Reconstructed by Stewy_: http://www.cubesolv.es/solve/5750
Scramble: B2 R2 U2 L2 U B2 D2 L2 F2 L F' U R' U' R2 D B' F2 R2 D' r2 B U f2 U' r2 u2 L2 f2 B' D2 F2 D2 r L2 R2 D F L2 u F' r u2 r2 U' F
x2 // inspection
// 1st 2 centres / 3 cross dedges
U' r l D' x U r' // white
x' y' U r' R2 u' R2' u // yellow
x2' R2 U' r2 B // WR
L' U r2' 3r L U // WG
F' x r 3r' L' U // WB
// last 4 centres / finish cross
L U 3r2 // inspect pieces + setup
L' l U 3r (U r' 3r U') L' l r // orange + blue bar
L' l r U2' r' 3r U2' r' // blue + setup
3r U' r' U2 r // red / green
z' u R U R' u' D R' F R // WO
// finish edges
u' U y' U R' U' R // YO / YB
y' R U' R' // YG / OG
u L' U L U' R U' R' u' // YR
R U' R' u2 // RB
y' R U R' u' // OB / GR
// 3x3x3
U2 R U' R' y' U' R' U R // 1st pair
U2' R U R' U R U' R' // 2nd pair
y' U D R U2 R' U' R U R' D' // 3rd / 4th pairs (pseudo-slotting)
U' F U R U' R' F' // OLL(CP)
U2' u2 r2 U2 l2 3l2' U2 r2 u2 // Pparity
Check out TheCubicle: https://thecubicle.com/lazer0monkey
Use code "LaZer0MonKey" for 5% off all your orders at TheCubicle.com
Check out my PBs: http://bit.ly/PSLcubePB
Discord Server: http://bit.ly/l0mdiscord
Subscribe ► http://bit.ly/1hdug7N
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/LaZer0MonKey
Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/lazer0monkey/
Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/LaZer0MonKey/
Philipp Weyer competes in the final round of the European Championship 2016 in Prague Czech Republic and places as the fastest European with an average of 7.88 ...
Philipp Weyer competes in the final round of the European Championship 2016 in Prague Czech Republic and places as the fastest European with an average of 7.88 seconds.
(Feliks Zemdegs, an international competitor from Australia, placed first overall, with an average of 7.07.)
Philipp Weyer competes in the final round of the European Championship 2016 in Prague Czech Republic and places as the fastest European with an average of 7.88 seconds.
(Feliks Zemdegs, an international competitor from Australia, placed first overall, with an average of 7.07.)
Reconstruction: https://speedcubedb.com/r/6933
Video: https://youtu.be/mzZD8gtVwlE
L2 U B2 D2 L2 D L2 R2 U B2 R' B L' D2 L' D2 R2 U B L' U2
z2 y // inspection
L2 F' L' D L U R' // cross
U' R U R' U' R U R' // 1st pair
y R U' R' // 2nd pair
y U2 R' U R U' R U R' // 3rd pair
y U R U R' // 4th pair
U R U R' U R U2' R' // OLL(CP)
U' // AUF
Join this channel to get access to perks:
Make sure to use discount code "briansun" to get 5% off your order at thecubicle.com!
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/qR4HE2A
#TeamCubicle Updated Discord link: https://discord.gg/qR4HE2A
For more videos Please Subscribe my Youtube Channel which encourage me :) Done at WCA World Championship 2019
(9.63), 7.26, 6.24, (5.97), 6.73 = 6.74 Average
Is white cross only optimal? For these scrambles it's pretty good.
6.06 Official European Record (ER) Average - Philipp Weyer - Swisscubing Cup Final 2018 - 3x3 2nd Round
Video used for reconstructions: http://bit.ly/2pHwSVn
Reconstructions by Phillip Lewicki (Me)
Solve 1 - 4.81
Scramble: F' U2 B' R2 B2 L2 D2 F' D2 U L2 F' L2 U L' R D2 B' D2 U
x' //Inspection
U' Rw' R D' R2 (D' U) // Cross
L' U L U y' R' U R // 1st Pair
U R U R' L' U L // 2nd Pair
R U' R' U L U2 L' U' R U R' // 3rd Pair
U2 L U L' U L U L' // 4th Pair
U' Rw U R' U R U2 Rw' // OLL(CP)
48 moves = 9.98 TPS
Solve 2 - 6.43
Scramble: U2 R B2 R F2 R' B2 U2 R' B R2 F2 D2 L R2 D' R U F’
z2 x' // Inspection
D Rw D' L' D2 L R // Cross
U' L' U' L2 U L' // 1st Pair
R U' R' y U' L U L2 U2 L // 2nd Pair
U' L L' U L U L' // 3rd Pair
U' R U R' U y' R' U' R // 4th Pair
U R U R' U R' F R F' U2 R' F R F' // OLL
Lw' R' D2 R U R' D2 R U' R // PLL
61 moves = 9.49 TPS
Solve 3 - 5.48
Scramble: D' F2 D B2 R2 U F2 D2 R2 D' L' B2 F2 D2 F2 U' F2 U B'
x y2 // Inspection
D x' D2 L R U R Uw' // Cross
R U R' L' U L // 1st Pair
U' y U R' U R // 2nd Pair
U' R U R' U2 R U' R' // 3rd Pair
L' U2 L U' L' U L // 4th Pair
F U R U' R' F' R' U R' Dw' R' F' R2 U' R' U R' F R F U' // PLL
55 moves = 10.04 TPS
Solve 4 - 6.26
Scramble: B2 U2 L2 F L2 F L2 U2 L D2 F' U L D2 L' F' L' B' L2
x2 y2 // Inspection
D2 U2 R' F // Cross
R U' R2' U' R U' R' U' R // 1st Pair
y' U' R' U R // 2nd Pair
U' U' R U R' U' F U F' // 3rd Pair
U2' R U R' U' R U R' // 4th Pair
U F R U R' U' R U R' U' F' // OLL
U' R U' R' U' R U R D R' U' R D' R' U2 R' U2' // PLL
62 moves = 9.90 TPS
Solve 5 - 7.51
Scramble: R F2 L D2 L' B2 F2 L' F' L2 R D' B' U' R2 F' U R2 D'
z2 y' // Inspection
F R D U R' F D2 // Cross
U L U' L' // 1st Pair
R U2 R' U R U R2' //2nd Pair
U R U L' U' L // 3rd Pair
U y R U' R' U' R U' R' U2 R U' R' U R U2' R' // 4th Pair
U' U U L F' L' U' L U F U' L' // OLL
U R' U2 R U2' R' F R U R' U' R' F' R2 // PLL
66 moves = 8.79 TPS
Check out TheCubicle: https://thecubicle.com/lazer0monkey
Use code "LaZer0MonKey" for 5% off all your orders at TheCubicle.com
Check out my PBs: http://bit.ly/PSLcubePB
Subscribe ► http://bit.ly/1hdug7N
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/LaZer0MonKey
Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/lazer0monkey/
Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/LaZer0MonKey/
Many of you requested this one! A very nice solve indeed. 4x4 centers and edges are almost perfect especially with the luck on the first 4 edges. As always suggestions are welcome! (leave them in the comments)
17.42 Official 4x4 WR Single - Sebastian Weyer - Danish Open 2019 - 4x4 Combined First Round
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLO7ZKwazk8
Reconstructed by Stewy_: http://www.cubesolv.es/solve/5750
Scramble: B2 R2 U2 L2 U B2 D2 L2 F2 L F' U R' U' R2 D B' F2 R2 D' r2 B U f2 U' r2 u2 L2 f2 B' D2 F2 D2 r L2 R2 D F L2 u F' r u2 r2 U' F
x2 // inspection
// 1st 2 centres / 3 cross dedges
U' r l D' x U r' // white
x' y' U r' R2 u' R2' u // yellow
x2' R2 U' r2 B // WR
L' U r2' 3r L U // WG
F' x r 3r' L' U // WB
// last 4 centres / finish cross
L U 3r2 // inspect pieces + setup
L' l U 3r (U r' 3r U') L' l r // orange + blue bar
L' l r U2' r' 3r U2' r' // blue + setup
3r U' r' U2 r // red / green
z' u R U R' u' D R' F R // WO
// finish edges
u' U y' U R' U' R // YO / YB
y' R U' R' // YG / OG
u L' U L U' R U' R' u' // YR
R U' R' u2 // RB
y' R U R' u' // OB / GR
// 3x3x3
U2 R U' R' y' U' R' U R // 1st pair
U2' R U R' U R U' R' // 2nd pair
y' U D R U2 R' U' R U R' D' // 3rd / 4th pairs (pseudo-slotting)
U' F U R U' R' F' // OLL(CP)
U2' u2 r2 U2 l2 3l2' U2 r2 u2 // Pparity
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Philipp Weyer competes in the final round of the European Championship 2016 in Prague Czech Republic and places as the fastest European with an average of 7.88 seconds.
(Feliks Zemdegs, an international competitor from Australia, placed first overall, with an average of 7.07.)
Weyer is a German surname and placename. Etymologically, it appears to be a habitational name meaning "someone living in a place called Weier, Weiher or Weyer". In southern Germany it can be a topographical name for "someone living by a fish pond".
If you had a room, he'd paint it white, survives the day, prefers the night, build sight. Got a head for figures, no time for bickers, (or so he says,) prefers the company of a woman. Finds it more physical, (that's an important word,) always seen first then heard, such a rare bird. With praise he glows, with change he grows, finds that important, hates waiting, it's not stimulating, likes celebrating, I can't understand why that is so funny,