George Wayne Goodwin was elected North Carolina Commissioner of Insurance in the 2008 election and re-elected in 2012. He is a candidate for re-election in 2016. Goodwin previously served as a Democratic member of the North Carolina General Assembly representing the state's sixty-eighth House district, including constituents in Richmond and Stanly counties. His prior district — the 32nd House district — also included Scotland and Montgomery Counties.
NC DMV Commissioner Wayne Goodwin testifies before House Oversight and Reform Committee
Commissioner Wayne Goodwin of North Carolina's Division of Motor Vehicles presents an opening statement on Oct. 11, 2023, to the House Oversight and Reform Committee.
published: 11 Oct 2023
NC Insurance Commissioner Wayne Goodwin Supports UNC-TV NC Insurance Commissioner Wayne Goodwin Supports UNC-TV during Festival 2013. Make your pledge today!
published: 26 Feb 2013
Wayne Goodwin | Commissioner NC Department of Insurance
North Carolina Department of Insurance Commissioner talks with Jeff Smith about what citizens need to know and do in the days following Hurricane Matthew.
published: 11 Oct 2016
DMV Commissioner Wayne Goodwin blames Idemia for NC driver’s license backlog
published: 06 Jun 2024
N.C. Commissioner of Insurance Candidate Wayne Goodwin in his 2020 Campaign | UNC-TV
Democratic nominee for Commissioner of Insurance Wayne Goodwin discusses his platform and effort to return as North Carolina Insurance Commissioner. See more NC candidate interviews at
published: 22 Sep 2020
NCDP Chair Wayne Goodwin Discusses Republican Meddling in Judicial Elections
NCDP Chair Wayne Goodwin announced that the NCDP will take action against GOP meddling in judicial elections.
published: 26 Jun 2018
Wayne Goodwin Speaks at InsurExpo 2013
published: 26 Feb 2013
March 10 2023, Raleigh Kiwanis Welcomes Wayne Goodwin, DMV Commissioner
As commissioner, Wayne Goodwin oversees the daily operations of the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles, including vehicle registrations, driver licenses, vehicle safety and emissions inspections as well as activities to halt vehicle theft and identity fraud.
Before joining the N.C. Department of Transportation, Goodwin worked as president and CEO of Seaboard Strategic Consulting where he provided counsel to insurance entities, businesses, associations and consumers.
Goodwin also previously served as state insurance commissioner for eight years, overseeing the agency that regulates insurance rates as products as well as investigating fraud. During his time as insurance commissioner, he also served as state fire marshal and chaired the national Antifraud Task Force for two years.
Prior to hi...
published: 10 Mar 2023
NCDP Rural NC Listening Tour: Beaufort County
February 21. 2018 - Chairman Wayne Goodwin heads to Washington, North Carolina launches the NCDP Rural North Carolina Listening Tour.
published: 22 Feb 2018
NC Democratic Party Chairman Goodwin on HB2 and Whether the Public is Fatigued w/ the Issue
NC Democratic Party Chairman, Wayne Goodwin, on the HB2 repeal effort and if the general public, in NC, is tiring of the continual political battle. The segment comes from "Common Ground," which airs on NC Channel Fridays at 10pm & Sundays at 8:30am.
Commissioner Wayne Goodwin of North Carolina's Division of Motor Vehicles presents an opening statement on Oct. 11, 2023, to the House Oversight and Reform Comm...
Commissioner Wayne Goodwin of North Carolina's Division of Motor Vehicles presents an opening statement on Oct. 11, 2023, to the House Oversight and Reform Committee.
Commissioner Wayne Goodwin of North Carolina's Division of Motor Vehicles presents an opening statement on Oct. 11, 2023, to the House Oversight and Reform Committee.
North Carolina Department of Insurance Commissioner talks with Jeff Smith about what citizens need to know and do in the days following Hurricane Matthew.
North Carolina Department of Insurance Commissioner talks with Jeff Smith about what citizens need to know and do in the days following Hurricane Matthew.
North Carolina Department of Insurance Commissioner talks with Jeff Smith about what citizens need to know and do in the days following Hurricane Matthew.
Democratic nominee for Commissioner of Insurance Wayne Goodwin discusses his platform and effort to return as North Carolina Insurance Commissioner. See more N...
Democratic nominee for Commissioner of Insurance Wayne Goodwin discusses his platform and effort to return as North Carolina Insurance Commissioner. See more NC candidate interviews at
Democratic nominee for Commissioner of Insurance Wayne Goodwin discusses his platform and effort to return as North Carolina Insurance Commissioner. See more NC candidate interviews at
As commissioner, Wayne Goodwin oversees the daily operations of the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles, including vehicle registrations, driver licenses, vehicle s...
As commissioner, Wayne Goodwin oversees the daily operations of the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles, including vehicle registrations, driver licenses, vehicle safety and emissions inspections as well as activities to halt vehicle theft and identity fraud.
Before joining the N.C. Department of Transportation, Goodwin worked as president and CEO of Seaboard Strategic Consulting where he provided counsel to insurance entities, businesses, associations and consumers.
Goodwin also previously served as state insurance commissioner for eight years, overseeing the agency that regulates insurance rates as products as well as investigating fraud. During his time as insurance commissioner, he also served as state fire marshal and chaired the national Antifraud Task Force for two years.
Prior to his time as insurance commissioner, he served as assistant general counsel and assistant commissioner of insurance.
Goodwin is an attorney who also served four terms in the N.C. House of Representatives from 1997-2004.
A native of Hamlet, Goodwin twice graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill – first in 1989 with honors as a Morehead Scholar and a U.S. Senate/William Randolph Hearst Scholar and again in 1992 from the School of Law.
He now resides in Raleigh with his two children. His wife, Melanie Wade Goodwin, was an attorney and former state legislator who died in 2020.
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As commissioner, Wayne Goodwin oversees the daily operations of the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles, including vehicle registrations, driver licenses, vehicle safety and emissions inspections as well as activities to halt vehicle theft and identity fraud.
Before joining the N.C. Department of Transportation, Goodwin worked as president and CEO of Seaboard Strategic Consulting where he provided counsel to insurance entities, businesses, associations and consumers.
Goodwin also previously served as state insurance commissioner for eight years, overseeing the agency that regulates insurance rates as products as well as investigating fraud. During his time as insurance commissioner, he also served as state fire marshal and chaired the national Antifraud Task Force for two years.
Prior to his time as insurance commissioner, he served as assistant general counsel and assistant commissioner of insurance.
Goodwin is an attorney who also served four terms in the N.C. House of Representatives from 1997-2004.
A native of Hamlet, Goodwin twice graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill – first in 1989 with honors as a Morehead Scholar and a U.S. Senate/William Randolph Hearst Scholar and again in 1992 from the School of Law.
He now resides in Raleigh with his two children. His wife, Melanie Wade Goodwin, was an attorney and former state legislator who died in 2020.
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NC Democratic Party Chairman, Wayne Goodwin, on the HB2 repeal effort and if the general public, in NC, is tiring of the continual political battle. The segmen...
NC Democratic Party Chairman, Wayne Goodwin, on the HB2 repeal effort and if the general public, in NC, is tiring of the continual political battle. The segment comes from "Common Ground," which airs on NC Channel Fridays at 10pm & Sundays at 8:30am.
NC Democratic Party Chairman, Wayne Goodwin, on the HB2 repeal effort and if the general public, in NC, is tiring of the continual political battle. The segment comes from "Common Ground," which airs on NC Channel Fridays at 10pm & Sundays at 8:30am.
Commissioner Wayne Goodwin of North Carolina's Division of Motor Vehicles presents an opening statement on Oct. 11, 2023, to the House Oversight and Reform Committee.
North Carolina Department of Insurance Commissioner talks with Jeff Smith about what citizens need to know and do in the days following Hurricane Matthew.
Democratic nominee for Commissioner of Insurance Wayne Goodwin discusses his platform and effort to return as North Carolina Insurance Commissioner. See more NC candidate interviews at
As commissioner, Wayne Goodwin oversees the daily operations of the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles, including vehicle registrations, driver licenses, vehicle safety and emissions inspections as well as activities to halt vehicle theft and identity fraud.
Before joining the N.C. Department of Transportation, Goodwin worked as president and CEO of Seaboard Strategic Consulting where he provided counsel to insurance entities, businesses, associations and consumers.
Goodwin also previously served as state insurance commissioner for eight years, overseeing the agency that regulates insurance rates as products as well as investigating fraud. During his time as insurance commissioner, he also served as state fire marshal and chaired the national Antifraud Task Force for two years.
Prior to his time as insurance commissioner, he served as assistant general counsel and assistant commissioner of insurance.
Goodwin is an attorney who also served four terms in the N.C. House of Representatives from 1997-2004.
A native of Hamlet, Goodwin twice graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill – first in 1989 with honors as a Morehead Scholar and a U.S. Senate/William Randolph Hearst Scholar and again in 1992 from the School of Law.
He now resides in Raleigh with his two children. His wife, Melanie Wade Goodwin, was an attorney and former state legislator who died in 2020.
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NC Democratic Party Chairman, Wayne Goodwin, on the HB2 repeal effort and if the general public, in NC, is tiring of the continual political battle. The segment comes from "Common Ground," which airs on NC Channel Fridays at 10pm & Sundays at 8:30am.
George Wayne Goodwin was elected North Carolina Commissioner of Insurance in the 2008 election and re-elected in 2012. He is a candidate for re-election in 2016. Goodwin previously served as a Democratic member of the North Carolina General Assembly representing the state's sixty-eighth House district, including constituents in Richmond and Stanly counties. His prior district — the 32nd House district — also included Scotland and Montgomery Counties.
Panic invades the safety images of fear Hatred in all of you coming from hell Anagaton invincible destructor Feel supreme or live in sorrow with god Last despair supplication Christianity claims Worshipping unholy priest a black belief Anagaton despoiler of faith Feel supreme or live in sorrow with god [sub-chorus:] I'm the master alone and disregarded Anagaton invincible destructor Feel supreme or live in sorrow with god [Chorus:] I'm the master alone and disregarded Embraced by evil I wanna rip your soul out Denying the cross, rising the flag Bleeding in terror, disgusting the light Disgusting the holy light! Anagaton invictus et magister Anagaton turba sui tremorque ludi Anagaton vincere nec ferire doctus Anagaton belligera sperbus hasta [Chorus:] I'm the master alone and disregarded
Goodwin, who has led the Division of Motor Vehicles for three years, says he will help the governor and secretary of transportation find a successor ... .