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Volscian language

Volscian was a Sabellic Italic language, which was spoken by the Volsci and closely related to Oscan and Umbrian.

It is attested in an inscription found in Velitrae (Velletri), dating probably from early in the 3rd century BC; it is cut upon a small bronze plate (now in the Naples Museum), which must have once been fixed to some votive object, dedicated to the god Declunus (or the goddess Decluna). The language of this inscription is clear enough to show the very marked peculiarities that rank it close to the language of the Iguvine Tables. It shows on the one hand the labialization of the original velar q (Volscian pis = Latin quis), and on the other hand it palatalizes the guttural c before a following i (Volscian facia Latin faciat). Like Umbrian also, but unlike Latin and Oscan, it has degraded all the diphthongs into simple vowels (Volscian se parallel to Oscan svai; Volscian deue, Old Latin and Oscan deiuai or deiuoi). This phenomenon of what might have been taken for a piece of Umbrian text appearing in a district remote from Umbria and hemmed in by Latins on the north and Oscan-speaking Samnites on the south is a most curious feature in the geographical distribution of the Italic dialects, and is clearly the result of some complex historical movements.


  • How Did Romans Perform Decimations?

    How Did Romans Perform Decimations? You are the general of a Roman legion and the army is refusing to obey your orders, what now? The Roman Army had a very complex system of awards and sanctions to guarantee the safety and the functionality of its legions. Punishments for disobedient soldiers ranged from simple warnings, to fines, to skipping meals, to being flogged, to sleeping outside of the military camp, to losing retirement benefits, and in the rarest cases, soldiers could be sentenced to crucifixion (after previously seeing their citizenship terminated) or be sentenced to decimation. Decimations (from the Latin word ‘’Decimatio’’ which means ‘’to reduce by a tenth’’), although very rare, were practiced as an extreme measure to fight mutiny, insurgencies and cowardice among the rank...

    published: 06 Dec 2022
  • Velletri – An ancient Volscian settlement

    A video about the city of Velletri, in the Lazio region of Italy. The city, known as Velitrae in ancient times, boasts a rich history and culture. Sites shown in the video: The Piazza Cairoli Fountain (1622) The Porta Napoletana (1511) Villa Ginnetti Park (XVII century entrance gate) Ex Convento del Carmine (XVII century) Velletri Cathedral (San Clemente) Music: https://www.bensound.com/

    published: 03 Mar 2021
  • Chi erano i Volsci?

    Tra i primi avversari dei Romani, con i quali si scontrarono per il predominio del Lazio, i Volsci sono l'ennesima emanazione delle genti Osco-Umbre. Dai Monti Lepini fino alle Paludi Pontine, i Volsci si mossero alla conquista dei ricchi centri dei Latini e degli Aurunci per poi scontrarsi con Roma, alla quale diedero filo da torcere per tutto il V secolo a.C. Da bellicosi invasori a popolo al tramonto, pressato tra Romani e Sanniti, i Volsci persero definitivamente la loro indipendenza nel IV secolo a.C., ma entrarono a far parte gradatamente del tessuto sociale romano, fino a regalare all'Urbe una delle sue personalità di capitale importanza: Ottaviano Augusto. ========================================== 23 - CHI ERANO I VOLSCI? ========================================== 00:00 - Introd...

    published: 08 Mar 2021
  • How to Pronounce Volscian

    This video shows you how to pronounce Volscian

    published: 25 Feb 2015
  • Roman-Volscian wars

    If you find our videos helpful you can support us by buying something from amazon. https://www.amazon.com/?tag=wiki-audio-20 Roman-Volscian wars ☆Video is targeted to blind users Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA image source in video

    published: 01 Jan 2016
  • Legends of Ancient Rome: Coriolanus

    This episode is going to explore the early Roman legend of Coriolanus based in the early republic and in doing so attempt to separate history from myth. Some character names of this legend differ from source to source so this video used the ancient historian Livy's version to settle these discrepancies. Music Above and Beyond Silent Partner YouTube Audio Library license Primary Sources Livy, Books I-V Livy, The Early History of Rome, Penguin Classics, London, Translated by Aubrey De Selincourt, 1960. Plutarch, Coriolanus Plutarch, Makers of Rome, Penguin Classics, London, Translated by Ian Scott-Kilvert, 1965. Secondary Sources Chronicle of the Roman Republic, Rulers of Ancient Rome from Romulus to Augustus, Philip Matyszak, Thames & Hudson, London, 2003. Early Roman Armies, N S...

    published: 06 Jul 2022
  • How to say "volscian"! (High Quality Voices)

    Watch in this video how to say and pronounce "volscian"! The video is produced by yeta.io

    published: 07 Feb 2017
  • How to Pronounce Volscian?

    How to say Volscian? Learn the pronounciation Volscian! How to Pronounce Volscian. Expand your vocabulary, learn words. Use this free pronunciation guide to practice words at a time. Learn for free. Thank you for viewing, please like or subscribe! hoe om te sê, si të thuash, እንዴት እንደሚናገር, wie sagt man, comment dire, come dire, como dizer, как сказать, nasıl denir, cómo decir, 怎么说, πώς να το πω, hoe zeg je.

    published: 23 Apr 2019
  • 5M1 Volscian Supremacy (Coriolanus)

    Provided to YouTube by DistroKid 5M1 Volscian Supremacy (Coriolanus) · Adam Gibson The Musical Anthology of the Show Must Go Online, Pt. 4 (Music & SFX Selections from the Web Series) ℗ adamgibsonsound Released on: 2020-12-22 Auto-generated by YouTube.

    published: 05 Jan 2021
  • 1M10 The Volscian Camp (Coriolanus)

    Provided to YouTube by DistroKid 1M10 The Volscian Camp (Coriolanus) · Adam Gibson The Musical Anthology of the Show Must Go Online, Pt. 4 (Music & SFX Selections from the Web Series) ℗ adamgibsonsound Released on: 2020-12-22 Auto-generated by YouTube.

    published: 05 Jan 2021
developed with YouTube
How Did Romans Perform Decimations?

How Did Romans Perform Decimations?

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:06
  • Uploaded Date: 06 Dec 2022
  • views: 50298
How Did Romans Perform Decimations? You are the general of a Roman legion and the army is refusing to obey your orders, what now? The Roman Army had a very complex system of awards and sanctions to guarantee the safety and the functionality of its legions. Punishments for disobedient soldiers ranged from simple warnings, to fines, to skipping meals, to being flogged, to sleeping outside of the military camp, to losing retirement benefits, and in the rarest cases, soldiers could be sentenced to crucifixion (after previously seeing their citizenship terminated) or be sentenced to decimation. Decimations (from the Latin word ‘’Decimatio’’ which means ‘’to reduce by a tenth’’), although very rare, were practiced as an extreme measure to fight mutiny, insurgencies and cowardice among the ranks. Whenever the general of a legion would repute decimation a necessary evil to reinstate order among its ranks, the legion would be gathered and one out of its ten cohorts (between 480 to 600 soldiers), would be selected for the process. The selected cohort would then be further divided into groups of ten soldiers each, in which every soldier had to draw lots in order to figure out which soldier had to be sentenced. Once the victim was chosen, the nine remaining comrades were then forced to stone him, club him or stab him. The nine comrades, no matter how close they were to the victim emotionally, could not refuse to perform this execution, otherwise they would be executed too right on the spot. The decimation process does not end though with the victim being killed and the remaining comrades being psychologically traumatized for having killed someone they fought alongside with, it further proceeded with the soldiers being kicked out of the military camp for a whole night, alone, without a fire, at the mercy of the enemies or surrounding animals, and therefore further lowering their chances of survival, especially in winter. The survivors would then be reintroduced into the army, but with a change in their military rations. The diet of a Roman soldier consisted of approximately 3,000 calories a day, mostly covered through the consumption of wheat bread. The survivors, were not fed wheat bread, they were fed on barley bread, which is less tasty and less nutritious, for several days or weeks, causing a prolonged sense of weakness and low mental capacity, especially when considering that soldiers had to walk for 30 km (20 miles) a day while wearing equipment as heavy as 30 to 40 kg (70-90 lbs). Decimations were regarded as a more effective tool to instill fear into the souls of the soldiers, compared to the previous methods adopted by the Roman Army, like clubbing, whipping or executing an entire maniple which consisted of 120 to 160 soldiers. Decimations were rare during the ancient Roman times, the first documented case dates back to 471 BC during the Roman Republic's early wars against the Volsci which were recorded by Titus Livius. Another famous case is when Marcus Licinius Crassus in 71 BC during the Third Servile War against Spartacus decimated between 1,000 to 10,000 of his soldiers, to the point that his soldiers were more afraid of Marcus than afraid of Spartacus and his 120,000 army of slaves. The practice was adopted by Cesar Augustus too and, close to the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, the Emperor Macrinus introduced a less harsh version known as centesimatio, where only one man in 100 was killed. One case often forgotten is the decimation of the Theban Legion, a group of mercenaries consisting of 6,666 men who converted to Christianity and refused to obey the Emperor’s commands to fight against other Christians. The Emperor, furious and dishonored, ordered decimations after decimations until all the mercenaries were killed. Although the decimation is popular particularly when studying Roman history, it was not invented by the Romans. Before the Romans, some sources confirm that Alexander the Great used the decimation against 6,000 of his own soldiers. Writer: Vlad Racovita Editor: Mashudi Voice-Over: Colin Sheriff Ghannam Support us on Patreon!: https://www.patreon.com/VladRacovitaEN_ES Support us with a Super-Thanks to be listed at the end of the video! Or support us with a donation on Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=22SG5B4WVZHJL Our Channel in Spanish: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCajNyZbJu0kKNZVZr5ug6RQ/ #ancienthistory #ancientrome #romans Credits To: - Rome Total War Series
Velletri – An ancient Volscian settlement

Velletri – An ancient Volscian settlement

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:21
  • Uploaded Date: 03 Mar 2021
  • views: 645
A video about the city of Velletri, in the Lazio region of Italy. The city, known as Velitrae in ancient times, boasts a rich history and culture. Sites shown in the video: The Piazza Cairoli Fountain (1622) The Porta Napoletana (1511) Villa Ginnetti Park (XVII century entrance gate) Ex Convento del Carmine (XVII century) Velletri Cathedral (San Clemente) Music: https://www.bensound.com/
Chi erano i Volsci?

Chi erano i Volsci?

  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:31
  • Uploaded Date: 08 Mar 2021
  • views: 15843
Tra i primi avversari dei Romani, con i quali si scontrarono per il predominio del Lazio, i Volsci sono l'ennesima emanazione delle genti Osco-Umbre. Dai Monti Lepini fino alle Paludi Pontine, i Volsci si mossero alla conquista dei ricchi centri dei Latini e degli Aurunci per poi scontrarsi con Roma, alla quale diedero filo da torcere per tutto il V secolo a.C. Da bellicosi invasori a popolo al tramonto, pressato tra Romani e Sanniti, i Volsci persero definitivamente la loro indipendenza nel IV secolo a.C., ma entrarono a far parte gradatamente del tessuto sociale romano, fino a regalare all'Urbe una delle sue personalità di capitale importanza: Ottaviano Augusto. ========================================== 23 - CHI ERANO I VOLSCI? ========================================== 00:00 - Introduzione 00:24​​ - Origini e territorio 04:23​​ - Il rapporto con Roma 06:47​ - La Guerra Latina 10:06​ - La "Defectio" di Vitruvio Vacco ========================================== "Monti Volsci - Anima Selvaggia del Lazio": YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi3KbdX40D-ilTuny9dywiA/videos FB: https://www.facebook.com/MontiVolsci/ ========================================== A cura di Gioal Canestrelli Istituto di Archeologia Sperimentale "Fianna ap Palug" di Verona Montaggio di Angela Ruggero
How to Pronounce Volscian

How to Pronounce Volscian

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:17
  • Uploaded Date: 25 Feb 2015
  • views: 1402
This video shows you how to pronounce Volscian
Roman-Volscian wars

Roman-Volscian wars

  • Order:
  • Duration: 14:08
  • Uploaded Date: 01 Jan 2016
  • views: 527
If you find our videos helpful you can support us by buying something from amazon. https://www.amazon.com/?tag=wiki-audio-20 Roman-Volscian wars ☆Video is targeted to blind users Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA image source in video
Legends of Ancient Rome: Coriolanus

Legends of Ancient Rome: Coriolanus

  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:16
  • Uploaded Date: 06 Jul 2022
  • views: 3182
This episode is going to explore the early Roman legend of Coriolanus based in the early republic and in doing so attempt to separate history from myth. Some character names of this legend differ from source to source so this video used the ancient historian Livy's version to settle these discrepancies. Music Above and Beyond Silent Partner YouTube Audio Library license Primary Sources Livy, Books I-V Livy, The Early History of Rome, Penguin Classics, London, Translated by Aubrey De Selincourt, 1960. Plutarch, Coriolanus Plutarch, Makers of Rome, Penguin Classics, London, Translated by Ian Scott-Kilvert, 1965. Secondary Sources Chronicle of the Roman Republic, Rulers of Ancient Rome from Romulus to Augustus, Philip Matyszak, Thames & Hudson, London, 2003. Early Roman Armies, N Sekunda & S Northwood, Osprey Publishing, Oxford, 2008.
How to say "volscian"! (High Quality Voices)

How to say "volscian"! (High Quality Voices)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:39
  • Uploaded Date: 07 Feb 2017
  • views: 104
Watch in this video how to say and pronounce "volscian"! The video is produced by yeta.io
How to Pronounce Volscian?

How to Pronounce Volscian?

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:11
  • Uploaded Date: 23 Apr 2019
  • views: 60
How to say Volscian? Learn the pronounciation Volscian! How to Pronounce Volscian. Expand your vocabulary, learn words. Use this free pronunciation guide to practice words at a time. Learn for free. Thank you for viewing, please like or subscribe! hoe om te sê, si të thuash, እንዴት እንደሚናገር, wie sagt man, comment dire, come dire, como dizer, как сказать, nasıl denir, cómo decir, 怎么说, πώς να το πω, hoe zeg je.
5M1 Volscian Supremacy (Coriolanus)

5M1 Volscian Supremacy (Coriolanus)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:12
  • Uploaded Date: 05 Jan 2021
  • views: 4
Provided to YouTube by DistroKid 5M1 Volscian Supremacy (Coriolanus) · Adam Gibson The Musical Anthology of the Show Must Go Online, Pt. 4 (Music & SFX Selections from the Web Series) ℗ adamgibsonsound Released on: 2020-12-22 Auto-generated by YouTube.
1M10 The Volscian Camp (Coriolanus)

1M10 The Volscian Camp (Coriolanus)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:12
  • Uploaded Date: 05 Jan 2021
  • views: 8
Provided to YouTube by DistroKid 1M10 The Volscian Camp (Coriolanus) · Adam Gibson The Musical Anthology of the Show Must Go Online, Pt. 4 (Music & SFX Selections from the Web Series) ℗ adamgibsonsound Released on: 2020-12-22 Auto-generated by YouTube.
developed with YouTube
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How Did Romans Perform Decimations?

How Did Romans Perform Decimations? You are the general of a Roman legion and the army is refusing to obey your orders, what now? The Roman Army had a very complex system of awards and sanctions to guarantee the safety and the functionality of its legions. Punishments for disobedient soldiers ranged from simple warnings, to fines, to skipping meals, to being flogged, to sleeping outside of the military camp, to losing retirement benefits, and in the rarest cases, soldiers could be sentenced to crucifixion (after previously seeing their citizenship terminated) or be sentenced to decimation. Decimations (from the Latin word ‘’Decimatio’’ which means ‘’to reduce by a tenth’’), although very rare, were practiced as an extreme measure to fight mutiny, insurgencies and cowardice among the ranks. Whenever the general of a legion would repute decimation a necessary evil to reinstate order among its ranks, the legion would be gathered and one out of its ten cohorts (between 480 to 600 soldiers), would be selected for the process. The selected cohort would then be further divided into groups of ten soldiers each, in which every soldier had to draw lots in order to figure out which soldier had to be sentenced. Once the victim was chosen, the nine remaining comrades were then forced to stone him, club him or stab him. The nine comrades, no matter how close they were to the victim emotionally, could not refuse to perform this execution, otherwise they would be executed too right on the spot. The decimation process does not end though with the victim being killed and the remaining comrades being psychologically traumatized for having killed someone they fought alongside with, it further proceeded with the soldiers being kicked out of the military camp for a whole night, alone, without a fire, at the mercy of the enemies or surrounding animals, and therefore further lowering their chances of survival, especially in winter. The survivors would then be reintroduced into the army, but with a change in their military rations. The diet of a Roman soldier consisted of approximately 3,000 calories a day, mostly covered through the consumption of wheat bread. The survivors, were not fed wheat bread, they were fed on barley bread, which is less tasty and less nutritious, for several days or weeks, causing a prolonged sense of weakness and low mental capacity, especially when considering that soldiers had to walk for 30 km (20 miles) a day while wearing equipment as heavy as 30 to 40 kg (70-90 lbs). Decimations were regarded as a more effective tool to instill fear into the souls of the soldiers, compared to the previous methods adopted by the Roman Army, like clubbing, whipping or executing an entire maniple which consisted of 120 to 160 soldiers. Decimations were rare during the ancient Roman times, the first documented case dates back to 471 BC during the Roman Republic's early wars against the Volsci which were recorded by Titus Livius. Another famous case is when Marcus Licinius Crassus in 71 BC during the Third Servile War against Spartacus decimated between 1,000 to 10,000 of his soldiers, to the point that his soldiers were more afraid of Marcus than afraid of Spartacus and his 120,000 army of slaves. The practice was adopted by Cesar Augustus too and, close to the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, the Emperor Macrinus introduced a less harsh version known as centesimatio, where only one man in 100 was killed. One case often forgotten is the decimation of the Theban Legion, a group of mercenaries consisting of 6,666 men who converted to Christianity and refused to obey the Emperor’s commands to fight against other Christians. The Emperor, furious and dishonored, ordered decimations after decimations until all the mercenaries were killed. Although the decimation is popular particularly when studying Roman history, it was not invented by the Romans. Before the Romans, some sources confirm that Alexander the Great used the decimation against 6,000 of his own soldiers. Writer: Vlad Racovita Editor: Mashudi Voice-Over: Colin Sheriff Ghannam Support us on Patreon!: https://www.patreon.com/VladRacovitaEN_ES Support us with a Super-Thanks to be listed at the end of the video! Or support us with a donation on Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=22SG5B4WVZHJL Our Channel in Spanish: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCajNyZbJu0kKNZVZr5ug6RQ/ #ancienthistory #ancientrome #romans Credits To: - Rome Total War Series
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Volscian language

Volscian was a Sabellic Italic language, which was spoken by the Volsci and closely related to Oscan and Umbrian.

It is attested in an inscription found in Velitrae (Velletri), dating probably from early in the 3rd century BC; it is cut upon a small bronze plate (now in the Naples Museum), which must have once been fixed to some votive object, dedicated to the god Declunus (or the goddess Decluna). The language of this inscription is clear enough to show the very marked peculiarities that rank it close to the language of the Iguvine Tables. It shows on the one hand the labialization of the original velar q (Volscian pis = Latin quis), and on the other hand it palatalizes the guttural c before a following i (Volscian facia Latin faciat). Like Umbrian also, but unlike Latin and Oscan, it has degraded all the diphthongs into simple vowels (Volscian se parallel to Oscan svai; Volscian deue, Old Latin and Oscan deiuai or deiuoi). This phenomenon of what might have been taken for a piece of Umbrian text appearing in a district remote from Umbria and hemmed in by Latins on the north and Oscan-speaking Samnites on the south is a most curious feature in the geographical distribution of the Italic dialects, and is clearly the result of some complex historical movements.

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